高中英语 Unit 3 Science versus nature试题(含解析)牛津译林版必修5

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1、Unit 3 Science versus nature基因联系听觉和触觉Sound and touch may seem completely separate, except possibly when playing the game Operation. But it turns out that the two senses are actually quite entwined: a new study finds that people with hearing issues often also have problems with touch.听觉和触觉似乎是彼此完全独立的除

2、了在玩军事游戏的时候需要二者都用上。但事实证明,这两个感官实际上是紧密联系的。一项新的研究发现,有听觉障碍的人往往也存在触觉障碍。Researchers compared sets of twins, some identical and some fraternal. The identical twins, obviously, have the same genome and thus the same mutations. The fraternal twins have genetic differences. Other subjects in the study were con

3、genitally deaf.研究人员比较了几对双胞胎,其中既有同卵双生胎也有异卵双生胎。很明显,同卵双生胎具有相同的基因,因此它们的变异也相同。异卵双生胎的则存在基因差异。其他的受试者则先天性耳聋。To determine how acute their hearing was, the subjects reported whether they could hear various high frequencies. To evaluate touch they were asked to differentiate different surfaces with their finge

4、rtips.为了确定他们的听觉是否敏锐,研究人员让受试者说出他们是否能听到各种各样的较高频率。为了确定他们的触觉能力,研究人员要求受试者用指尖区分不同的物体表面。The research revealed that touch sensitivity was highly heritable and connected closely with hearing ability. The better the twins could sense touch, the better they could hear, and vice versa. One in five subjects that

5、 had congenital deafness also had a poor sense of touch. The research is in the journal Public Library of Science Biology.研究显示,触摸能力是可以高度遗传的而且和听觉能力密切联系。受试双胞胎的触摸能力越好,他们的听觉能力也就越好,反之亦然。而五个先天性耳聋受试者中的一个则触觉能力很差。这项研究刊登在生物科学公共图书馆(Public Library of Science Biology)杂志上。Next the researchers want to figure out w

6、hich genes are faulty. After all, addressing the problem could kill two birds with one stone.接下来,研究人员希望能找出是哪些基因出了问题。毕竟,解决了这个问题,可以收到一石二鸟之功。和大自然和谐相处 还人类一个健康未来What is the value of an intact rainforest?一处原始热带雨林价值何在?From a people perspective, maybe its more useful turned into lumber and cropland.单从人类的角度来

7、看,或许把它变成木材和耕田会更有用。The responses to such arguments have often cited what are called ecosystem services.而在回应这些争论时常会引用到一个叫做生态系统服务的词。These are the keys to life that natural systems provide for free think: breathable air and potable water.想想这些大自然生态系统免费提供的可呼吸的空气及可饮用的水,生命因为有这些才能存活。Other counters point to t

8、he psychological benefits of the natural world.另一些论据则是大自然带给人类精神上的馈赠。Now we have a new reason for conservation: human health.而现在我们又多了一个保护大自然的理由:为了人类自身的健康。Turns out forest fires set to clear land in Indonesia generate the kind of soot that lodges in lungs and shortens lives across Southeast Asia.结果证明印

9、度尼西亚地区放火烧林清理土地时产生了一种可吸入肺部的碳烟,并且缩短了东南亚地区人们的寿命。Dams and irrigation projects upriver in Africa increase the population of malarial mosquitoes downriver.而非洲河流上游处实施的水坝和灌溉工程增加了下游地区携带疟疾的蚊子。These are just two of the examples from a new analysis in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.这只是美国国家科学院院刊

10、一项新的分析报告所列举的其中两个例子。Then consider big upheavals like global warming.那么再细想像全球变暖这一类的骤变。Climate change means more deadly heat waves, allergies, infectious diseases and, potentially, a breakdown in food supplies.气候变化意味着致命热浪、过敏、传染病等更频繁地出现,还有可能导致食物供应的崩溃。All obviously bad for human health.所有这些都明显不利于人类健康。Our

11、 understanding of these complex interactions is incomplete.我们并不能完全理解以上这些复杂的相互作用。For example, a given forest clearing may be good for some peoples well-being but not others, both now and in the future.那么举个例子吧,假设开垦了一片森林可能会成全某些人的幸福,但对其他人并没有任何好处,不管是现在还是将来。A better understanding of natures value will pro

12、bably prove vital for human health in the 21st century.如何与大自然和谐相处可能会是决定21世纪人类健康的关键。樱桃树种子迁徙爬山熊功不可没Picture a brave fireman carrying a pet from a burning building.Now, imagine that global warming is the burning building, a cherry tree is the pet, and a bear is the fireman.Youve now got the gist of a ne

13、w study that finds that cherry trees may be able to survive rising temperatures thanks to mountain-climbing bears that carry the cherry tree seeds to cooler climes.Its projected that, over the next hundred years, temperatures on Earth could rise an average of nearly five degrees Celsius.While some a

14、nimals might be able to migrate north to escape the brunt of the heat, plants cant uproot themselves quite so easily.But researchers wondered whether the creatures that disperse plant seeds might be able to help.So scientists spent three years sifting through the droppings of Asiatic bears, looking

15、for cherry tree seeds.And they found that the bears were indeed transporting the seeds to cooler locations not by moving to higher latitudes, but higher altitudes.Seems the bears snack on the fruits that are found at the foot of the mountains in spring and then make the climb to higher elevations to

16、 enjoy young leaves and buds and flowers, particularly as the season progresses.The researchers could tell that seeds had been deposited higher up the mountain than they had been harvested by the ratio of their oxygen isotopes, which changes with altitude.And the 300 or so meters the seeds ascended should buy the resulting trees a degree or two in heat relief.The stu



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