九年级英语上册Module4HomealoneUnit1Icanlookaftermyselfalthoughitwon’tbeeasye读写 外研版

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《九年级英语上册Module4HomealoneUnit1Icanlookaftermyselfalthoughitwon’tbeeasye读写 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语上册Module4HomealoneUnit1Icanlookaftermyselfalthoughitwon’tbeeasye读写 外研版(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、精选,1,精选,2,重点单词,听单词,核对你的答案 1platformn. (供上下火车用的)月台;站台 2meetingn. 会议;集会 3missv. 未出席;未出现 4shutv. 关上;合上 5lockv. 锁;锁住,Unit 1 I can look after myself, although it wont be easy for me.,精选,3,6simpleadj. 简单的;容易的 7anybodypron. 任何人 8clockn. 钟;时钟 9ringv. 鸣响;发出铃声 10passengern. 乘客;旅客 11addressn. 地址 12textn. 文本;正文

2、 13couplen. 一对;两个,Unit 1 I can look after myself, although it wont be easy for me.,精选,4,重点短语,听短语,核对你的答案 1home alone独自在家 2be important for sb.对某人重要 3be careful with小心,当心 4make sure保证,确保 5plenty of大量的 6fresh fruit and vegetables 新鲜的水果和蔬菜,Unit 1 I can look after myself, although it wont be easy for me.

3、,精选,5,7cook simple meals做简单的饭菜 8wake sb. up叫某人起床 9sothat太以至于 10be about to do sth. 就要/正要做某事 11a couple of两个 12text message短信 13look after照顾,Unit 1 I can look after myself, although it wont be easy for me.,精选,6,重点句型,听句子,核对你的答案 1Its leaving from Platform 2. 它将从二号站台离开。 2Be especially careful with the d

4、oor. 尤其要注意门。 3I can look after myself, although it wont be easy for me. 我能照顾自己,尽管这对我来说将不是很容易。,Unit 1 I can look after myself, although it wont be easy for me.,精选,7,4My clock rings so loudly that it will certainly wake me up. 我的闹钟非常响,它肯定会叫醒我。 5Your train is about to leave. 您的列车将要出发。 6See you in a couple of weeks! 两周后见!,Unit 1 I can look after myself, although it wont be easy for me.,


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