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1、 20092010学年度第二学期高一英语期末试题I语音(5分)1.manage A.classical B.majority C.total D.package2.varyA.material B.Cairo C.measure D.dare3.incredibleA.mirror B.compass C.repeat D.native4.contactA.suitcase B.match C.situation D.global5.foldA.tobacco B.golden C.proverb D.cottageII.单项选择(15分,每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D西个选项中,

2、选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。6Finally,we _ escape from the fire,though there was heavy smoke Atried to Bmanaged to Csucceeded to Dfailed to7We all think that her blue dress _the colour of her skin Aequals Bsuits Cfits Dmatches8“I _awake all night thinking of you,” he _ to me A1ied;lay B1ay;lay C1ied;lied D1ay;lie

3、d9All the names of the guests are _in the list. I didnt forget any of them Acontained Bincluded Cappeared Dformed10He has _ the habit of taking notes while listening in class Amade Borganized Cformed Dcollected11That piece of music _ like the singing of many birds Asounds Bhears Clooks Dappears12Sin

4、ce his house was not big enough,he had to_ his study the lab for his experiment Afind Bturn Cmake Dchange13Soon after we left the shop,we got _ by large crowds of people Adivided Bseparated Clost Dmissing14Every two months the father asked his son to visit the museum in order to_ his interest in sci

5、ence Adevelop Bgrow Cbuild Dmake15The English teacher keeps advising us _ more Ato practise speaking Bpracticing to speak Cto speak practicing Dpracticing speaking16The knowledge we have learnt is growing_. Aday by day Bday after day Cday in day Dday and day17Tom used to_ a difficult person to get a

6、long with, but recently he has got used to _with others in a friendly way Abe;work Bbe;working Cbeing;work Dbeing;working18Rather than _ on a crowded bus,he always prefers _ a bicycle Aride;to ride Bto ride;to ride Cride;ride Dto ride:ride19“Do you think the weather is good enough for a field trip?

7、“YesYou couldnt hope for _day at this time of the year Athe nice Bthe nicest Ca nicer Da nice 20The scientists are _ a research _the cause of heart diseases Acarried out;on Bcarrying out;into Cperforming;in Dperformed;of 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分) Tolstoy,the great Russian writer,liked to walk abou

8、t in the station near his home One day when he was walking up and down as 21 ,looking at people go on and off the 22,he heard a lady 23 after him“Hey,you old fellow,go and fetch my handbag in the 24 room which I 25 there” Tolstoy 26 thereHe 27 the bag up and walk quickly along the platform28 the sam

9、e time the lady was waiting beside the carriage,looking 29. When at 30 the old man gave the bag to her,she opened it to 31 sure nothing was 32 .“Good,old man,” said the woman“You are just as quick as I can 33Here you are”She gave a coin to himTolstoy 34 the coin and put it into his pocket with a smi

10、le But the woman was very 35 when she heard that he was Tolstoy,the author of the great novel War and PeaceShe 36 to Tolstoy and said“Ohexcuse me,how silly I was to 37 you for a porter(搬运工)Please throw back that coin 38 you forgive(原谅)me”“Oh,madam,why? You have done 39 wrong”Tolstoy laughed“The coin

11、 is given for my job, so Ill 40 itThank you,madam!”21Apossible Boften C.usual Dwell22Atrains Bcars Cplanes Dbikes23Atalking Bspeaking Ctelling Dshouting24Anext Bmeeting Cwaiting Ddining25Awent Bforgot C1eft Dbought26Apassed Bjumped Cwent Dentered27A1ifted Bgave Cpicked Dtook28AAt BIn CFor DBy29Ahapp

12、y Bback Cwell Dworried30Afirst B1ast Cend Dsight31Amake Bdo Ctake Dget32Alosing Binside Cmissing Dwrong33Aexpect Brun Cdo Dwalk34Ashowed Bwatched Caccepted Dpecked35Aangry Bsurprised Chappy Dworried36Areturned Bchanged Csaid Dturned37Apay Btake Chave Dsearch38Aunless Bif Cbecause Duntil39Asomething Beverything Canything Dnothing40Athrow Bremain Ckeep Dstay第三部分阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)。 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项。AAlthough I



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