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1、第 1 页 共 5 页 高考英语语法单项选择模拟训练专项03 形容词副词 1. Mrs White. bought a _ wallet for her husband. A. black leather small B. small leather black C. black small leather D. small black leather 2.-I think the company may not offer you a good pay. -_, I won t take the job. A. That is to say B. What is more C. In oth

2、er words D. In that case 3.Let me help you , Tom ! Thank you . I can do it. Heres to hold all these things . A. a big enough case Ban enough big case C. a case enough big Da case big enough 4. How did you find your visit to Disneyland? I enjoyed it very much. It was _ than I had expected. A. far mor

3、e interested B. far more interesting C. so interesting D. even more interested 5. Yao Ming has begun his new season in NBA. Yes, he couldn t have wished for a _ start to the new NBA year. He scored 19 points in 20 minutes in the opening game. A. better B. good C. nice D. best 6.George is a wise pers

4、on . But in my opinion , he is than wise . A. cleverer Bbraver C. more brave D less brave 7.)Could we stay here for the night? Sorry. I have _ to hold you all. A. too small a room B. very small a room C. a too small room D. such small a room 8. The bicycles in the other shops will be _but _. A. chea

5、per, not as good B. more cheap, not as better C. cheaper, not as better D. more cheap, not as good 9. The finance minister is not very _ now since he has raised taxes to a such a high level. 第 2 页 共 5 页 A. famous B. well-known C. popular D. favourable 10. He s not got another job yet and it s not _

6、he will for some time. A. likelyB. easily C. nearly D. lonely 11. Has the design of the city square been decided? No, its still _ to suggestions. A. open Bwelcome C. ready Dhopeful 12. Jane was so for the news of her lost child that she was almost driven . A. proper , madly Bthirsty , mad C. sad , m

7、adly D curious , mad 13. It s always difficult being in a foreign country, _ if you don t speak the language. A. naturally B. basically C. unluckily D. especially 14. Dr Watson wrote his name and carefully at the top of the paper. A. anxiously Battentively C. obviously D clearly 15. We do meet now a

8、nd then, but not _. A. freely Bcommonly C. regularly D presently 16.What a pity ! I ve not got a ticket for the football match . Don t worry . It ll be broadcast . A. live Blively C. alive D living 17. We all do more speaking , even when we have a break after class . A. now and then Bby and by C. st

9、ep by step D more or less 18. , most teenagers now listen to rock music . However, Jonah prefers classical music . A. In a word BIn general C. In particular D In total 19. I thought horseback riding would be the sport for me until I fell down from the horse back .As you can imagine ,I haven t been i

10、nvited back . A. later Bsince C. after D ever 20. It s widely known that first aid is important and you can save lives if the right action is taken. A. terribly Bhardly C. scarcely D rarely 21. He slipped and had his leg broken. ,he will have to be away from school for two or three months. A. In any

11、 case BAfter all C. As a result DIn this way 第 3 页 共 5 页 22.Do you like Nack ? Yes , Nack is good , kind , hard working and intelligent; , I cant speak too highly of him . A. as a result Bin a word C. by the way D on the contrary 23. This play, _, is very wonderful: there are many interesting charac

12、ters in it. A. out of the questionB. on the whole C. in doubtD. under no condition 24.If I m not mistaken, your birthday is coming up. Has your brother sent you anything? Not yet. He never forgets, _. A. since Btherefore C. so Dthough 25. He is ready to help others ,seldom, refusing them when they t

13、urn to him. A. if never Bif ever C. if not D if any 【答案解析】 1、D 此题考查名词前多个形容词的排列顺序。一般顺序为: size + general description + age + shape + color +material + origin + purpose ( A Practical English Grammar ) , 故选 D。 2、D 本题考查副词短语在具体语意环境下的应用。此题可先排除语义一致的A、C 两项。 B 项表 示递进, D 项表示条件。该题语意为:假如那家公司给出的工资不高的话,我就不要那份工 作。故

14、选 D 项。 3、A 本题考查enough 与形容词连用时的位置关系。当enough 修饰形容词或副词时,enough 应 放在形容词、副词之后,故选A。 4、B 本题考查形容词及其比较等级的用法。interesting 一般用来修饰事物,interested 一般用来 修饰人,可排除A、D。比较等级前可用much、a lot、any、a little 、 far 等表示程度的副词 来修饰。故选B。 5、A 本题形容词的比较等级表示最高级含义的用法。形容词的比较级用在否定句中可表示最高级 第 4 页 共 5 页 含义,本句句意为:他不可能希望有比这更好的开端。故选A。 6、C more,tha

15、n, 与其说 , ,倒不如说, ,多用来对某一事物内部不同性质的比较。与其说他聪 明,倒不如说他勇敢。故选C。 7、A 本题考查形容词与too 连用时的特殊词序。当形容词与too, how, as, so 连用时,词序是: too/how/as/too+ 形容词 +a/an+名词。 需要注意的是, 该结构必须有冠词。B、D 则应分别改为: a very small room; such a small room . 故选 A。 8、A 本题可采用增元法或补全法来解题。把句子补全为:The bicycles in the other shops will be than the ones in

16、this shop , but they won t be _ as the ones in this shop. 很明显,答案为A。 9、C 本题考查考生对近义形容词的辨析能力。因为财政部长把税收提高了那么高的水平,所以他 不受欢迎。 be popular 受欢迎。故选C。 10、 A likely 形容词,意为“有可能的”,easily 、nearly 为副词 , lonely 意思不适合,故选A。 11、A be open to: 向 , 开放,为固定短语。故选A。 12、 B 孩子丢了, Jane当然非常想知道孩子的消息,以至于几乎要发疯。be thirsty for 渴望。 drive sb mad 使某人发疯。故选B。 13、 D 在国外非常不容易,尤其是 如果你


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