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1、英语代词练习题及答案一。 单项填空1. Tom, Please pass _ the glasses. I want to read the newspapers.A. you B. me C. him D. her2. The English novel is quite easy for you. There are _ new words in it.A. a little B. little C. a few D. few3. -You want _ sandwich?-Yes, I usually eat a lot when Im hungry.A. other B. anothe

2、r C. others D. the other4. The doctors and nurses are doing their best to fight SARS. They think more of others than _.A. they B. them C. themselves D. theirs5. -Which do you prefer, a bottle of orange or a bottle of milk?-_, thanks. Id like a cup of tea.A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None6. -Oh! I

3、 came in a hurry and forgot to bring food.-Never mind. You can have _.A. us B. ours C. you D. yours7. -Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning?-_ is OK. Im free today and tomorrow.A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None8. -How are you going to improve _ this term?-Work harder than last term.A. ours

4、elves B. myself C. himself D. yourself9. -Could you tell me _ she is looking for?-Her cousin, Susan.A. that B. whose C. who D. which10. -Is _ here?-No. Li Lei and Han Mei have asked for leave.A. everybody B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody11. Paul has _ friends except me, and sometimes he feels lonely

5、.A. many B. some C. few D. more12. If you want to book a round-trip ticket, youll have to pay _ $ 30.A. more B. other C. the other D. another13. -Do you live by yourself, Mr Wang?-Yes. I have two sons. But _ of them lives with me. They are now studying in America?A. neither B. both C. none D. either

6、14. -Have you sent your parents an E-mail telling them you arrived safe?-No. _ of them can use a computer.A. None B. Both C. Neither D. All15. Who taught _ English last term? Was _ Mr. Smith?A. you; it B. you; he C. your; it D. your; that16. -That woman has a bag in her right hand. Whats in her _ ha

7、nd?A. another B. other C. one D. the other17. We decided to go for a field trip with some friends of _.A. us B. our C. ours D. ourselves18. -Is there a bus to the zoo?-Im afraid theres _ bus to the zoo.A. no B. any C. some D. none19. You forgot your dictionary? You may have _.A. me B. my C. mine D.

8、myself20. This is _ classroom. Where is _?A. our; them B. us; they C. our; theirs D. ours; theirs二。 用所给代词的适当形式填空1. This is not my pencil-box. _ ( I ) is in the bag.2. Trees are planted in _ ( we ) country every year, which makes our country more and more beautiful.3. -Is that bike Miss Gaos?-Yes, it

9、 is _(she) 。 Beautiful, isnt it?4. Help _ (you) to some fruit, Jack.5. -Who taught your brother to surf?-Nobody. He learnt all by _ (he)。6. Their English teacher is from America, but _ (we) is from England.7. Marys answer is different from _ ( I )。8. -My watch keeps good time. What about _(you)?-Min

10、e? Oh, two minutes slow.9. Sam is my brother. Do you like to play with _ (he)?10. Did you enjoy _ (you), Mary and Kate?三。 用适当的代词填空1. The old man has two sons. One is a worker, _ is a teacher.2. Students are usually interested in sports. Some like running; some like swimming; _ like ball games.3. Let

11、s go and have a drink. Weve got _ time before the train leaves.4. We were all very tired, but _ of us would like to have a rest.5. _ of the twins are in our class.6. Boys, dont touch the machines, or you may hurt _.7. It is said there is going to be _ important in the CCTV news.8. We couldnt buy any

12、thing because _ of the shops opened at that time.9. They didnt learn _ new in this lesson.10. -Why is _ easy for such a young girl to learn three foreign languages so well?-Because Britain, Germany and France are all very near _ country.四。 用适当的疑问代词和关系代词填空1. _ is the population of the world today?2.

13、_ jumped the longest of all in the long jump?3. - _ colour is your mothers dress?-Its black.4. -_ is your car?-The red one in front of the tree.5. -_ of the following can you often find on a medicine bottle?-I know, sir. Its instruction.6. The necklace _ she is wearing is beautiful.7. Do you know th

14、e person _ lost his bike?8. Most people _ live in less developed countries are quite poor.9. The boy _ is helping the old man is Johns brother.10. People _ use credit cards to buy things online should be very careful初中英语代词专练1.You may come to my house _ this week_ next week.A .neither; or B .from ; to C .either ;or D. either; nor2.I dont think we can do it all_ .A. by ourselves B. by myself C. by ourself D .by yourselves3.I dont want this shirt. Please show me_A .others B .the other



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