高中英语 Unit 1 The written word Section Ⅳ Grammar &ampamp;amp; Writing教学案 牛津译林版选修8

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1、Unit 1 The written word Section Grammar & Writing语法图解探究发现I am afraid you have not appreciated the urgency of the matter.In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective.The job does not require any formal training.This kind of fast food is not fit for my appetite.No horse has a speed co

2、mparable to that of his.I seldom go home after five oclock in the afternoon.我的发现(1)以上例句中黑体部分构成句子的否定形式。(2)句中黑体部分的构成特点是由助动词加_not构成否定。(3)句中黑体部分的构成特点是由情态动词加_not构成否定。(4)句中黑体部分的构成特点是由系动词加_not构成否定。(5)句中的 no 和句中的 seldom 本身表示否定意义。一、常用否定词1英语中否定含义的表达形式多种多样,可以用not, no, never, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere等否定词来

3、表达否定之意。Not many volunteers came to their rescue.来帮助他们的志愿者不是很多。I wont go to the party unless Im invited.除非被邀请,否则我不会去参加聚会的。 即时演练1(1)选词填空(2016江苏高考改编)He did not compromise easily, but was willing to accept any constructive advice for a worthy cause.(not/no)(重庆高考改编)A smile costs nothing,_but gives much.(

4、nothing/something)(江西高考改编)My brother would like to buy a good watch but none was available from that shop.(nothing/none)(2)用否定词翻译句子没人同意这个建议。No_one_agrees_to_the_suggestion.什么也改变不了我的主意。Nothing_can_change_my_mind.我从来都没有见过他。I_have_never_seen_him.2可以用hardly, scarcely, seldom, little, few等半否定词来表达否定之意。Now

5、 she hardly had strength to open the carriage door.此刻她几乎没有力气打开车厢的门。Unfortunately, very few people have played in this space.遗憾的是,只有极少数的人涉足这个领域。即时演练2选词填空:little/hardly/seldom/fewI had hardly closed my eyes when I remembered I hadnt done my maths homework.I have few friends in the new school.Mr.Smith

6、seldom goes back to his hometown.I have only a little money left.3可以用含否定意义的前缀a, ab, an, de, dis, il, im, in, ir, non, un, under等构成的词表达否定之意;也可以用后缀less, free, proof等构成的词表达否定之意。Today it is impossible to cure cancer completely.目前要完全治愈癌症是不可能的。Second, it is also useless to worry about the future.其次,为未来而担忧

7、也是没有用的。即时演练3写出下列单词的反义词useuselesssmokernonsmokerlike(喜欢)dislikelegalillegalregularirregular4其他表达否定意义的词组及固定搭配:far from, safe from, rather than, other than, free from, would rather . than ., prefer to ., rather than . 等。Your work is far from being satisfactory.你的工作一点也不令人满意。The truth is quite other than

8、 what you think.事实真相与你想的完全不同。即时演练4(1)单句语法填空Facing up to your problems rather than running away from them is the best approach to working things out.The form cannot be signed by anyone other than yourself. (2)完成句子他宁可辞职也不向老板屈服。He would_rather_quit_than give in to his boss.He prefers to quit rather_tha

9、n give in to his boss.现在我们不会受森林大火的祸害了。Now we are quite safe_from the forest fire.二、否定句1全部否定no, not, never, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, neither .nor结构均表示全部否定,在汉语中体现为“绝对不”,“没有”,“远不(非)”,“一点也不”,“根本不”,“无论如何也没有”等。Would you like tea or coffee?Neither, thank you. Ive just had some water.你是想喝茶还是咖啡?都不要,谢谢

10、你。我刚喝过一些水。I knew that nothing would ever discourage him; he would never give up wanting to be a director.我知道没有什么会使他灰心,他永远也不会放弃想成为一名导演的愿望。即时演练5(1)选词填空Shed lived in London and Manchester, but she liked neither and moved to Cambridge.(neither/either)This project requires close teamwork. Nothing_ will b

11、e achieved unless we work well together.(everything/nothing)(2)完成句子没有什么比健康更重要的了。Nothing is more important than health.没人同意这个周末去爬山。Nobody/No_one_agrees to climb up the mountain this weekend.2部分否定英语中一些含有总括含义的代词、形容词或副词,当用于否定句中时,只否定一部分,而不是全部否定。如all, everybody (everyone), everything, anyone (anybody), an

12、ything, anywhere, everywhere, always, quite, both, entirely, altogether等词与not连用时,在汉语中译为“不全是”“不都是”“并非全都是”“不总是”等。All the people are not generous.并不是所有的人都慷慨。Not everything can be reduced to statistics.不是所有的事情都可以被归纳为数据。即时演练6(1)选词填空Its an eitheror situation we can buy a new car this year or we can go on

13、holiday but we cant do both.(either/both)(2)句型转换Some young people like rock music.Notall young people like rock music.One of the two boys is from America.Bothof the boys are not from America.3双重否定双重否定,意义肯定:指同一句中有两处具有否定含义,但表达的意义是肯定的,通常比肯定句的语气要重。译成汉语时可以译成肯定形式,也可以保持双重否定形式。用于表示双重否定的词或结构有:no . not; no/no

14、t . without; cannot but do (不得不); cannot help doing; cannot help but do; without doubt; without fail; not seldom (常常); not displeased (满意的)等。Dont try to operate this machine unless you know the rules for safety.如果不懂安全规则,就不要试图操作这台机器。It is not uncommon to find her reading the newspaper.看见她读报并不稀罕。We ca

15、nnot help admiring his bravery.我们不得不佩服他的勇敢。即时演练7完成句子活到老,学到老。Its_never_too_late to learn.不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。There is no success without_hardships.4某些结构表达否定意义(1)too .to (太而不能)Hes too small to do that.他太小了,干不了那件事。(2)more A than B(与其B不如A),more than含有can的从句(不能)He is more brave than wise.他有勇无谋。Your problem is more than I can deal with.你的问题我解决不了。(3)比较级than不定式(不至于做)



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