高中英语 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions单元加餐练(一-二)新人教版选修8

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1、加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练.完形填空On Tuesday, September 16th, Im proud to join fathers across New York State for “Dads Take Your Child To School Day”_1_ giving my son Felix a _2_ at the door before he heads off to school with his mom, Ill take his hand and walk him there myself. Then Ill _3_ for a bit in the classr

2、oom to participate in the morning activities. Im more than _4_ to do this, because its the _5_ thing to do.The US. Department of Education has collected the results of numerous studies pointing to how _6_ it is for dads to be involved in their childrens _7_. Here are just a few:Dads model how grown

3、men behave in life. When talking to my son about his _8_, I often point to how I and my male friends conduct ourselves, illustrating how we use our words instead of our hands to _9_, and treat other people with respect and kindness. This has come to make a big impression on him. Its important for ki

4、ds to see grown men behaving _10_ and carrying themselves with dignity, because they _11_ our every move.Also, dads encourage kids to take _12_ and explore. Kids with active fathers tend to be highly _13_ about the world. A dads involvement seems to give kids more confidence in exploring the world a

5、round them.Besides, kids learn about how men and _14_ interact with one another by watching their dads. It makes a great impact on kids when dads _15_ help around the house and treat the childs mother with love and _16_. This helps break down rigid, _17_ gender stereotypes (性别刻板印象)Whether youre a _1

6、8_ in New York State or not, any day is a good day to take your child to _19_. Beyond that, ask your child about what theyre learning in school. Get involved! Your child will _20_ it, and really, so will you.1.A.Because ofBIn spite ofCInstead of DIn case of解析:选C由下文的“Ill take his hand and walk him th

7、ere myself”可知,作者要亲自带儿子去学校,“而不是(Instead of)”由妻子带儿子去。because of“因为,由于”; in spite of“虽然;不顾”; in case of“以防万一”。2A.hug BgiftClesson Dbag解析:选A通常作者会在妻子送儿子去学校之前在门口给儿子一个“拥抱(hug)”。3A.stay BlookClive Dhide解析:选A由下文的“to participate in the morning activities”可推断,作者送儿子到学校后会在教室“逗留(stay)”一会儿以便参加早上的活动。4A.strange Bhap

8、pyCconfident Dpolite解析:选B由第一段中的“Im proud to join fathers .”可推断,作者很“高兴(happy)”能送儿子去学校并参与早上的活动。5A.same BsimpleChard Dright解析:选D下文列举了爸爸参与孩子教育的好处,故此处应是说送儿子去学校并参加活动是一件“正确的(right)”事情。6A.interesting BimportantCsurprising Dnormal解析:选B由下文的“Dads model how grown men behave in life.”可推断,爸爸参与孩子的“教育(education)”是一

9、件很“重要的(important)”事情。7A.exercise BentertainmentCcareer Deducation解析:选D参见上题解析。8A.appearance BhobbyCbehavior Dfuture解析:选C由下文的“conduct ourselves”及“treat other people with respect and kindness”可推断,此处应是说作者和儿子谈论他的“行为(behavior)”时。9A.celebrate BcommunicateCcompete Dcompromise解析:选B作者向儿子举例说明成年男士如何用言语而不是手来与人“交

10、流(communicate)”。10A.properly BbravelyCquickly Dperfectly解析:选A由下文的“carrying themselves with dignity”可推断,此处是说“举止得当(behaving properly)”。11A.imitate BchangeCremember Dinfluence解析:选A让孩子们看到成年男子恰当的行为很重要,因为他们会“模仿(imitate)”成年男子的一举一动。12A.control BstepsCcharge Drisks解析:选D由下文的“give kids more confidence in explo

11、ring the world”可推断,爸爸会鼓励孩子冒“险(risks)”。13A.confused BcuriousCworried Dcareful解析:选B由下文的“exploring the world around them”可推断,如果爸爸比较活跃,孩子就会对世界非常“好奇(curious)”。14A.friends BrelativesCwomen Dchildren解析:选C由下文的“treat the childs mother”及“gender stereotypes”可推断,孩子们会学习男人和“女人(women)”如何交往。15A.regularly BhardlyCsl

12、owly Dfinally解析:选A爸爸“经常(regularly)”帮忙做家务会给孩子很大的影响。16A.pride BhonestyCconfidence Dconsideration解析:选D由上文的“love”及下文的“break down rigid .gender stereotypes”可推断,此处应是说爸爸用爱和“关心(consideration)”对待孩子的妈妈。17A.modern BunnecessaryCfriendly Dunhealthy解析:选D根据“break down(消除)”“rigid(刻板的)”可知,此处应填一个具有消极意义的词。此处是说爸爸帮忙做家务、

13、关心爱护妈妈的行为表现有助于消除“不健康的(unhealthy)”性别偏见。18A.mother BworkerCfather Dboss解析:选C通篇都是鼓励爸爸参与孩子的教育,故此处应填father。19A.park BschoolClibrary Dmuseum解析:选B由第一段中的“Dads Take Your Child To School Day”可知。20A.think of Bbenefit fromCget used to Dknow about解析:选B由上文可知,爸爸参与孩子的教育会让孩子从中“受益(benefit from)”。 think of“考虑;思及”; get

14、 used to“习惯”; know about“了解”。.阅读理解Everyone knew I wanted to be an astronaut. Most people knew that I was also fascinated by basketball, and I just assumed that if I wanted to be in the NBA, I could. Few people knew that I read every John Grishams novel starting from the age of 12 and wanted to be a

15、lawyer.As a young girl, I used to see Space Camp, the movie shown just after the Challenger Space Shuttle disaster. Every time I watched it, I got lost in my imagination. I was Katherine, the lead character who wanted to be the first female space shuttle commander. I had a robot friend named Jinx who could cause a major failure and send me into space. Because of that movie, I decided to become an astr



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