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1、Unit2 Keeping Healthy Topic 1 You should brush your teethtwicea day. SectionB 导学案 一、学习目标 1、单词: heyterribleflumedicinesuggestioncandybrushlierest 2、短语:dayandnightlie downfeel terribletakesomemedicinehavearest go homego to schooltoo muchbrushyour teethlots of boiled water 3、句子: What sthematter? I mfee

2、ling terrible. I msorry to hearthat. Shall I takeyou to thehospital? You dbettertakesomemedicine. I llgo homeandhavearest. 4、语法: should/shouldnt; hadbetter/hadbetternot+动词原型 二、自主学习 1、熟读 1A 对话,完成 1B,1C; 2、仿写 3 的对话,与同桌进行练习; 3、熟悉 2 和 4a、4b; 三、合作探案 1、找出下列短语 日日夜夜 _躺下_吃药_休息_ 太多_刷牙_患流感 _最好 (做) _ 2、完成下列句子 (

3、1) 我感到很高兴 I m feeling _. (2) 你像这样有多久了? _haveyou _like this ? (3) 你最好躺下休息一下。 _lie down and havea rest. (4) 你不能吃太多的糖。 You_eat_candy. (5) 你最好不要熬夜。 You_stayup late. 3、补全对话 A: Goodmorning,Doctor Li. B: Good morning,Kangkang.11. A: I haveaheadacheandcoughday andnight. B: 12. A: About 2 days. B: Let me see

4、.Oh, you haveacold. A: 13. B: Nothing serious. A: 14. B: Takesomemedicine andhaveagood rest.You llgetbettersoon. A: 15.Goodbye! 4、阅读理解 One day a dentist was starting his morning work. Suddenly a man ran in. His face was red and he could only say “ Quick! Quick!”.The dentistthought he must be very il

5、l. His assistanthelped to makethe poor man sit in a chair. The dentist gave the man some medicine to make him sleep.Then, he looked into the mansmouth and pulled out all the bad teeth.As soon as the man woke up, he said in a low voice, “ Quick, doctor,quick. ” “ It sall right now, ”the dentisttold h

6、im, “ It sover.” “ You don tunderstand,”saidthe man,“I cameto tell you your houseis on fire. ” 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 ()31.The story took place(发生) _. A. in themorningB. in the afternoonC. in theeveningD. atnight ()32.When themanranin, the dentistthought hemustbe_. A. overB. illC. all rightD. rich ()33.The

7、man_after hetook somemedicine. A. beganto workB. beganto cry C. went homeD. went to sleep ()34.The dentistpulled _out of the mansmouth. A. a toothB. abadtooth C. all the badteethD. all theteeth ()35.The manran in _. A. becausehewas ill B. becausehewanted to sleep C. to tell the dentistthat hewas all right D. to tell the dentistthat his housewason fire 四、你学到了什么? 五、课后作业 1、抄写并记忆本课单词和短语、句子 2、完成练习册 SectionB 3、背诵 1a对话



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