高考英语一轮复习 Module1 Life in the Future 课件 外研必修4

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1、必修4,Module 1 Life in the Future,基础自主回顾,.课标单词,1_替换的;供选择的(adj.)2_装;装载(vt.)3_逮捕;拘留(vt.)4_命令;指令(n.)5_娱乐;消遣(n.)6_费用;价钱(n.)7_开关;交换;调换(n. look like,2Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change _ they live.每个人在出生时就会领到一个电话号码,将来无论他们居住在哪儿,这个电话号码都不会改变。,答案:no matter where,3Im _ busy

2、 enjoying my life now _ worry about the future!我现在忙于享受生活,而无暇为未来担忧!,答案:too; to,4_ predictions come true.不是所有的预言都能成为现实。,答案:Not all,.模块语法,用方框中词组的正确形式填空will. be seeing, will be having, wont be needing, will be expecting, will be wondering,1My sister will take care of you. Ill call her today and she _ _

3、_ you.2_ you _ _ Mary this evening?,will,be,expecting,Will,be,seeing,3Youd better borrow my bike. I _ _ _ it.4Please come tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow morning I _ _ a meeting.5If you dont write, they _ _ _ what has happened to you.,wont,be,needing,will,be having,will,be,wondering,单项填空 6Will father g

4、o to the concert with us tomorrow morning? No. He _ then. A. will have a meeting B. is going to have a meeting C. will be having a meeting D. be about to have a meeting 答案:C,7What do you think the Smiths _ when we arrive? A. are doingB. will do C. have been doing D. will be doing 答案:D 8I hope the ro

5、ses _ next time I see them. A. will be coming out B. will come out C. are coming out D. come out 答案:A,9At this time tomorrow _ over the Pacific Ocean. A. were going to fly B. were to fly C. well fly D. well be flying 答案:D 10You can call me at 8:00 this evening, for I _ TV at that time. A. will be wa

6、tch B. will be watching C. will watching D. will be watched 答案:B,考点探究解密,考 点 解 读 1rely vi.依靠,依赖 Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help/to help us. reliable adj.可信赖的,可靠的;确实的 reliability n可靠(性),可信(性) rely on/upon depend on 依赖,信任,rely on/upon sb./sth. to do相信(依赖)某人(某物)去做 rely on it that.指望

7、注意:depend on, count on, figure on也都可表示“依赖,依靠”,其用法与rely on类似,但表示“取决于”时,则常用depend on。 误区警示:rely on不用于进行式;且接that从句时,需用it代替即:rely on it that.。,朗文在线: I think we can rely on Derek not to tell anyone. 我认为我们可以信赖德里克,他不会告诉任何人。 You cant just rely on your parents lending you the money.你不能只指望父母借钱给你。 They have to

8、 rely on the river for their water. 他们用水只能依靠这条河。 命题方向:rely on常与take on,keep on等以词义辨析的形式出现。,活学巧练:翻译句子 (1)We rely on our own efforts. _ (2)She may forgetshes not very reliable. _ 答案:(1)我们依靠自己的努力。 (2)她可能忘了。她并不是非常可靠的。,(3)Children should not be encouraged to _ the electronic dictionaries as it will make

9、them lazier. A. insist on B. rely on C. keep on D. work on 答案与解析:B句意:不应该鼓励学生依赖电子词典,因为这会使学生变得更懒。rely on“依赖,依靠”;insist on“坚持”。keep on“继续”;work on“继续工作,从事于”。,2alternative n(二者当中)选一个;供选择的东西 adj.(二者当中)选其一的;可供代替的 精讲拓展: have no alternative but.除外别无选择 the alternative of going or staying去留之间的抉择 alternative w

10、ays可供选择的方法 alternatively adv.两者挑一地 alternate v交替;轮流 alternate.and/with使交替发生或出现;轮流安排,误区警示:alternative一词既可作形容词,也可作名词使用。 朗文在线: There doesnt seem to be an alternative option. 似乎没有另一个选择。 Check out the alternatives before deciding whether to go to a nearby college. 在决定是否去一所附近的大学以前,最好查一下有没有其他可以选择的学校。,词语辨析:

11、 alternative,choice与preference alternative“取舍,抉择”,一般指从两个中选择一个,只限于办法,打算等,而不能指具体事物。 choice“选择”,常用词,强调自由地选择,不论选择方式及选择对象的多少。 preference“选择”“偏爱”,强调按照自己的喜爱选择。 命题方向:alternative常与choice,preference等以词语辨析的形式出现。,活学巧练: I offered the _ suggestions of spending the holiday in the mountains or by the sea. Aalternat

12、ive Breasonable Cpractical Dsensible 答案与解析:A解答此题的关键是“or”,“不是去山上就是去海边”,所以最佳答案是A项。B项“有道理的”;C项“切合实际的”;D项“有判断力的”。,3charge n费用;价钱v.装满;控诉;收费 精讲拓展: in charge of take charge of 管理;负责 in the charge of under the charge of 在看管(负责之下),at ones own charge自费,用自己的钱 free of charge/for free免费 charge (sb.) money for st

13、h. charge sb. for sth. 向(某人)索取的费用 charge sb. with sth.因某事控告某人,误区警示:注意in charge of与in the charge of的区别,in charge of是“管理”,而 in the charge of是“受的管理”。,朗文在线: Gas charges will rise in July. 7月份煤气价格将上涨。 Whos in charge around here? 这儿谁负责? We wont charge for delivery if you pay now. 如果现在付款,我们将免费送货上门。 命题方向:ch

14、arge常与cost, spend, expense等以词义辨析的形式出现。,活学巧练: I have just had my watch repaired. How much did they _ for that? Acost Bcharge Cspend Dconsider 答案与解析:Bcharge money for sth. 向要价多少。,4attach v系;贴;连接;把固定;使附属;重视 精讲拓展: attach.to.把固定到,把附在 attach oneself to参加;和在一起 attach ones name to在上签名 attach to sb./sth.与有联系

15、,与有关联 be attached to依恋,爱慕,附属于 attach importance/ value. to sth.认为重要/有价值 误区警示:attach构成的短语中to为介词,后应接名词或动名词。,朗文在线: Attach a recent photograph to your application form. 申请表上请贴一张近照。 Its easy to become attached to the children you work with. Too attached, sometimes. 很容易喜欢上和你相处的孩子们,有时候会喜欢过头。 Its easy to let the emotions attached to one situation spill over into others. 一件事中产生的情绪很容易蔓延到其他事情上。 命题方向:attach.to.短语是重要的考点。,活学巧练: Nowhere can I find the labels _ the luggage whic



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