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1、Unit 4Topic 3Section A1 八年级上册教案设计 Unit 4 Our World Topic 3The Internet makes the world smaller. SectionA . Materialanalysis Section A 的主要教学活动为1a 和 2。 本节课主要是通过Maria 和 Kangkang 的对话, 来谈论因特网带给人们的便利,并简单地 介绍了因特网的知识,通过对话引出了本节课的语法重点“Subject+Vt.+Object+Object complement”结构,这也是本话题的重点。本课2 部分提供了大量的图片、短语等操练该语 法结

2、构。语法练习比较枯燥,老师可以通过设计对话练习、抢答、竞赛等方式,吸引学生的 注意力。学生通过模仿、操练逐步达到应用的水平。 . Teaching aims Knowledge aims: 1. 能够根据音标正确拼读cheap, online, information, headmaster 等。 2. 能正确地拼写本课生词,明白形容词、名词、动词不定式等可以用作宾语补足语。 3. 了解“主语 +及物动词 +宾语 +宾语补足语”的结构,能将这一结构融入到具体的句子之中。 4. 能运用本课所学语言知识,谈论因特网带给我们的便利。 Skill aims: 1. 能听懂有关谈论因特网的作用及简单的背

3、景知识的对话。 2. 能运用本课所学知识正确地谈论因特网带给我们的便利。 3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,读懂介绍人们在生活中如何利用因特网带给自己便利的文章。 4. 能写出介绍自己及他人如何利用因特网带给生活便利的文章。 Emotional aims: 培养学生通过各种不同的方式学习英语,正确地使用因特网。 . The key points and difficultpoints Key points: 1. 学习 “ Subject+Vt.+Object+Objectcomplement”结构在句子当中的使用。 2. 了解有关因特网带给人们便捷的知识。 3. 复习形容词的比较级和最高级。

4、Difficultpoints: 学习“主语 +及物动词 +宾语 +宾语补足语”的结构在句子当中的使用。 . Learningstrategies 1. 在和他人交谈,或者自己用英语阐述某个观点的时候,适时地用一些如:Well, Let me see,Er 等,可以为你争取思考的时间。 2. 将平时自己使用因特网的经验和课文做对比,可以帮助你更快记忆1a 的知识点和背 诵 1a。 Unit 4Topic 3Section A2 . Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector Unit 4Topic 3Section A3 . Teaching pro

5、cedures Step Interaction pattern Student activityTeacher activity Introduction (5 minutes) 1. The whole class work and individual work 2. Group work andindividual work 3. Group work 4. The whole class work 1. Discuss in groups, and make a table to show their results. 2. Students should give a report

6、 like this: In our group there are 2 students like chatting on QQ and 3 students like studying on the Internet. The number of studentswho like shoppingon theInternet is 1 more than those like chatting on QQ. 3. Students discuss in groups. They can find theanswerson Page97. Studentswho previewed the

7、passagecan find the answers quickly. 4. Students read thesenew wordsandrememberthe meanings quickly, because theyneedto express thesewords meanings in this class. 1. Make a survey. Teacher shows the following questions on the screen: (1) How many students like studyingontheInternet? (2) How many stu

8、dents like shoppingontheInternet? (3)Howmanystudents like chatting on QQ? (4) How many students like playingcomputergames? 2. Invite students to report their results. Remind students to use comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives better. 3. Teacher interviews some studentswhytheylike chatt

9、ingonQQ/shopping online/studyingonthe Internet. 4. Teacher teachesthe new words: “ cheap, online, information,face to face” at this time. Unit 4Topic 3Section A4 Presentation (10 minutes) 1. The whole class work 2. Individualwork 3. The whole class work andindividual work 4.The whole class work and

10、individual work 5. The whole classwork and individual work 6. The whole class work 7. The whole class work and individual work 8. Pair work 9. The whole class work 1. Students look at the picture and thinkwhat theytalkedjustnow. Theycanpredictthe passagecorrectly. 2. Students listen to 1a and check

11、whether their predictionisrightornot. 3. Students are familiar with 1b. They can pay moreattentiontothe blankswhentheyare listening. 4. At this time students shouldcheckthe answers and fillin all the blanks. 5. One student reads1b otherschecktheanswers. If theyfindsome mistakes, they can hand upandr

12、evisethem. 6. Students read 1a sentencebysentence afterthe tape. Imitate thepronunciationand intonation. 7. Students read 1a by themselves. Hands up if theyhaveany questions. 8. Students work in pairs. They had better act1aoutwithout looking at it. 9. Students try to be brave next time. 1. Ask stude

13、nts to look at the picture in 1a carefully, and predict what Maria and Kangkang aredoing now. 2. Play 1a. 3. Finish 1b. Show 1b to students. Give students 1 minuteto read the passage. Then play 1a again. 4. Play 1a . 5. Invite students to check theanswers.Givethe volunteers smiling faces. 6. Play 1a

14、 sentenceby sentence. 7. Give students 2 minutes to read 1a. Walk around the classroom. Listen and revise students pronunciation. 8. Finish 1c. Encourage students to act 1a out with the help of 1b. 9. Give the students who acted1asmilingfaces. Encouragestudentsto answer questions bravely. Unit 4Topi

15、c 3Section A5 Consolidation (13minutes) 1. The whole class work 2. The whole class work 3. The whole class work 4. The whole class work 5. The whole classwork and group work 6. The whole class work and individualwork 1. Students find the information very quickly. Infact, some students answered this

16、question at the beginning of this class. They may answer, “ Things on the Internet is a little cheaper.” 2. Students feel the structure:make+Object +cheaper, help+Object +to find. 3. Students are familiar with the structure with thehelpof theexamples. 4. Students imitate the examplesandmake sentences. Students may make many mistakes. 5. Studentsmakesentences in groups. Discuss and learn by doing it. 6. Volunteers make sentences whileother studentscheckthe answers together. 1.Encourage st



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