高中英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour Learning about Language &ampamp; Using Language 课时跟踪检测 新人教版必修4

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1、Unit 3 A taste of English humour Learning about Language & Using Language.单句语法填空1The little girl is particular about her clothes.2Occasionally (occasion), it snows in Hainan of China.3To my great amusement (amuse), his false beard fell off.4It is said that he picked up Japanese when he was in Tokyo.

2、5What was his reaction to the plan?6I wont go to the party unless invited (invite)7When hearing the sad news, she burst into tears.8The children often spoke in whispers in class.完成句子1她不是那种对食物和衣服挑剔的人。She is not the kind of person who is_particular_about_food_and_clothes.2那个客人好像生气了,什么也没说就匆匆忙忙离开了婚礼。The

3、 guest hurriedly left the wedding without saying anything as_if_he_were_angry.3你当前的首要任务就是战胜一切困难,让大家相信你的能力。Your present task is to_overcome_all_the_difficulties and convince all of your ability.4因为水供应被切断了,这里的人们没法过正常的生活。The people here couldnt live a normal life with the supply of water cut_off.5直到现在他

4、还为自己的选择感到后悔。He has been regretted about his choice up_to_now.完形填空It happened when I was seven years old. I jumped into the water and I moved my arms and legs like what I had _1_the other children do. I tried to get back _2_ water, but I failed. I just _3_ deeper and deeper. As I looked up, all that

5、I could see were dozens of _4_ kicking and blue water.Water went through my nose and mouth; my ears were flooded. I _5_ for dear life. I was only 7 years old, but I knew this would be the _6_ of my short life. I started _7_ my mom, sister, grandma and friends. I would _8_ see any of them again. Then

6、 I started blaming myself for following the other _9_ of my age into the pool, knowing I had never _10_ in my life.Then someone took hold of me, lifting me up to the top. She had _11_ me in the deep water and came to my rescue. She _12_ my life._13_ had explained to me there was a shallow (浅的) 3foot

7、deep pool and also a very _14_ one. And having never been to a huge public swimming pool like this, I had no idea _15_ it worked. All that I saw were kids _16_ and everybody moving freely, so I went along.Indeed, its a(n) _17_ moment in my life, but it taught me a few things. Till this day, I ask a

8、lot of questions especially when Im _18_ to something. Ive learned never to “jump” into situations without being _19_, whether its on the keyboard or in the boardroom, all the same. In anything I do, I look for the right instruction and _20_ from experienced people before doing it.1A.smelledBwatched

9、Cmade Dlet解析:选B作者没有游过泳,故只能照他“看到”别人游泳的样子那样做动作。2A.under BaroundCabove Dbeside解析:选C根据“Water went through my nose and mouth; my ears were flooded.” 可知作者溺水了,所以想努力爬到水面“上”。3A.sank BbreathedCjumped Dspread解析:选A作者不会游泳,往水里“沉了”下去。4A.arms BhandsCheads Dlegs解析:选D根据kicking可知这里是指作者从水底往上看到的“腿”。5A.worked BsettledCst

10、ruggled Dquarreled解析:选C作者不想死,为了能活命而拼命“挣扎”。6A.end BincreaseCturn Dwonder解析:选A根据“of my short life”可知作者以为自己的生命要“结束”了。7A.referring to Bturning toCbelieving in Dthinking of解析:选D作者以为自己要死了,开始“想”自己的亲人和朋友。8A.always BseldomCnever Dregularly解析:选C作者以为以后“再也不”能见到他们了。9A.adults BparentsCteachers Dkids解析:选D根据of my a

11、ge可知这里是指跟作者同龄的那些“小孩”。10A.climbed BswumCstudied Dfailed解析:选B根据作者溺水的语境可知,他以前从来没“游过泳”。11A.noticed BpushedCtaught Dchanged解析:选A根据“came to my rescue”可知有人“注意”到了作者。12A.created BsavedCreplaced Dimproved解析:选B那人注意到了溺水的作者,把他“救”了。13A.Everyone BAnyoneCNobody DSomeone解析:选C作者差点溺水而死,因为“没人”告诉他有浅水区和深水区。14A.large Bhig

12、hCclean Ddeep解析:选D根据shallow可知应选deep,与shallow 相对。15A.why BhowCwhere Dwhen解析:选B根据“having never been to a huge public swimming pool like this”可知作者不知道那个大游泳池是“如何”运作的。16A.having fun Bplaying a trickCmaking a difference Dmaking a face解析:选A根据“everybody moving freely, so I went along”可知作者之所以去尝试游泳,是因为看到别人“玩得很

13、开心”。17A.hopeful BfrighteningCexciting Dsatisfying解析:选B作者差点溺水而死,这对他来说是一次很让他“害怕”的经历。18A.kind BopenCfamiliar Dnew解析:选D这里是指在以后的生活中遇到了“新的”事情时。19A.surprised BimpressedCprepared Dinterested解析:选C从那以后,在没有“准备好”的情况下,作者不会贸然行事。20A.advice BresearchCresult Dprogress解析:选A在做一件新的事情之前,作者总要询问别人的指导和“建议”。.阅读七选五As we all

14、know, sleep is very important and necessary. I would love everyone to form the habits below to have better sleep without needing the alarm wakeup call._1_ If you eat much food an hour before you go to bed, your body will hate you. Your body needs time to digest (消化) while you are still awake._2_Some

15、thing that makes me very angry is when I hear on TV that people just need 30minute exercise a week. Thats funny. Every person should be getting 30minute exercise daily along with a healthy diet. When you do exercise, you use energy that your body has to recover from. _3_ The harder you push your body, the faster it falls to sleep and the better


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