高中英语 Module 2 The Renaissance Section Ⅴ Writing-英文日记教学案 外研版选修8

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1、Section Writing 英文日记日记作为一种常见的应用文形式,主要是用来记录作者近日经历的事情,在此基础上,作者还要发表自己对这件事情的看法和理解,这样才能突出写日记的本质所在。一、基本结构1标题标题可分成两类:一是注明日记的来源,如A Page from Toms Diary/One Diary Record from Churchill;二是概括日记的内容,如The Travel to the Chinatown。标题有时可省略。2时间和天气情况时间通常写在正文的左上角。它们的写作顺序必须符合英文习惯,如December 8th, 2015, Tuesday。天气情况应该写在正文的

2、右上角。3正文正文一般用第一人称。由于日记的内容涉及个人经历,所以作者会不可避免地产生一些与之相关的感情。为此,作者要擅长通过主观性的词语(组)来增添日记语言的情感性。4时态在日记中,动词多用过去时态;但当表示习惯性动作、客观事实、普遍真理、名言或谚语时,可以使用一般现在时;当发表自己的感想、打算、期望或决心时,可以使用一般将来时。二、增分佳句1表示天气状况的形容词:fine, sunny, rainy, snowy, windy, cloudy, showery (阵雨), hot, cold等。2叙述经过(1)on ones way home/to school(2). be doing

3、. when .3表达感受(1)From ., I learned .(2)set a(n) . example(3)be ready to help others4表达先后顺序at first,then,later on,soon,afterwards,finally,at last 等。题目要求假如你随一个中学生代表团去英国访问,期间你们参观了英国伦敦郊区的一个名叫Camden Town的小镇,请你把参观过程写成一篇日记。内容包括:1到达小镇的时间;2.你对小镇的印象;3小镇的建筑物;4.你们第二天的计划。注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。第一步:审题构思很关键一、

4、审题1确定体裁:本文为一篇英文日记;2确定中心人称:本文主要人称为第一、三人称;3确定主体时态:以一般过去时为主。二、构思第一部分:概括今天过得很愉快,卡姆登镇给我留下了深刻的印象。第二部分:记叙当天的参观过程。第三部分:说明第二天的计划,认为那又是令人愉快的一天。第二步:核心词汇想周全1architecture 建筑2leave_a_deep_impression_on 给留下深刻印象3be_different_from 与不同4pay_a_visit_to 参观第三步:由词扩句雏形现1今天早上,吃过早饭后,我们乘公共汽车去了卡姆登镇。(时间状语从句)This_morning,_after_

5、we_had_breakfast,_we started to go to Camden Town by bus. 2我们到达的时候是八点钟。(强调句型)It_was_eight_oclock_when_we_arrived._3这个小镇干净、整洁,与我以前在其他地方见过的小镇很不一样。(what宾语从句)The town was clean and tidy.It was quite different from what_I_had_seen_in_other_places_before.4短暂休息后,在剩下的时间里,我们参观了这个小镇。(pay a visit to)After_a_sh

6、ort_break,_we_paid_a_visit_to_the_town_in_the_time_left._5奇怪的是,它们搭配得如此巧妙,你甚至感觉它们就像一幅画一样。(match;宾语从句)Strangely_enough,_they_match_each_other_very_well.You_even_feel_they_make_a_beautiful_picture.6明天我们会去参观当地的一所中学,而且会与那里的学生们举行一次聚会。(be to visit)Tomorrow_we_are_to_visit_a_local_middle_school.Well_have_a_

7、party_with_the_students_there.第四步:句式升级造亮点1用which引导的定语从句改写句3The_town_which_was_clean_and_tidy_was_quite_different_from what I had seen in other places before.2用so . that .引导的结果状语从句改写句5Strangely_enough,_they_match_each_other_so_well_that you even feel they make a beautiful picture.3用where引导的定语从句改写句6To

8、morrow_we_are_to_visit_a_local_middle_school,_where well have a party with the students.第五步:过渡衔接联成篇April 14th, Thursday FineWe had a wonderful time today. Camden Town left a deep impression on me.This morning, after we had breakfast, we started to go to Camden Town by bus. It was eight oclock when w

9、e arrived. The town which was clean and tidy was quite different from what I had seen in other places before. The people here were friendly and kind. After a short break, we paid a visit to the town in the time left. The architecture is astonishing. There are both high buildings and oldstyle houses. Strangely enough, they match each other so well that you even feel they make a beautiful picture.Tomorrow we are to visit a local middle school, where well have a party with the students.I think it will be another pleasant day for all of us.


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