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1、课时作业1Starting out & Understanding ideasA Milwaukee bus driver went above the call of duty when she stopped to save an unlikely wouldbe passenger: a toddler.Irene Ivic was driving on a freeway overpass when she _1_ a barefoot toddler,Milwaukee County Transit system spokesman Matt Sliker said.The chil

2、d,wearing a red onesie and a diaper,was quickly _2_ to the crossroads.“Im just grateful I was in the right place at the right time,”Ivic said at the awards ceremony held in her _3_ on Thursday.Ivic stopped the bus and ran out to _4_ the toddler. She carried the child to the bus, _5_ passengers gathe

3、red in disbelief.“Oh my God.Oh my God. I am _6_,”Ivic said in the video as she sat down in the drivers seat with the toddler.A passenger on the bus took off her winter coat and wrapped it _7_ the little girl, who was _8_ to touch. Ivic sat talking to the child,stroking her hair.The little one soon f

4、ell asleep in her _9_.The 19monthold had been cold and scared but was _10_ unharmed,police said.“Authorities eventually _11_ the baby with her father,”Sliker said.This is the ninth _12_ a lost or missing child has been _13_ by a Milwaukee County Transit System driver in recent years,according to the

5、 statement.“I absolutely love kids.I used to be a _14_ and I have children of my own,so Im so happy to help this sweet,_15_ baby,”Ivic said.本文是一篇记叙文。司机Irene Ivic在下,停下车救下了一个不太可能的潜在的乘客:一个蹒跚学步的孩子。官方最终让孩子与父亲团聚。她很高兴能够帮助这个可爱的、纯真的婴儿。1A.crashed BspottedCescaped Dguided答案:B解析:考查动词。A.crashed碰撞;B.spotted发现;C.e

6、scaped 逃脱;D.guided指导。Irene Ivic在高速公路立交桥开车时,她发现了一个赤脚的孩子。故选B。2A.running BskippingCrushing Dwalking答案:D解析:考查动词。A.running跑;B.skipping跳过;C.rushing猛冲;D.walking走路。这个孩子,身穿红色连体装和尿布,很快就走到了十字路口。故选D。3A.memory BhonorCfavor Dmind答案:B解析:考查名词。A.memory记忆;B.honor荣誉;C.favor帮助;D.mind思想。周四的时候为她举办颁奖仪式,所以对她来说是一件荣耀的事。故选B。4

7、A.calm down Blook intoCpick up Dhold back答案:C解析:考查动词词组。A.calm down使冷静下来;B.look into 调查;C.pick up拾起,接送,收到,偶然学到;D.hold back隐瞒,退缩。Ivic停了车,跑出去接孩子。故选C。5A.where BwhenCwhy Dhow答案:A解析:考查定语从句。她带着孩子上了巴士,乘客们难以置信地聚集在那里。此处是where引导的定语从句。故选A。6A.scolding ByellingClaughing Dshaking答案:D解析:考查动词。A.scolding 责备;B.yelling

8、叫喊;C.laughing大笑;D.shaking摇动。由“Oh my God”可知此处是指Ivic救了孩子之后的后怕,所以在颤抖。故选D。7A.beside BagainstCaround Don答案:C解析:考查介词。车上一名乘客脱下冬天的大衣,裹住小女孩,她摸起来很冷。包裹婴儿用around,表示围在她的周围。故选C。8A.cold BhotCsmooth Dsick答案:A解析:考查形容词。A.cold冷的;B.hot热的;C.smooth顺利的,光滑的;D.sick厌恶的,病态的。车上一名乘客脱下冬天的大衣,裹住小女孩,她摸起来很冷。故选A。9A.seat BarmsChands D

9、chest答案:B解析:考查名词。A.seat座位;B.arms胳膊;C.hands手;D.chest胸部。小家伙很快就在Ivic 的怀里睡着了。in ones arms “在某人怀里”,故选B。10A.therefore BespeciallyCotherwise Dmeanwhile答案:C解析:考查副词。A.therefore因此;B.especially尤其是;C.otherwise在其他方面,否则;D.meanwhile与此同时。警方说,这个19个月大的婴儿一直感到寒冷和恐惧,但除此之外没有受伤。故选C。11A.discovered BinformedCrecognized Dreu

10、nited答案:D解析:考查动词。A.discovered发现;B.informed告知;C.recognized 认识;D.reunited使重聚。当局最终让孩子与父亲团聚。故选D。12A.time BchanceCcase Daccident答案:A解析:考查名词。A.time次数;B.chance机会;C.case情况;D.accident事故。这是密尔沃基县公交系统司机近年来第九次发现失踪儿童。故选A。13A.reported BsolvedCfound Dadopted答案:C解析:考查动词。A.reported报道;B.solved解决;C.found发现;D.adopted采用,

11、采纳。这是密尔沃基县公交系统司机近年来第九次发现失踪儿童。故选C。14A.mother BgirlCparent Dteacher答案:D解析:考查名词。A.mother母亲;B.girl女孩;C.parent父亲或母亲;D.teacher老师。我非常喜欢孩子。我曾经是一个老师,我有我自己的孩子,所以我很高兴我能够帮助这个可爱的、纯真的婴儿。根据语境 used to be,可知A、B、C不合适,故选D。15A.innocent BprettyClucky Dbrave答案:A解析:考查形容词。A.innocent纯真的;B.pretty漂亮的;C.lucky幸运的;D.brave勇敢的。我非常

12、喜欢孩子。我曾经是一个老师,我有我自己的孩子,所以我很高兴我能够帮助这个可爱的、纯真的婴儿。故选A。AWhen the telephone rings late at night,most women guess it must be one of only four or five people calling. A sister? Maybe. An emergency? Possibly. A mother? Probably not at that time of night. Much more probably it is a close female friend calling

13、 to tell you that she is heartbroken because she has split_up with her boyfriend again or perhaps simply that a good movie has just started on TV.At a time when family are spread far and wide and marriages often end in divorce, friendships are becoming more and more important. Erika, a 32yearold law

14、yer, is strengthened by her tenyear friendship with her married friend Jane. “I was very sick one night, so I called Jane at about 3:00 am to talk about it,” she says. “She was very supportive and even came over to take me to the doctors.”As American TV shows like Friends have become more popular, m

15、any of us are beginning to see the value of such friendships.TV shows like this tell us that our romantic relationships may not last, but we need to keep in touch with our close friends if we want to survive.With Erikas family 200 miles away, it is Jane who keeps a spare set of keys to Erikas apartment and waters her plants whenever she is away. “Having Jane around gives me a certain amount of freedom. It is not the kind of thing that you could ask anyone to do, but she


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