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1、词汇,1. 动词词组 2. 固定搭配/惯用法 3. 同义词/近义词 4. 词的用法,respective: 各自的 respectable: 值得尊重的 respectful: 对别人充满尊重 We must check our luggage respectively. The old man is respectable. We are all respectful of the old man.,other/the other/another/others/the others other 较少单独使用。other students; my other books one.the oth

2、er:两者以上 another: 另一个,三者以上 others 泛指其他的=other things the others 特指其他的=the other things,happen/occur/take place/break out It happens that 碰巧. It occurs to sb that 某人突然想起 It happened that I was not at school. It occurs to me that you havent returned the book the me. The incident took place at three ocl

3、ock. The war broke out in 1914.,cope with deal with Handle tackle,Live 现场直播 Lively 活泼的 Alive 活着的,后置 Living 活着的 Living animals Animals alive,result in/result from/as a result of Result in: cause 导致 Result from: because 是因为 As a result of 因为.的缘故 The fire resulted in the great damage. The fire resulted

4、 from carelessness. As a result of the fire, he became homeless.,means: by all means 无论如何 强调一种毅力,坚持 by any means 用任何方式,强调用各种方法 by means of 用.方式 by no means 绝不 I will find you by all means. I will find you by any means. I will find you by means of the Internet. I will by no means find you.,Valueless

5、没有价值的 Worthless 没有价值的 Valuable 有价值的 Invaluable 无价的 priceless 无价的,rise/arise/raise/arouse Rise 不及物动词 只有主语,不直接加宾语 Raise 及物动词,必须有宾语 Arise出现,发生,也是不及物。 Arouse唤醒 The interest rises gradually. The interest has been raised. This kind of serious problem arises very often. We havent been aroused by the seriou

6、s problem.,lie/lay lie:撒谎 lie-lied-lied-lying lie 躺着 lie-lay-lain-lying lie 坐落 lie-lay-lain-lying lay: 孵蛋,放置 lay-laid-laid-laying,spend/cost/take/pay/afford sb spend.on sth/ in doing sth He spent three hours on the project. sth cost sb. The project cost him three hours. It takes . time/money to do s

7、th It took him three hours to finish the job.,set set up: 建立,建设 set about:着手从事 set out:出发 take Take up: 占 Take over: 接管 come Come up出现 Come up with想出 Come across 碰到 turn Turn out 结果是 Turn up 出现 Turn in 上交 Turn down 拒绝,Adapt to 调整,适应 Adjust to 调整,适应 Adopt 采用,领养 Contribute to 贡献,带来 Superior to 比什么好 In

8、ferior to 比什么差 Effecient 效率高的 Effective 有效的,turn up 出现 turn down 拒绝 turn out 结果是 It turned out that we had known each other. We turned out to have known each other.,worth/worthy/worthwhile Be worth sth / doing sth The book is worth reading Its worth reading the book. be worthy of sth The book is wor

9、thy of being read. sth is worthwhile Reading the book is worthwhile,be made up of 由。构成 be composed of consist of make up for 补偿,be regarded as: 被认为 be supposed to:应该 be considered to: 被认为 be known as:被称为 He is regarded as a great man. He is supposed to be a great man. He is considered to be a great

10、man. He is known as a great man.,be able to be capable of doing capacity 容量,才能,range and differ range: range from.to. (a wide range of) A differs from B despite=in spite of approach / key / solution to Precious previous Principal principle,other than/ apart from/besides/in addition to 除了。还有 instead

11、of/rather than/ A instead of/rather than B: 是A 而不是B I like swimming instead of jogging.,(much) to + ones +surprise, amazement, satisfaction, happiness, sadness. on+现在分词 on receiving his letter, she cried hard. over加上餐点等 Discuss over Talk over,be about to:即将 by accident: 偶然 by chance be accustomed/us

12、ed to 习惯于 take . into account/consideration:考虑 according to:根据 in advance事先,在前,预先 take advantage of乘.之机,利用 above all 首先,尤其 approve/disapprove of 赞成,同意 as for/to 至于 pay attention to注意 on (the/an) average平均,一般说来,based on 以.为基础 on behalf of 代表 be bound to 必定 break away (from) 脱离 on business 因公 care abo

13、ut 关心 in any case 无论如何 in case (of)假如,以防万一,catch up with追上 in charge (of)负责 in common共同 keep company with 与,结伴 compare.to .把.比作 compare.with.比较 by comparison 比较而言 in comparison with 比较起来 as far as . be concerned 就.而言,in contrast with / to 和.形成对比 on the contrary相反,反之 out of control失去控制 under control被

14、控制住 at the cost of以.为代价 out of date过时的 up to date现代化的,derive from由.而来 in detail详细地 have something / nothing to do with和.有(点)/ 毫无关系 in effect 实际上 in the end最后 in essence本质上,in fact 实际上 As a matter of fact实际 by far 到目前之前 far from 远离 so far 到目前为此; in favor of 赞成 be fed up with对.感到厌烦 feel like (doing st

15、h) 想要 figure out 算出 give way to让位于,对.让步,for good 永久地 by heart 牢记 in honor of 纪念 in a hurry匆忙 by itself自动地,独自地 keep away (from sth)远离 keep up with 跟上 leave behind留下,look down on/ upon 看不起 at a loss困惑 make up for补偿 on occasion(s)偶然 in particular特别 in person亲自,本人 take the place of代替 at present目前 on pur

16、pose故意, put up with容忍, with/in regard to=regarding;= as regards关于 as a rule通常,in the long run从长远观点看来 for the sake of为了 on a large/small scale大/小规模地 settle down定居 be short of 缺乏 cut short 中断 run short用完 in short总之,stand for 代表,意味着 stick to 坚持 sum up 总结 take over 接管 take up从事 in terms of就.而言 thanks to多亏 think over仔细考虑 on second thoughts经重新考虑 for the time being目前 keep in touch保持联系,show up 露面 show off 炫耀 at first sight初看起来 catch sight of发现


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