高中英语 Unit 3 Looking good feeling good单元加餐练(一-二) 牛津译林版必修1

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1、单元加餐练(一) 完形阅读组合练.完形填空Sometimes a mothers greatest gift is the smallest detail of her childs life, freely shared.When I was busy with my housework in the 1, I was surprised to find the front door was 2 suddenly. Julie, our oldest child, came in. Shed been married for three months. I was still trying

2、to get used to her 3 elsewhere. Sometimes I even set her place at the table without 4. Julie handed me a small group of daffodils (水仙花) and said, “Guess what!” 5 she opened the box on the table and bent to see what was inside. As I put the flowers in 6, I answered happily, “What?”She began telling m

3、e some small 7 of her new life as she made herself a sandwich. Shed learned to make cake by herself, and her boss was 8 of her because of her hard work. We sat at the kitchen table, and I 9 her eat, listening to her every word 10. It was a 11 visit. Julie had to go to work. I thanked her for the flo

4、wers and for her visit; then I walked to the door with her and 12 as she drove out of the yard.13 in the kitchen I sat and looked at the flowers. My daughters 14 was as bright and dear as the 15 spring daffodils. Suddenly, I 16 the phone and dialed (拨) my own mothers number. She lived a hundred mile

5、s away. When she 17, I said, “Guess what!”“What?” she answered hopefully. Like Julie I didnt have any _18_ news, just little details of the day and the children. _19_ Id come to understand in the last hour how valuable small talk can be. Just before I hung _20_, my mother said, “You made my day.”语篇解

6、读:常回家看看,与母亲讲讲生活中的烦恼和喜悦足以让她开怀不已。1A.kitchenBbedroomCbook room Dsitting room解析:选A根据下文的 “_13_ in the kitchen” 可知A项正确。2A.closed BopenedCraised Ddropped解析:选B根据下文可知作者的女儿进来了,所以门被打开了。故B项正确。3A.studying BplayingCliving Dappearing解析:选C上文中提到女儿出嫁三个月了,但是作者还是不习惯女儿在其他地方居住。也就是说,作者还在努力适应这一点。故C项正确。4A.feeling BseeingCli

7、stening Dthinking解析:选D作者有时候还不自觉地(想都没想地)给女儿在餐桌上留位置。故D项正确。5A.though BonceCif Das解析:选D女儿递花给作者和打开盒子看这两个动作是同时发生的。故D项正确。6A.water BfoodCblood Dair解析:选A根据下文的 “as the _15_ spring daffodils” 可知是春天的水仙花,应该放到水中。7A.jokes BexperimentsCdetails Dmemories解析:选C根据文章首句的提示以及下面所列举的女儿的生活和工作的细节可知,C项正确。8A.proud BsureCashamed

8、 Dfull解析:选A根据8空后面的 “because of her hard work” 可知,老板对她的工作感到骄傲。故A项正确。9A.let BwatchedChad Dmade解析:选B作者和女儿坐在餐桌旁,看着女儿吃,高兴地听着女儿说的每一句话。根据语境可知,这里描述的是作者和女儿温馨相处的画面。故B项正确。10A.safely BbravelyChappily Dstrangely解析:选C参见上题解析。11A.busy BlittleClong Dshort解析:选D根据下文女儿就要去上班了可知,这是一次短暂的拜访。故D项正确。12A.stayed BwavedCsang Dcr

9、ied解析:选B女儿开车离开时,作者与她挥手告别。故B项正确。13A.Further BNearbyCUp DBack解析:选D根据上文可知,为了送女儿,作者出了门,而现在作者回到了厨房。故D项正确。14A.visit BtripCgreeting Dsmiling解析:选A这几个选项在没有仔细推敲的情况下看起来都是正确的。但是,只有A项有“人到了,问候也到了”之意,其余几个选项都没有这双重的意义。故A项正确。15A.last BnextCearly Dlate解析:选C只有早春的花儿才显得漂亮和珍贵。故C项正确。16A.picked out Bpicked upCmade out Dmade

10、 up解析:选B女儿的来访,给了作者很多启示,她也想到了自己的母亲。因而拿起电话打给自己的母亲。17A.answered BsaidCreplied Dthought解析:选A作者的母亲接听了电话。下一段第一句中的 answered 是线索提示。故A项正确。18A.good BbadCsmall Dbig解析:选D根据第一段中的 smallest 可知应选 big, 和后面的 little 相对应。故D项正确。19A.So BOrCBut DAnd解析:选C19空所在句与上一句构成转折关系。故C项正确。20A.on BupCback Dout解析:选B女儿的来访让作者很高兴,作者打电话给母亲,

11、就在作者挂掉电话之前,母亲说 “你让我一天都非常开心”。make ones day “使某人非常高兴”。hang back “犹豫,畏缩”;hang up “挂断电话”;hang out “晾晒(衣服)”;hang on/upon “紧紧抓住”。.阅读理解Travel is exciting and summer is a busy period for holiday travel. Many people will travel great distances in airplanes, cars or other vehicles. Experts say people should k

12、now about other health problems that can strike when traveling by air.One of these is a condition called hypoxia (缺氧症). It results from a lack of oxygen to the brain. Experts say the body begins losing oxygen minutes after an airplane leaves the ground. The air pressure in an airplane during flight

13、is lower than at sea level. This makes it more difficult for the body to effectively use the same amount of oxygen as it would on the ground. Fewer oxygen molecules (分子) cross the tissues (组织) in the lungs and reach the bloodstream.The result is a five to twenty percent drop in the amount of oxygen

14、in the blood. This reduces the amount of oxygen that reaches the organs of the body.One effect of this lack of oxygen to the brain is a headache. When this happens, the heart attempts to fix_the_situation by beating harder and faster. This can make the traveler feel tired.These signs of hypoxia are

15、not dangerous in a healthy person. But a drop in oxygen level can cause a health emergency in people with heart or lung problems. They might lose consciousness or even suffer a heart attack. Experts say that smoking cigarettes and drinking alcoholic liquids also reduce the bodys ability to use oxygen. So they suggest that people not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes either before or during a flight. T



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