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1、【201】 If no one _ the phone at home, ring me at work. 【译文】如果家里没人回电话,请打给我工作的地方。 A. returns B. replies C. answers D. receives 【答案及简析】C。 固定搭配。回电话一般用answer the phote。 【202】 -When will they come back? - I _ don t know. 【译文】-他们什么时候回来?-我真的不知道。 A. simply B. hopefully C. happen D. as well 【答案及简析】A。 simply 用来

2、修饰动词,加强语气,意为真的,确实 。 【203】 Speech is _ heard when it is given in a clear voice just slightly louder than normal. 【译文】演讲的声音稍稍比平常清晰的声音大一些,效果会更好。 A. hardly B. less C. completelyD. best 【答案及简析】D。 best 是 well 的最高级形式修饰动词,表示最好 。 【204】 The news sounds _. 【译文】消息听起来令人鼓舞。 A. Encouraging B. encouraged C. encoura

3、ge D. to encourage 【答案及简析】A。 sound 是系动词,后面得用形容词作表语。而现在分词表示主语 的特征,故只能用A。 【205】 Seeing the sun _ above the surface of the sea we burst out a shout of joy. 【译文】当看到太阳从海平面冉冉升起的时候,我们发出高兴的叫喊。 A. to rise B. to raise C. rising D. raising 【答案及简析】C。 感官动词后面用现在分词作宾补,表示正在进行。 【206】 _ on the portrait, mother was de

4、ep in thought. 【译文】凝视着画像,妈妈陷入沉思。 A. Fixed her eyes B. Her eyes are fixed C. Her eyes fixing D. With her eyes fixed 【答案及简析】D。 复合结构。 With + 名词+ 过去分词短语,表示伴随。 【207】 As she _ the newspaper, Granny _ asleep. 【译文】奶奶读报的时候她睡着了。 A. read ; was falling B. was reading; fell C. was reading; was falling D. read; f

5、ell 【答案及简析】A。 as引导的时间状语从句,表示两个动作的同时进行。 【208】 They waited and waited. _ they had been looking forward to. 【译文】他们等呀等呀,他们盼望的时刻终于来到了。 A. Then the hour came B. The hour then came C. Then came the hour D. Then did the hour come 【答案及简析】C。 then 等副词在句首, 句子要完全倒装;后面还跟了一个定语从句。 【209】 Gone forever _ when we used

6、foreign oil. 【译文】我们使用洋油的时代已一去不复返了。 A. the days are B. the days were C. are the days D. were the days 【答案及简析】C。 这是一个典型的倒装句型。 【210】 I m not going to he lp you steal a can, what do you _? 【译文】我不会帮你偷罐头的,你把我当什么了? A. call me B. think me C. take me for D. read me 【答案及简析】C。 take for 把 .误认为 .。 【211】 - Haven

7、t you heard the news? -What news?- Some of the workers are _ while others are _. 【译文】-你听到这个消息吗?-什么消息?-一些工人在游行,另一些工人在 罢工。 A. on the march, on strike B. on march, on strike C. on the march, on the strike D. on the strike, on march 【答案及简析】B。 on march 游行; on strike 罢工。 【212】 No race war is worse than _

8、inside single family. 【译文】没有一个民族战争比一个家庭内战更糟糕。 A. it B. that C. one D. war 【答案及简析】C。 代词 one代替前面提到的名词war。 【213】 The students are _ young people between the age of sixteen and twenty. 【译文】这些学生大部分都是年龄在16 到 20 岁之间的年轻人。 A. most B. almost C. mostly D. at most 【答案及简析】C。 mostly大部分 主要用作表语。 【214】 _ a reply, he

9、 decided to write again. 【译文】没有收到回信,他决定再写一封信。 A. Not receiving B. Receiving not C. Not having receiving D. Having not receiving 【答案及简析】C。 现在分词的完成形式表示动作发生在主句动作之前。 【215】 So excited _ that he couldnt say a word. 【译文】他太激动了以至于说不出一句话来。 A. was he B. he was C. did he be D. did he was 【答案及简析】A。 so.that.结构位于句

10、首主句要部分倒装,so 要连同它所修饰词语 一道倒装。 【216】 Dinner ll be ready in a few minutes. Youd better _. 【译文】晚饭马上就准备好了。你最好把手洗了。 A. wash B. wash himself C. get washed D. washing 【答案及简析】C。 get 是系动词,故后面跟过去分词作表语。 【217】 In fact she was _ of softball, tennis and track. 【译文】事实上,她更喜欢垒球,网球和田径。 A. much more fond B. much fond C.

11、 very fonder D. too more fond 【答案及简析】A。 fond 的比较级是加more 构成。 【218】 She is _ out on Sundays. 【译文】星期天她大部分时间在外面。 A. almost B. mostly C. most D. the most 【答案及简析】B。 mostly 用作表语表示大部分 。 【219】 It may rain, but I shall go out _. 【译文】也许会下雨,但无论无何我要出去。 A. somehow B. anyhow C. somewhat D. anywhere 【答案及简析】B。 anyho

12、w 副词, 无论无何 。 【220】 Not until Mr. Smith came to China _what kind of a country she is from. 【译文】直到他来到中国,Mr. Smith 才意识到她来自哪个国家。 A. Didn t he know B. Had he known C. Hadnt he known D. Did he know 【答案及简析】D。 not until 在句首主句要部分倒装。 【221】 So badly _ in the accident that he was sent to a hospital. 【译文】他受伤这样严重

13、被送去医院了。 A. did he hurt B. he was hurt C. was he hurt D. be did hurt 【答案及简析】C。 sothat 结构在句首主句要部分倒装。So 连同它所修饰的部分 一道倒装。 【222】 _ about the universe up till now. 【译文】直到现在他对宇宙仍然知道甚少。 A. So little had me known B. Only a little do we know C. Very little have we known D. Little shall we know 【答案及简析】C。 little

14、 等否定词在句首,句子要部分倒装。 【223】 _ unless I call you. 【译文】我不叫你就不要进来。 A. Please come B. Not come in C. Dont come in D. Come in 【答案及简析】C。 unless = ifnot 除非,如果不 【224】 Do you mind _ alone at home? 【译文】把 Jane独自留在家里,你不介意吗? A. Jane leaving B. Jane having left C. Jane s being left D. Jane to be left 【答案及简析】C。 mind 后

15、面一般跟动名词,此句是动名词的复合结构作宾语。 【225】 I d rather he _ tomorrow afternoon. 【译文】我宁愿他明天下午来。 A. will come B. comes C. coming D. came 【答案及简析】D。 would rather 后面的宾语从句用过去时态表示虚拟语气。注意, 该句型中主句中没有谓语动词。 【226】 _ knocked down and hurt worried her friends. 【译文】Kate 被撞倒和受伤使她的朋友担心。 A. K ate s being B. Kate was C. Kate being D. Kate had been 【答案及简析】A。 动名词的复合结构作主语应该是规范的形式。 【227】 If you _ the medicine you _ better now. 【译文】如果你吃了这药,现在会感觉得好些。 A. took ; would feel B. had taken ; felt C. had taken ; would feel D. took ;would have felt 【答案及简析】C。 错综复杂条件状语从句中的虚拟语气问题。从句与主句的时态各 自判



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