高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife protection Section 1 Warming up &ampamp; Reading巩固提升 新人教版必修2

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1、Unit 4 Wildlife protection Section 1 Warming up & Reading .用所给词的适当形式填空1These pandas live happily under the _protection_(protect)of their friends,humans.2Twenty years later,the number of workforce in the country will have _decreased_ (decrease) by 16%.3What you had planned was of great _importance_(i

2、mportant) to your decision.4The rich man is very selfish and shows no _mercy_(merciful) to the poor.5That he left became a great _loss_(lose)to the company.6The man from a _distant_(distance) village is now the manager of the big company.7There has been no _response_(respond) to the workers request

3、for the pay rise.8The listeners were deeply _affected_(affect)by his story.9Completely _employing_ (employ) himself in his work,he missed the lunch.10As a painter,he is a _success_(succeed),but as a father,he is a failure.选择适当的短语填空in danger of,would appreciate it if,do harm to,decrease.by,protect.fr

4、om,employ.to do.,show (no) mercy to,succeed in,be certain to,contain oneself1You must _employ_ someone _to_ take over the project.2Nuclear power will _do harm to_ our health and safety if improperly used.3Too much hunting makes this kind of birds _in danger of_ dying out.4The engine of the car was o

5、ut of order,but they _succeeded in_repairing it.5I _would appreciate it if_ you help me to find his address.6The cruel pirate _showed no mercy to_ those foreign sailors.7They raised their arms to _protect_ their child _from_ hurt.8Cheer up! We _are certain to_ win the game.9On hearing the good news,

6、she couldnt _contain herself_ with joy.10They tried to _decrease_ the costs _by_ 10%.单句语法填空1When they were lost during their last voyage,they were at _the_ mercy of the sea but finally they survived.解析:考查介词短语的含义。句意:当他们在上一次的航海中迷失,他们任由大海摆布但是最终活了下来。此处at the mercy of意为“任由摆布”。2Whoever has common sense kn

7、ows that smoking does harm _to_ peoples health.解析:考查do harm to.。句意:任何有常识的人都知道吸烟有害健康。do harm to.对有害。3His works _contain_(contain) many books, _including_(include) two long novels.解析:考查动词用法。句意:他的作品含有很多部书,其中包括两部长篇小说。contain指全部;include强调部分。4As you know,we should pay special attention to _protecting_(pro

8、tect) these young trees from being damaged.解析:句意:你知道,我们应该特别注意保护这些小树苗免遭破坏。5(陕西高考改编)Id appreciate _it_ if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.解析:本题考查代词。句意:如果你能提前通知我你是否来我将不胜感激。在句中it充当形式宾语,真正意义上的宾语为if引导的从句。would appreciate it if.“要是将不胜感激。”6In the past three months the area in t

9、he north of the country _has been affected_(affect) by the coldness.解析:句意:在过去的三个月里,这个国家的北方地区遭遇寒冷的严重影响。be affected by 受到的严重影响。7This was _so_ good a lesson that every student became interested in it.解析:考查so.that.结构。句意:这节课非常好,每一个学生都感兴趣。so.that.如此以至于。soadj.an.suchaadj.n.。8When she was told her sons illn

10、ess could be cured,she left the hospital _in_ relief.解析:句意:当被告知她儿子的病能够被治愈时,她如释重负地离开了医院。in relief如释重负。9The organization has been working very hard to stop the endangered animals _(from)dying_(die) out.解析:句意:这个组织一直致力于阻止濒危动物的灭绝。stop.(from) doing为固定搭配。10His coach never doubted that he could succeed in _

11、setting_ (set) a new world record.解析:句意:他的教练从来不怀疑他会成功创造新的世界纪录。succeed in doing sth.成功做某事。11The doctors insisted that the patient was _in_danger,and that he be operated on immediately.解析:句意:医生坚持说病人处境危险,应该立刻动手术。in danger在危险中。12The difference between Tom and Mike lies in _how_ they employ their spare t

12、ime.解析:句意:汤姆与迈克的不同之处在于他们如何利用他们的业余时间。employ在此意为“利用”。13A sharp decrease _in_ production was seen due to the bad management.解析:句意:由于糟糕的管理,生产迅速下降。14How do you _respond_(response) to her rude behavior?Only silence.解析:句意:你是如何回应她的不礼貌行为的?只有沉默。respond to对做出反应,对做出回答,符合题意。15It is certain _that_ he will hand over his business to his son when he gets old. 解析:句意:当他变老时,他将把他的企业移交给他的儿子,这是确定无疑的。It is certain that.确定无疑。


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