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1、高考议论文素材以及英语写作范文 高考议论文素材以及英语写作范文是一篇好的范文,好的范文应该跟大家分享,重新了一下发到。 高考作文是很多学生苦恼的问题,无论是还是语文作文,都难于完成,下面给你们带来相关文章!欢迎大家前来观看! 考场作文素材:xx高考议论文写作素材集萃8 妒忌对妒忌者之为害,犹如铁锈之于铁。迪安吉利斯 孤独的花儿,不要嫉妒繁密的刺儿。泰戈尔 忌妒我的人在不知不觉中颂扬了我。纪伯伦 寓言故事 山羊与驴:有个人饲养着山羊和驴子。主人总是给驴子喂充足的饲料,嫉妒心很重的山羊便对驴子说,你一会儿要推磨,一会儿又要驮沉重的货物,十分辛苦,不如装病,摔倒在地上,便可以得到休息。驴于听从了山羊

2、的劝告,摔得遍体鳞伤。主人请来医生,为他治疗。医生说要将山羊的心肺熬汤作药给驴子喝,才可以治好。于是,主人马上杀掉山羊去为驴子治病。这故事是说,凡是策划作恶的人,将自食其果,没有好下场。伊索寓言 该隐和亚伯都是亚当和夏娃所生,是一对亲兄弟。他们都献祭物给上帝。上帝看中了亚伯所献的祭物,而没有接纳该隐所献的礼物。该隐怪他的兄弟,先是气得睡不着觉,吃不下饭。后来,他干脆不跟兄弟亚伯说话。直到有一天,妒火中烧的该隐竟把亲弟弟亚伯引诱到田里杀害了。他自己从此也受到上帝的惩罚,不得不离家出走,过着逃亡的生活。 科学数据 心理学家的观察研究证明,嫉妒心强烈的人易患,心脏病,而且死亡率也高;而嫉妒心较少的人

3、群,心脏病的发病率和死亡率只有前者的1312。此外,如头痛、胃痛、高血压等病症。易发生于嫉妒心强的人,并且药物的治疗效果也较差。 惜时 诗词名句 盛年不再来,一日难再晨;及时当自励,岁月不待人。(陶渊明) 三更灯火五更鸡,正是男儿立志时。黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。(颜真卿) 多少事,从来急;天地转,光阴迫。一万年太久,只争朝夕。 逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜,: 语出论语子罕。意为:时间就像流水一样呀,日夜不停地流去:、 圣人不贵尺之璧,而重寸之阴,时难得而易失也。 语出淮南子说林力,I。意为:圣人不以盈尺的璧玉为贵,而珍惜一寸的光阴,这是因为时间难以得到却容易失去; 事实论据 一日分作“三天”

4、用俄国著名地质学家奥勃鲁契夫把每个工作日分成“三天”:“第一天”从早晨到下午两点,这段时间用以做最重要的工作;“第二天”从下午两点到晚上六点,做比较轻松的工作;“第三天”是晚上六点到十二点,主要用以读书或必要的活动。他说,这样就等于把生命延长了两倍。 谈话只有五分钟革命烈士邓中夏在北京大学读书时,极为珍惜时间。当时,有些人经常来找邓中夏天南海北地胡扯,不得已,他便写了一张“五分钟谈话”的纸条,贴在书桌上以为提醒,结果不仅自己赢得了宝贵的时间,而月-也教育了喜欢闲聊的人。 诚信 名人名言 1.言必信,行必果。(墨子) 2.精诚所至,金石为开。(王充) 3.世界上最聪明的人是最老实人。( _) 事

5、实论据 1.1988年汉城奥运会, _动员逊在赛场上出尽风头,创造了崭新的世界纪录。然而几天之后,辉煌化为特大 _:因服用 _药品,成绩被取消,剥夺他选手资格。 2.“狼来了,狼来了!”的教训。在小事上经常失信于人,在大事上人们就会对你持怀疑态度。 英语写作:xx庆元旦迎新年英语写作范文 英语写作:xx庆元旦 迎新年英语写作范文 January 1st is considered as the New Years Day.most panies,shops,school,and government offices are closed during that time.People prep

6、are for New Years Dayfrom late December.Firt,people spend a few days to clean their houses pletely.Some families then put up some new painting from November to be sent in January. The New Years meal is also prepared from the end of ecember.During the New Years Day,people usually do not cook and rela

7、x at home.On New Years Eve,it is mon to have a bag dinner with family members or friends at home or in hotels and hear bells which informs us of the ing New Year.New Years Day is one of important days for many people in the word during the year. Most people spend the New YearsDay in hotels.On New Ye

8、ars Day,people fiest greet each other.Some people wear new coats and visit temples to pray for happiness and health theoughout the New Year.Children are busy with getting the gifts from their parents and relatives. 最精彩的译文英文名篇青春 Youth Youth is not a time of life;it is a state of mind;it is not a matt

9、er of rosy cheeks,red lips and supple knees;it is a matter of the will,a quality of the imagination,a vigor of the emotions;it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth means a tempera-mental predominance of courage over timidity,of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease.This oft

10、en exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20.Nobody grows old merely by a number of years.We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin,but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.Worry,fear,self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spring back to dust. Whether 60 or 16,there is

11、 in every human beings heart the lure of wonder,the unfailing childlike appetite of whats next and the joy of the game of living.In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty,hope,cheer,courage and power from men and from the Infinite

12、,so long are you young. When the aerials are down,and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism,then you are grown old,even at 20,but as long as your aerials are up,to catch waves of optimism,there is hope you may die young at 80. 青春 青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉意志,恢宏想 象

13、,炙热恋情;青春是生命深泉在涌流。 青春气贯长虹,勇锐盖过怯弱,进取压倒苟安。如此锐气,二十后生而有之,六旬男子则更多见。年岁有加,并非垂老,理想丢弃,学习英语的网站,方堕暮年。 岁月悠悠,衰微只及肌肤;热忱抛却,颓废必致灵魂。忧烦,惶恐,丧失自信,定使心灵扭曲,意气如灰。 无论年届花甲,拟或二八芳龄,心中皆有生命之欢乐,奇迹之诱惑,孩童般天真久盛不衰。人人心中皆有一台天线,只要你从天上人间接受美好、希望、欢乐、勇气和力量信号,你就青春永驻,风华常存。 一旦天线下降,锐气便被冰雪覆盖,玩世不恭、自暴自弃油然而生,即使年方二十,实已垂垂老矣;然则只要树起天线,捕捉乐观信号,你就有望在八十高龄告别

14、尘寰时仍觉年轻。 经典美文:差距 英汉双语 John and Bobby joined a wholesale pany togther just after graduation from college the same year.Both worked very hard.After several years,however,the boss promoted Bobby to theposotion of manager but John remained an ordinary employee.John could not take it anymore,tendered his resignation to the boss and plained the boss did not know how to delegate and did not value hard working staff,


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