综合教程 Unit 5.

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《综合教程 Unit 5.》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《综合教程 Unit 5.(70页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit Five True Height,Pan Lipeng,Teaching Schedule,1. Background Info 2. Struture Analysis 3. Detailed Learning 4. Thinking 5. Sports-related Words and Expressions 6. Suggestions to Overcome Obstacles (important),1. Background Info,B R _ Olympics1,Olympics,Organized and governed by the International

2、 Olympic Committee (IOC), the Olympic Games are the most important international sports event in the world held every four years.,1. Olympic symbol:,five interlocked rings red, blue, yellow, black and green on a white field, representing the continents of the world joined in friendship.,2. Olympic m

3、otto:,3.IOC headquarters:,4. Main events in Olympic history:,Swifter, Higher, Stronger.,Lausanne, Switzerland., 776 1896 1912 1924 2008,Modern Games began. Women are allowed to compete in the Games. Winter sports were added to the Games. Beijing will host the 29th Olympic Games.,B.C.392 A.D. Ancient

4、 Olympic Games were held in Olympia.,B R _ Pole Vault,The pole vault (PV) is an event in track and field where athletes compete to clear the highest possible crossbar (横木)by using a vaulting pole. The basic concept is to convert horizontal energy (the run) into vertical energy (thus clearing a highe

5、r bar).,Pole Vault,2. Structure Analysis,G R _ Part Division of the Text 1,Part Division of the Text,Parts,Para(s).,Main Ideas,1,12,2,35,Michael faced the most challenging competition in his pole-vaulting career.,Michaels childhood was marked with dreams and tough training.,Michael topped his person

6、al best, won the championship and set a new world record.,3,612,G R _ Part Division of the Text 2,Parts,Para(s).,Main Ideas,4,13,What was most unusual about Michaels victory was that he was blind.,3. Detailed Analysis,D R _ word _ sweat,sweat:,The white shirts were sweated through.,1. v. produce swe

7、at,He was sweating after working so hard.,2. n. liquid which comes out from the body through the skin to cool it,I was covered in sweat after running to catch the bus.,D R _ word _ grace,grace: n.,We admired the grace with which the fashion models walked across the room.,1) quality of being smooth a

8、nd elegant, esp. in movement or structure,2) kindness; willingness to do what is right,他勉强地承认他错了。,He agreed that he was wrong with bad grace.,D R _ word _ mere,mere: adj. nothing more than,Mere words wont help.,光说无济于事。,D R _ word _ fantasy1,fantasy: n. (creation of ) imagination,The story is a fanta

9、sy.,He lives in a world of fantasy.,fantasy, fancy 完全地,to the core:,She is French to the core.,她是个地道的法国人。,D R _ word _ alternate1,alternate:,He works on alternate days.,1. adj. 1) every other or second,2) (or two things) happening by turns,这是晴雨交替的一周。,This is a week of alternate rain and sunshine.,Sh

10、e wears a shirt with alternate stripes of blue and white.,D R _ word _ alternate2,汤姆时而发怒,时而害怕。,We alternated periods of work and rest.,Tom alternated between anger and fright.,2. v. (cause to ) follow by turns,Collocation:,时而时而,alternate between,轮流,alternate in,(使)与交替,alternate with,They alternate b

11、etween supporting us and opposing us.,We alternate in doing the household chores.,Sunny weather alternates with rain.,D R _ word _ relax,relax: v.,音乐可以帮助你放松一下。,The music will help to relax you.,Sit down and relax!,1) make or become less tense, worried or nervous,2) make or become less stiff or tight

12、,His muscles relaxed.,3) make (effort or control) less severe,You must not relax your control for a moment.,D R _ Sentence 2,Why is Michaels dream of flying described in details?,He would be running down a country road. As he raced between golden wheat fields, he would,Because Michael has a very dee

13、p impression about the dream. There are two evidence for that: 1) His mother read him numerous stories about flying when he was growing up. 2) He always dreamed of flying.,D R _ Sentence 3,Paraphrase the sentence.,In his dreams, he would always fly over those places described in his mothers stories.

14、,Where he flew would always coincide with his mothers stories.,D R _ Sentence 4,What is function of the phrase “on the other hand”?,The phrase is used for comparing different things or ideas.,His dad, on the other hand, was not a dreamer.,What can you infer from the phrase?,Michael s parents are tot

15、ally different types of people and they play the different roles in Michaels success.,D R _ word _ vain1,vain: adj.,Shes vain of her beauty.,1) too pleased with ones own abilities or looks,他极其自负。,Hes as vain as a peacock.,2) without result; useless,After a number of vain attempts to climb the mounta

16、in, we were forced to return to camp.,It is vain to resist.,vain的常用词组是in vain,意为“徒劳地,白白地”,NB:,这几个词都是形容词,都有“空的”、“空着的”之意。,D R _ word _ vain2,vain, empty, hollow excited state of the feelings,He thought of his dead child with deep emotion.,这些词都是名词,都有“感情”之意。,D R _ word _ emotion2,emotion, feeling and sensitivity,CF:,emotion 表示人的精神、身体全部反映的一种状态,表现为 人的任何强烈的感情。例如:,The speaker appealed to our emotions rather than to our minds.,演讲者激发了我们的情感而不是启发我们的思考。,feeling 是常用词,意思是“感觉”、“感触”、“心情”,


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