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1、1 学校 : 滕州市北辛中学九年级 2013年 3月 8日 第 2 周 星期五第五课时主讲人 : 岳凯 个人手机 :13606329676 邮箱 : 单元题目Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Section B(3a-4)阅读课 一、 Teaching Goals: Learn and use the vocabularies: slide, water slide, clown, staff, organized, dress up, market, take dance lessons. We learn a

2、bout the city of Watertown. Watertown is a great place for the family to take a vacation. They have organized games and the staff dress up as clowns. Parents will spend many happy hours walking through the History Museum. Enable the students to learn how to write a guide to a city or town. Train the

3、 students to love helping other people. 二、 Teaching and learning steps : Step One: Preview: 1、Let the students read the words according to the phonetic symbols.( 让学生学会用据音标读单 词,学会自学,这样为他们的终身学习奠定基础) 2. Look at P90, put the following into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text

4、book. 1)小丑 _2)职员 _3) 有组织的 _4)市场 _ 5)在水城 _6) 度假 _ 7) 世界上最大的水滑道_8) 在鲍勃大叔的餐厅_ 9)有组织的游戏_10). 装扮成小丑_ 11).味美价 _12). 上舞蹈课 _ 【设计意图】培养学生养成预习习惯,并用简单工具书查找信息,遇到困难时有效地寻求 帮助。 Step Two: Warming up and leading in 热身导入 1. Check the homework by asking the students for some information about Watertown. T: Have you fou

5、nd any information about Watertown? Where is it? What is it famous as? S: Yes, I have. Watertown is in Florida, America . It is famous as American Venice. 2. 1)Talk about the water slides. T: Have you ever played the water slides? What do you think of this game? Do you like it? Where can you play th

6、is game in Tengzhou? 2 2)Let the students discuss in groups, talk about their ideas. 【设计意图】鼓励学生在课前收集Watertown 及水滑道的信息与图片,展开小组竞赛形 式,鼓励学生不拘泥课件,畅所欲言。看看哪个小组介绍的最好,他们会有 很多的话题来谈论,充分利用现代教育技术,能拓宽学生的学习渠道和学习 兴趣。让学生欣赏各种水滑道的图片,吸引学生的兴趣,调动他们各种感官, 激发学习兴趣。 3. T: “生态园” is a great place to have fun , do you think so?

7、T: This class we will visit the Watertown , there are many interesting things to do. What can the people do in Watertown? Le t s read 3a. Step Three: Reading Read the review fast and silently to find the general idea 读取大意。 Eat, have fun and learn in Watertown The main idea of the article is about _

8、A. the water slides B. what the parents can do in Watertown C. what the kids and teenagers can do in Watertown D. the Watertown 【设计意图】 : 训练学生集中精力快速阅读,敏锐捕获信息的能力跳读的能力,一般的 中下等学生都能找出。此环节设计简单,目的让学生树立信心。 Read the text carefully and silently to find the specific ideas 读取细节 Task One: 1. Read the article and

9、 fill in the chart. a great place to do sth. 一个做某事的好地方 eat have fun Watertownow learn 3 kids teenagers parents eat have fun Water slides learn 2. The student read them out by themselves, try to say them aloud without books. 【设计意图】 : 此阅读让学生从整体上理解,回答完问题后,让学生大声朗读课文,目的是 让提高他们读和口语表达能力,学生在读的过程中,体会句意及一些固定搭

10、配的用法,为读 后输出做准备。 : Task Two: 1. Read the article again carefully, try to answer the questions. 1). Where can the rock band play their music? 2). How is the food at the Farmer s Market? 2. Read the article , find out these sentences. 1) 水城是家庭度假的好去处。 2)他们安排了有序的游戏而且所有员工都装扮成小丑。 3)家长们将徜徉在历史博物馆中度过许多好时光。 【设

11、计意图】培养学生在读的过程中注意细节,进一步加深理解课文。 Step Four: Post-reading activities 读后活动 Task One: 1. Read the article again, fill in the blanks. Watertown is a great place _the family _ _a vacation. Teenagers want _ _ the world s largest _ _ and eat _ _ _. A different rock band plays at Uncle Bob s every night. Kids

12、will enjoy the Clown City Caf. They have _ _ and the staff dress up as _. There s also a lot for parents in Watertown. If they love good food, they can find it at the _ _ where the food is both and _.While the children have fun, parents can _ _ _ on the beach. And everyone can learn something in Wat

13、ertown. There are three museums ! Teenagers love the _ Museum and kids enjoy the _ Museum. Parents will spend many happy hours _ _ the History Museum. 2. Read it aloud, try to retell them. 【设计意图】这是关于3a 课文的复述,在充分阅读及听录音的基础上,通过一 定的操练学生进一步加深对课文的记忆,让学生借助这个支架来复述课文,就是一个知识输 出的过程。 此环节不仅是进一步的培养学生的阅读能力,也培养他的复述

14、课文的能力。让学 生在了解文章的基础上,锻炼他们的思维能力、口头表达能力。 Teacher s Words: Live well, love lots, and laugh often. 善待生活,热爱一切,经常开怀大笑。 4 【设计意图】在对学生进行知识教育的同时,依然要注重对学生的情感教育。 Step Five: Writing (3b) 1. Let the students complete this guide to Sunville . Use the information from 2a and 2b. SUNVILLE has something for everyone. If you re looking for museums, _ _ _ _ 2. Groupwork Let the students write a guide to our town Tengz


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