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1、课时作业24Making the news.课标单词阅读词汇明其义1journalist n. 记者;新闻工作者2editor n. 编辑3submit vt. 递交;呈递(文件等)4amateur n. 业余爱好者5update vt. 更新;使现代化6deadline n. 最后期限7dilemma n. (进退两难的)困境;窘境8deliberately adv. 故意地9sceptical(美skeptical) adj. 怀疑的10section n. 部分;节11assess vt. 评估;评定12crime n. 罪行;犯罪13edition n. 版(本);版次14depart

2、ment n. 部门;部;处;系15senior adj. 年长的;高年级的;高级的16.polish vt. 擦亮;磨光;润色17chief adj. 主要的;首席的 n. 首领;长官18process vt. 加工;处理 n. 过程;程序;步骤写作词汇悉其用1unusual adj. 不同寻常的;独特的2eager adj. 渴望的;热切的3acquire vt. 获得;取得;学到4inform vt. 告知;通知5demand n. 需求;要求 vt. 强烈要求6meanwhile adv. 其间;同时7case n. 情况;病例;案例8thorough adj. 彻底的;详尽的9gif

3、ted adj. 有天赋的10guilty adj. 犯罪的;有罪的;内疚的11colleague n. 同事12publish vt. 出版;发行;发表;公布拓展词汇通其变1photograph n. 照片 vt. 给照相photographer n. 摄影师2delighted adj. 快乐的;欣喜的delight n. 快乐;高兴;喜悦 vt. 使高兴;使欣喜3admirable adj. 值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的admire vt. 钦佩;羡慕4assist vt. 帮助;协助;援助assistance n. 帮助;协助assistant n. 助手;助理;售货员5profession

4、 n. 职业;专业professional adj. 专业的;职业的 n. 专业人员professor n. 教授;(大学)教师6concentrate vi. & vt. 集中;聚集concentration n. 集中7approve vt. 赞成;认可;批准approval n. 赞许;赞成;同意disapproval n. 不赞成;不同意8appointment n. 约会;任命appoint vt. 任命,委派;约定9accurate adj. 精确的;正确的accurately adv. 精确地;准确地accuracy n. 精确度;准确性10technical adj. 技术(上

5、)的;技巧方面的technically adv. 技术上;工艺上语境活用(用所给词的适当形式填空)1To his delight,_he took first place in the exam. His parents were delighted to know about it. (delight)2Tom is an assistant teacher in the college. He often assists the students with their problems and gives assistance to any student in need. (assist

6、)3Mary and I had appointed to meet at the shopping center, but she failed to keep the appointment,_so I was very angry. (appoint).课标短语短语速记1concentrate_on 集中;全神贯注于2depend_on 依靠;依赖3accuse.of 因指责或控告4so_as_to_(do_sth.) 为了(做)5ahead_of 在前面6.have_a_nose_for 对敏感;很善于发现7inform_sb._of_sth. 通知某人某事8get_the_wrong

7、_end_of_the_stick 完全误解;完全搞错9pass.on to. 把传给10be supposed to. 应该;本应语境活用(选用上面的短语填空)1China is paying more and more attention to education so_as_to catch up with advanced countries in science and technology.2Thanks to your hard work, we can finish the task ahead_of schedule.3Your son has_a_good_nose_for

8、 stories, so he will become a good journalist before long.4Being a student, you should concentrate_on your study instead of addicting yourself to computer games.5The man, accused_of stealing the expensive car, is being questioned by the policeman.重点句型教材还原1Not only am _I _interested _in photography,

9、but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.我不但对摄影感兴趣,而且在大学期间还参加了一个业余课程来提高我的摄影技术。2Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?你们有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你们的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?3Now discuss in pairs how you would feel if you were_ offered

10、 a job on a famous newspaper?现在结对讨论一下,假设要你去为一家著名报社工作的话,你的感受会如何?4Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question depending _on what the person says.同时,你还要根据被采访的人所说的话准备下一个问题。5He denied taking _money but we were sceptical.他否认接受了贿赂,但我们对此表示怀疑。基础写作1电视不仅吸引阅读的人,而且也吸引了不会阅读的人。Not only does television appeal t

11、o those who can read but to those who cant.2对面是圣保罗教堂,在那里你能听到一些优美的音乐。Opposite is St. Pauls Church, where you can hear some lovely music.3如果不是各国政府和科学家们共同努力的话,与艾滋病有关的死亡人数就不会在2005年达到顶峰后下降了。Had the governments and scientists not worked together, AIDSrelated deaths would not have _fallen since their highe

12、st in 2005.4(由于)不知道上哪一所大学,那个女孩向老师征求建议。Not _knowing which university to attend, the girl asked her teacher for advice.5那位参议员否认曾经发表过这样的谈话。The senator denied ever making such a statement.语篇整合话题与语篇填空It is Zhou Yangs first day at the office of a popular English newspaper. He is excited and eager 1.to_go

13、(go) out on a story on 2.his (he) own, but he cant 3.because he isnt experienced enough. His new boss, Hu Xin, is sharing with him 4.how to be a good reporter.To be a good reporter, 5.one needs to be curious, 6.which enables one to ask many different questions and acquire all the information he need

14、s to know. Besides, its important for a reporter to have a good “nose” 7.for a story, knowing if someone is telling the truth. And while interviewing people, a reporter has to listen to the answers carefully because he has to listen for the 8.detailed (detail) facts and prepare the next question dep

15、ending on what people say. If 9.possible (possibly), a reporter can record the interview in case he might 10.be_accused (accuse) of printing lies.话题与短文改错Do you know the writing and printing process for article? First, a journalist goes to an interview to get the . Then he does some research to see the story is true or not. After that, he writes the story the notes from the interview. The first person reads his article is an editor from department. , the a


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