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1、仁爱版初一上册英语期末试卷听力部分 (共20分)I. 听句子,选择正确的图片: (5分) II 听句子,选择最佳答案: (5分) 1. A. Its my hat. B. Its me. C. I like it. D. I have a hat. 2. A. I like red. B. Blue is my favourite. C. Theyre purple. D. Its purple. 3. A. Do you like them? B. Thank you. C. Thats good. D. Youre welcome. 4. A. Scissors. B. Pens. C.

2、Paper. D. Umbrella. 5. A. Yes, thanks. B. Yes, please. C. No, youre welcome. D. Yes, here you are. III. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案: (5分) 1. A. Pencils. B. Cases. C. Pencil case. D. Pens. 2. A. Green. B. Purple. C. Red. D. Pink. 3. A. Jims. B. Jims and Kates. C. Kates. D. Jim and Kates. 4. A. Its a map of China.

3、B. Its a map of Canada. C. Its new. D. Its from Canada. 5. A. Yes, he is. B. A man teacher. C. A woman teacher. D. No, shes a woman. IV 听短文,完成短文中所缺的单词: (5分) Three _(1) and a girl are _(2)the classroom. They are David, John, Mike and Jenny. David and John _(3)drawing on the_(4). They like lions, _(5)

4、they draw a lion there. The _(6) of the lion is_(7) and blue. Its very nice. Mike and Jenny are cutting a piece of paper with scissors. They are all wearing _(8) _(9). They like wearing the _(10) things. 笔试部分(共80分)I 下列每组单词中有一个单词拼写错误,请指出: (5分) 1 A neght B where C pen D afternoon 2 A Miss B teacher C

5、is D soocer 3 A how B paper C gren D thank 4 A good B spell C cat D driss 5 A brewn B blue C this D yes II 根据句意及所给词首字母提示,填入正确单词: (10分) 6 The orange is o_ and the apple is r_. 7 E_ and two is ten. 8 This pair of s_ is too big. 9 -Whats her f_ clothes? -Skirts. 10 -Are these shirts big? -No, theyre s_

6、. III 单项选择: (15分) 11 _ 组中字母均是辅音字母。 A a d e B b d g C o u w D e i o 12 下列大写字母中均为三笔写成的是_组。 A AHI B OSE C XYZ D OPQ 13 This is my English teacher,_ A miss Jiang B Jiang Miss C Miss Jiang D Miss jiang 14 -Excuse me, are you Mr. Brown? - A Yes,Im not B No,I am C Yes, Im D No,Im not 15 在购买衣服时, _ 表示大号,_ 表示

7、小号,_ 表示特大号。 A L,S,XL B XL,L,S C X,S,XXL D XL,L,XX IV 从栏中选出与I栏相对应的汉语:(10分) I II 16 BBC a 中国人民解放军 17 VIP b 光盘 18 HK c 英国广播公司 19 PLA d 重要人物 20 CD e 香港 V. 看图完成下列句子: (20分) 21. He has _ _. 22. She has _ _. 23._ _ _ Li Yangs. 24. This man has a_ _. 25. I have _ for breakfast. VI 阅读理解: (10分) 看下面图表选择正确答案。 26

8、. -Is Tim a teacher? - _. A. Yes, he is B. No, he isnt C. No, its a boy D. Yes, she is a girl 27. Miss Liu teaches _. A. English B. Chinese C. No. 8 Middle School D. Bill and English 28. Tim is _. A. a teacher B. not in Bills class C. Bills friend D. Bills English teacher 29. Bill and Tim are _. A.

9、teachers B. girls C. American D. English boys 30. Where is Bill now? A. In China. B. In America. C. In Canada. D. In England. VII. 书面表达: (10分) 根据下面表格内容写一篇不少于8句话的短文,用第一人称写。 Name: Jenny Nationality国籍:Canada. Now in China. Job职业:student Favourite clothes: skirts and sweaters Favourite colour: red and y

10、ellow _初一英语期末试卷参考答案 听力部分原文及参考答案 I 1. Nice to meet you. 2. Here is a cake. 3. Mother and I like drawing. 4. She is in a red dress. 5. They are in the classroom. (1-5 ACBAC) II 1. Whose hat is that? 2. What colour are your socks? 3. Here are two new books. 4. What do you write with? 5. May I borrow yo

11、ur pencil? (1-5 ACBBD) III. 1. M: How many pencils do you have, Linda? W: I have three in my pencil case. Q: Whats in the pencil case? 2. M: Is that your apple? W: Yes. Look! Its red. Q: What colour is the apple? 3. M: May I borrow your umbrella, Kate? W: Yes, here you are, Jim. Q: Whose umbrella is

12、 it? 4. M: Is this a map of China? W: No, its a map of Canada. Its new. Q: What map is it? 5. M: Hows your teacher? W: Shes fine. She is a good teacher. Q: Is the teacher a man? (1-5 ACCBD) IV Three boys and a girl are in the classroom. They are David, John, Mike and Jenny. David and John are drawing on the blackboard. They like lions, and they draw a lion there. The colour of the lion is orange



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