高中英语 专题Unit 1 Great scientists 1 Warming Up Pre-reading Reading Comprehending试题(含解析)新人教版必修5

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1、Unit 1 Great Scientists1. To make scientific, diligence is the mother of success。对于搞科学的人来说,勤奋就是成功之母。茅以升2. In science, the importance is something that has been reached out, not the researcher himself. 在科学上,重要的是研究出来的东西,不是研究者本人。居里夫人3. I am going to put life into scientific dream, then the dream into r

2、eality.我要把人生变成科学梦,然后再把梦变成现实。居里夫人4. The pursuit of science needs special courage. 追求科学需要特别勇敢。伽利略5. All of the reasons must come from observation and experiments.一切推理都必须从观察与实验中得出来。伽利略6. Surprise is the seed of science.惊奇就是科学的种子。爱迪生1.1 Warming Up & Pre-reading & Reading & Comprehending【Key Words】1.char

3、acteristic 2.conclude;conclusion 3.defeat 4.attend 5.expose;exposure 6.cure 7.challenge;challenger 8.absorb 9.suspect;suspicion;suspicious 10.foresee;foretell;forecast 11.blame 12.pollute;pollution 13.handle 14.link 15.announce;announcement16.instruct;instruction; instructions【Key Phrases】1. put for

4、ward 2.draw a conclusion 3.expose to 4.linkto之词汇篇1. put forward 提出 Who put forward a theory about black holes?谁提出了关于黑洞的理论?(教材P1)(1)提出(建议、计划、理论等)。同义短语bring up, come up with。(2)推荐,提名,推举。(3)把向前拨。【巧学妙记】图记put forward多个含义: 提出(建议) 推荐 把向前拨He put forward a plan at the meeting. 他在会议上提出了一个计划。May I put your nam

5、e forward as our monitor? 我能否提名你当我们的班长?The match has been put forward to 1:30. 比赛已经提前到一点半举行。注意:在表示提出时,come up with和put forward为及物动词短语,可以用于被动语态;而come up是不及物动词短语,无被动语态。【拓展延伸】 常见的put短语还有:put down放下;写下 put off推迟;阻止;脱掉put out放出;生产;发布;熄灭 put up举起;建造;张贴put up with容忍;忍受 put in 插话;添上put through接通电话;完成;使经受put

6、 away把放好;储存以备用;处理掉put aside把放在一边;储存以备用;不考虑put on把放在上;穿上;装出;增加;上演;打开【跟踪典例】选用put短语的适当形式填空1. The suggestion _ by Mr. Wang at yesterdays meeting was a wonderful one.2. They decided to _ the picnic because of the rain.3. You can take anything from the shelf and read, but please _ the books when youve fin

7、ished with them.A. put onB. put downC. put backD. put off【答案】1.put forward 2.put off 3.C 句意:你可以从书架上拿任意东西来读,但是看完后请你把那些书放回原处。put back把放回原处。2. conclusionDraw a conclusion 得出结论(教材P1)n. 结论;结束。常见搭配:draw/reach/arrive at/come to a conclusion 得出结论come to the conclusion that. 所得结论是in conclusion 最后The debate d

8、id not arrive at/come to/reach/draw a conclusion until midnight. 辩论直到午夜才得出结论。In conclusion, Id like to say how much I have enjoyed myself. 最后,我想说说我过得有多么愉快。【拓展延伸】conclude vt. & vi. 结束;推断出 conclude(sth.)以结束()(从)推断出/断定conclude.to be/do.断定【联想助记】请完成下列表示“最后;总而言之”的其他表达:in shortin a wordin briefall in allto

9、 sum upon the whole【跟踪典例】完成句子I _ that he was right. 我得到的结论是他是正确的。_,I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself here. 最后我想说我在这里过得有多么愉快。From what he said,we have _he is a success. 根据他的话,我们断定他是个成功者。【答案】came to the conclusion In conclusionconcluded/drawn the conclusion that3. defeat JOHN SNOW DEF

10、EATS KING CHOLERA约翰斯诺战胜霍乱王(教材P2)(1)vt. 打败;战胜;使受挫。The German team defeated his opponent and won the champion in the final of the 2016 World Cup.在2016年世界杯决赛中德国队打败对手,获得冠军。The proposal was defeated by 16 votes to 6.因16票反对,6票赞成,该提议未能通过。(2)n. C,U失败,击败。He always seems cheerful even in defeat.他总是看起来很高兴,即使输了

11、也是这样。【易混辨析】 defeat/beat/win的区别defeat击败,强调过程和结果宾语是对手beat打败,(连续)击打宾语是对手、对象win赢得,获胜宾语是game或prize等Yesterday I defeated John at chess. He won only one set while I won two sets.昨天我和约翰下棋赢了他。他只赢了一盘,而我赢了两盘。【跟踪典例】用defeat/beat/win完成句子1. 他在竞选中击败了他的所有对手。He _ all his opponents in the election. 2. 你还记得那两次失败吗?Do yo

12、u still remember the two_?3. 没有任何困难可以击败这个勇敢的人,因为他有信心和能力。No difficulty can _this brave man since he is so confident and capable.4. 我们的希望破灭了。Our hopes_. 5. 我们以10分的优势战胜了东道主队并赢得了这场比赛。We _ the host team by 10 points and _ the game.【答案】1. defeated2. defeats3.defeat/beat 4.were defeated 5. defeated/beat;wo

13、n4. attend John Snow was a famous doctor in Londonso expert,indeed,that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician.约翰斯诺是伦敦一位著名的医生他的确医术精湛,因而成为照料维多利亚女王的私人医生。(教材P2)vi.& vt.照顾;出席;参加attend to处理;注意;专心attend( on/upon) sb 伺候某人;照顾某人attend school/church 去上学/做礼拜attend a meeting/a lecture 参加会议/听演讲She

14、attended him in hospital.她在医院照顾他。Only a few friends attended their wedding.只有几个朋友参加了他们的婚礼。You must attend to your work.你必须专心于你的工作。【名师点津】作“照顾;护理”讲时,可用attend,也可用attend on/upon;作“出席;参加”讲时,attend多作及物动词。【易混辨析】 attend/join/join in/take part in的区别attend指参加会议、上课、上学、听报告等join指加入某组织、团体,成为其中的一员join(sb.)in指参加某种活动,表示与某人一起做某事则用join sb.in sth.take part in指参加群众性活动、会议等,往往指参加并持积极态度,起一定作用



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