高中英语 Unit 3 Understanding each other Section Ⅰ Welcome to the unit &ampamp;amp; Reading-Pre-reading教学案 牛津译林版选修6

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高中英语 Unit 3 Understanding each other Section Ⅰ Welcome to the unit &ampamp;amp; Reading-Pre-reading教学案 牛津译林版选修6_第1页
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《高中英语 Unit 3 Understanding each other Section Ⅰ Welcome to the unit &ampamp;amp; Reading-Pre-reading教学案 牛津译林版选修6》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit 3 Understanding each other Section Ⅰ Welcome to the unit &ampamp;amp; Reading-Pre-reading教学案 牛津译林版选修6(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Understanding each other Section Welcome to the unit & Reading-Pre-readingIn many parts of the world, personal influence is essential in achieving success. This is not true in the United States, where success usually results from hard work, education, skill, and personal initiative (主动权,首

2、创精神). America is truly a “doityourself” society; success is not dependent on family origins or the help of an influential person. Personal progress is the result of individual effort.Because effort and initiative are so important in America, there are many customs that may be different from those pr

3、acticed in other countries. For example, it is not considered dishonorable (不光彩的) to quit a job, even if you have had it for only a short time. Moving from jobtojob, or “jobhopping”, as it is called, is quite acceptable in the United States. Frequently, the opportunity to change jobs offers workers

4、a chance to move up to a better position. Americans like to move from place to place trying new jobs, meeting new people and living in different parts of the country. “Jobhopping” also gives employers a chance to benefit from the new ideas and skills that different people bring to their jobs even if

5、 such people are employed for only a short time.Section_Welcome to the unit & Reading Prereading Cultural differencesMa Li:Hi, everyone. My names Ma Li. I need some help with my homework its about cultural differences. Can I sit down and talk to you?Waled:Hi, Ma Li, Im Waled from Brunei.Peter:And Im

6、 Peter, from the UK. Nice to meet you.Ma Li:Nice to meet you, too. Can you tell me about some cultural differences you have found?Peter:Waled, why dont you tell her about the British teacher who opened the present as soon as he received it at the endofterm ceremony?Ma Li:Oh, I already know about tha

7、t one. My American friend Jack did the same thing.Peter:Well, its what we do in the West. Its rude not to open a present when someone gives you one. We like to see how the person reacts. We think its strange not to open it! What would be another cultural difference . let me think. Well, I once went

8、to an acquaintances wedding in Korea and I was very surprised.Brunei/brunaI/n.文莱Nice to meet you.用于见面开始时。见面结束时要说“Nice meeting you.”。tell sb. about sth.告诉某人有关某事you have found是省略了关系代词that/which的定语从句,修饰先行词some cultural differences。why dont you .为提建议的句型,相当于“why not do sth.?”as soon as引导时间状语从句endofterm n

9、学期末,作定语,修饰ceremony。ceremony n仪式,典礼what引导表语从句。it作形式主语,不定式为真正的主语。react v作出反应,回应react with与起化学反应react to对作出反应it指代not to open it作think宾语从句的形式主语。acquaintance n泛泛之交;熟人make ones acquaintance(正式)结识某人,认识某人on first acquaintance(正式)初次见面时wedding/wedI/n.婚礼Korea/krI/n.韩国;朝鲜文化差异以上部分译文马莉:嗨,大家好,我叫马莉。我需要一些帮助来完成我的家庭作业

10、它是有关文化差异的。我能坐下来跟你们聊一聊吗?瓦利德:嗨,马莉,我是来自文莱的瓦利德。彼得:我是彼得,来自英国,见到你们很高兴。马莉:见到你们我也很高兴。你们能给我讲讲你们已发现的一些文化差异吗?彼得:瓦利德,你为什么不给她讲一讲那位在期末典礼上一收到礼物就打开的英国老师的事呢?马莉:噢,那件事我已经知道了。我的美国朋友杰克也那样做过。彼得:嗯,我们在西方就是这么做的。当有人送你礼物时,你不打开是不礼貌的。我们喜欢看那个人的反应。我们觉得不打开礼物的做法很奇怪!还有什么文化差异呢?让我想一想。嗯,有一次我去参加一位熟人在韩国的婚礼,我就很吃惊。Ma Li:Why was that?Peter:

11、Well, they had a live hen and a rooster as a part of the wedding ceremony.Ma Li:Live chickens?Peter:Yes. Roosters are supposed to drive bad spirits away from the wedding ceremony, and hens are thought to ensure good luck for the marriage. During the ceremony, the hen laid an egg, and everyone congra

12、tulated the new couple because it was considered very lucky.live adj.活的rooster/rust(r)/n.公鸡have . as .把当作wedding ceremony结婚典礼be supposed to .被认为是drive . away from .把从驱走be thought to do sth.被认为做某事ensure/In(r)/vt.保证,担保,确保good luck for .对来说是好运的laid是lay的过去式。congratulate/knrtleIt/vt.向(某人)道贺,祝贺be consider

13、ed (to be .)被认为(是) 以上部分译文马莉:那是为什么呢?彼得:嗯,他们把一只活母鸡和一只活公鸡作为婚礼仪式的一部分。马莉:活鸡?彼得:是的,公鸡被认为能够把坏运气从婚礼上赶走,而母鸡则被认为能确保给婚姻带来好运。在婚礼期间,那只母鸡下了一只蛋,所有的人都向这对新人祝贺,因为这被认为是非常幸运的。Waled:Thats interesting! In Brunei, at wedding receptions men and women have to sit in separate areas the men with the bridegroom, and the women

14、with the bride. Another difference is that while we serve food, soft drinks, tea and coffee, alcohol is not permitted at the wedding reception in fact, alcohol is altogether prohibited in Brunei. And you probably wouldnt get much sleep if you lived near where a wedding reception was being held. That

15、s because we play loud drums to celebrate the wedding for hours afterwards, and sometimes even throughout the night!Peter:Throughout the night?Waled:Yeah, people get used to it.Ma Li:So what other things do you do in your country that are different from other countries, Waled?Waled:Well, you know in many countries people point with their first finger. However, in Brunei that can cause offence, so we use our thumb to point. Its quite f



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