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1、B,1. ban v. T(明令)禁止,取缔 nC禁令,禁止,【练习】完成句子 警察取消了不准在这条街上停车的禁令。 The police _ against parking in this street. 医院里禁止吸烟。 Smoking _ in hospital. There is a ban _ in hospital. 他被禁止驾驶6个月。 Hes _ for six months.,【答案】 lifted/removed the ban is banned; on smoking been banned from driving,2. bargain n. C便宜货,廉价货 C便宜

2、,廉价 C交易,买卖 vI讨价还价,【练习】 英译汉/完成句子 That car is a real bargain at $300. _ 她和商贩讲价钱。 She _ the trader _ the price.,【答案】 那辆汽车300美元,真便宜。 bargained with; over,3. base n. C基础,根据 C基地,根据地,总部 vT以为基础,【练习】 完成句子 我的观点是以事实作为依据的。 I base my opinion _ the facts. My opinion _ the facts. 根据西班牙传统吉他音乐改编的这首歌很有趣。 This song _

3、traditional Spanish guitar music is interesting.,【答案】 on; is based on (which is) based on/upon,4. bear n. C 熊:a polar bear北极熊 v过去式bore ; 过去分词borne 或born T承受,负担,承担 T忍受,容忍(通常与can / could连用,用于疑问句或否定句中)同stand; put up with; tolerate T结(果实),生育,【练习】 完成句子 这湖上的冰承受不了你的体重。 The ice on the lake will not _. 谁负担这费

4、用呢? Who will _?,这棵树不结果。 This tree _. 我受不了被人忽视。 I cant bear _.,【答案】 bear your weight bear the expense bears no fruit being ignored/to be ignored,【练习】 完成句子 She has _ a son. She _ in Beijing. He was a _ poet.,【答案】 borne was born born,5. because conj. (引导原因状语从句、表语从句)因为,【练习】 用because, why填空 He is ill. Th

5、ats _ he didnt come yesterday. He didnt come yesterday. Thats _he was ill.,【答案】 why; because,【练习】 完成句子 由于交通路况不佳我迟到了。 I was late _/_/ _/_ the traffic. 由于辛苦的工作,才取得了这么大的成功。 _/_/_/_ hard work it was a great success.,【答案】 because of; owing to; due to; on account of Thanks to; Because of; Owing to; On acc

6、ount of,6. behalf nU利益(仅用于下列短语),【练习】我代表第二组发言。 I am speaking _. 他为了你才这么说的。 He said so _.,【答案】 on behalf of Group 2 on your behalf,7. behave v. I表现,举止 I/T 守规矩,举止得体,【练习】完成句子/英译汉 他待她很差。 He _ her. 妈妈总是叫孩子们守规矩。 Mum always tells _. He behaves himself like a man. _,【答案】 behaved badly to her children to beha

7、ve themselves 他表现得像一个男子汉。,8. belong vI属于,【练习】完成句子/单项选择 这本书属于我。 The book _. Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future _ to the welleducated. A. belongs B. is belonged C. is belonging D. will be belonged,【解析】 belongs to me Abelong to不用于被动语态和进行时态,故选项B、C、D都不正确。句意:威廉姆斯教授一直告诉他的学生,未来是属于

8、受过良好教育的人。,9. benefit v. T使受益 ( do good to; be beneficial to) I受益 nU/C 利益,好处,【练习】完成句子 他的忠告使我受益匪浅。 I _ his advice. 新建的医院会给这座城市带来极大的好处。 The new hospital _ the town. 你的建议对我很有益。 Your advice is _.,这种药对他的健康几乎没有好处。 The drug has _ his health. She has the benefit of a good education. _,【答案】 benefited a lot fr

9、om will be of a great benefit to/will greatly benefit of great benefit to me/very beneficial to me little benefit on 她受益于良好的教育。,10. besides prep. 除以外(还有) adv. 此外,而且 ( whats more; moreover; in addition),【练习】完成句子 除了汤姆,我还有很多朋友。 I have many _ friends _ Tom. 今天下午除了看书以外,你还做了什么? What else did you do this a

10、fternoon _? 我很忙,而且我也不想去。 I am very busy._.,【答案】 other; besides besides reading Besides, I dont want to go,用besides, except, except for, but, apart from填空/单项选择 It was dark in the city _ a few weak lights. Does John know any other foreign language _ French? Theres nothing _ two chairs in the room. _ t

11、he salary, its not a bad job.,_ the salary, its not a bad job. _ being a little large, the hat looks nice. She comes to school every day _ it rains heavily. A. besides B. except for C. except that D. except when,【解析】 except for besides but/except Apart from/Except for Apart from Dit rains heavily是个句

12、子,排除A和B项。根据every day可知,是除下大雨的时候,故选D。,11. best adj. 最好的(good的最高级)反worst adv. 最好地(well的最高级) n. 最好的(人或物)用单数,加the,【练习】完成句子/汉译英 你最好留下来。 It _ stay. 我们最好现在动身。 We _ start now. 他最喜欢足球。 He likes football _.,他至多是个成绩中等的学生。 He is an average student _. 我要尽最大努力达到我的目标。 Ill _ my goal. 尽量利用你的时间。 _.,【答案】 is best for you to had best best of all at best do my best to reach Make the best of your time,12. blame vT责备,责怪 nU 过失,责备,【练习】完成句子 那次交通事故不应该责怪司机。 The driver _. 他们怪罪秘书造成计划延误。 They blamed the secret



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