can与could的用法及练习 .

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《can与could的用法及练习 .》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《can与could的用法及练习 .(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Can/could的用法1.can/could都属于情态动词, 本身有各种意义,具体在句子中不同。2.情态动词不能单独作谓语, 只能和动词一起构成谓语。3.情态动词没有人称和数量的变化。4.表示说话人的语气和情感。Can/could的几种句式:肯定句 否定句 缩略式can can not cant could could not couldnt疑问句: can you.? could you.?Can/could用法共同点:1.都表示具备的能力,指现在、过去无论什么时候想做就能做到的能力。 Could表示过去的能力,can表示现在或将来的能力。2.在否定句和疑问句中,都表示猜测语气。Can表示

2、猜测的可能性要多些,而could表示猜测的可能性要小、轻些。3.都可以表示建议和请求,can表示肯定,could的请求语气更委婉。Can与could用法不同点:1.can的语气肯定,could语气比较委婉。 2.can通常用在表示现在的事 情, 3.could用在表示过去的事情。4.当表示允许别人做某事时, 用can而不用could.一、判断下列句子的用法:1.A hen cant swim.2.How can that be true?3.Could you pass the paper to me?4.I couldnt play the piano until I was fifteen

3、 years old.5.What you said couldnt be true.6.Can I take this seat?7.Could I use your phone?8.Yes,of course you can. 二、选择题1. At that time we thought the story_ not be true. A)could B)must C)can2. You_ the work better in the future. A)could did B)can do C)could do3.The room is dirty; it _cleaned. A) c

4、ant beB) couldnt be C) mustnt be 4.Mary _my letter, because she is worring about it now. A) should receive B) cant receive C) couldnt receive5.An Englishman who _not speak Chinese in China. A) mustB) couldC) can 6.Mr Wang _ write last year, he was ill for three years. A. mustnt B. couldnt C. cant7.

5、Who is the man over there? Is it Mr Li? -No, it _ be him. Mr Li is much taller. A. mustnt B. could not C. cant 8.Could I seat here? Yes, of course you _.A. can B.could C.must三、按要求完成句子1. He can ride a bike. (改一般疑问句和否定句,并作肯定和否定回答) 一般疑问句_ 否定句_ 肯定回答_否定回答_2.你会弹吉他吗? _ you _ _ guitar?3.两年前我不会骑自行车。 I _ _a bike two years _.四、下列各句均有一处错误,请指出并改正1.He can speaks English very well. A B C D2.Can you play a piano? A B C D3.He doesnt buy something his brother. A B C D 4.I couldnt speak Japanese when I am four. A B C D5.What can you sister does? A B C D


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