高中英语 Unit 3 Looking good feeling good Section Ⅲ Word power Grammar and usage &ampamp;amp; Task教学案 牛津译林版必修1

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1、Unit 3 Looking good feeling good Section Word power, Grammar and usage & Task一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.athleten运动员2.postn. (在网上发布的)帖子3.membershipn. 会员资格,成员资格4.branchn. 分支;分部;树枝5.downtownadv. 在市中心,往市中心(尤指商业中心区)6.freewayn. 美高速公路7.midnightn. 午夜8.expertn. 专家9.effectn. 效果,作用;影响10.affectvt. 影响;(病毒)感染.

2、拓展词汇1.achievementn成就achieve vt.完成,实现2.includingprep.包括include vt.包括included adj.包含在内的3.equipmentn设备;器材equip vt.装备;配备4.sadnessn悲伤sad adj.悲伤的fortn安慰;舒适comfortable adj.舒适的1.athlete n运动员同义sportsman, player2.post n帖子拓展post的其他词义n.柱,杆;职位,岗位v.贴出,张贴;邮寄,投递词块post office邮局post code邮编post card 明信片 lamp post 灯杆3.

3、membership n会员资格,成员资格记法membershipmembership联想后缀ship的其他常见单词citizenship n公民的身份;公民的权利和义务chairmanship n主席的身份或地位championship n冠军身份4.freeway n高速公路同义highway, speedway, motorway5.midnight n午夜词块at midnight 在半夜6.achieve相关单词语境识记Though they have achieved great success in their work, they are not satisfied with

4、their achievements.虽然他们已经在工作中实现了巨大的成功,但他们不满足于他们的成就。二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.have an effect on对有作用2stay in shape 保持体形,形状不变3fall out(牙齿、头发等)脱落4put on weight 体重增加5get into shape 强身健体6make the most of充分利用7take a risk 冒险8by the way 顺便问,顺便说1.sports clubs体育俱乐部2in senior high 在高中3join clubs 加入俱乐部4have some fun

5、with your friends 和你朋友们玩得高兴5on your own 你自己6health problems 健康问题7in the future 将来8at midnight 在午夜三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.Hmm, maybe I dont want to get hurt.嗯,也许我不想受到伤害。“get过去分词”表示被动意义,着重指动作。I got_caught_in_a_heavy_rain on my way here yesterday.昨天,在我来这里的路上,我被困在了大雨中。2.I really dont know which sport to choos

6、e.我确实不知道该选哪种运动。which sport to choose是“疑问词不定式”结构,该结构在句中相当于一个名词的作用,常在句中作主语、宾语、表语等。The question is how_to_carry_out_the_plan.问题是如何执行这个计划。3.Some athletes, whose achievements were great, died very young because they took this kind of pill.有些运动员成绩突出,却因为服用这种药而英年早逝。句中young为形容词作状语,说明主语的状态。He arrived home, hu

7、ngry_and_tired. 他回到家里,又饿又累。4.I dont think your friend should take the risk.我认为你的朋友不应该冒这个险。I dont think后接宾语从句,形式上否定了think,但内容上否定从句,这称为“否定转移”。I_dont_think_he_looks his age of seventy.我认为他看起来不像70岁的人。1(教材P49)However, they have side effects, which will damage your health.然而,它们有副作用,对你的健康有害。effect n效果,效应,作

8、用;影响have an effect/effects on .对有影响put/bring/carry sth.into effect 把某物投入使用/实行come/go into effect 开始生效,开始实施take effect 见效,起作用Bitter pills may have blessed effects.良药苦口利于病。The surroundings which a child grows up in may have an effect on his development. 小孩成长的环境会影响他的发展。It is reported that the new law w

9、ill come into effect next month.据报道,这项新法律下个月生效。2(教材P49)After your friend taking this kind of pill for some time, his hair might fall out or he might have health problems, some of which may even affect his liver or heart.在你的朋友服这种药一段时间以后,他的头发可能会脱落或者会出现一些健康问题,一些甚至会影响他的肝脏和心脏。fall out (牙齿、头发等)脱落,掉下;吵架fal

10、l down倒下;(计划等)失败fall off 从上掉下来fall behind 落后fall over 跌倒;倒下;被绊倒As she picked up the envelope, a key fell out.她拾起信封的时候,一把钥匙掉了出来。I rushed for the door and fell over the chair in the hallway.我冲向门口,在过道被椅子绊了一下。He always falls behind when were going uphill.我们登山时他总是落在后面。affect vt.影响;感动,打动;(病毒)感染;侵袭写出下列句中af

11、fect的含义The disease affected his lungs.感染Deeply affected by the moving story, the little girl burst out crying.感动,打动As is known to all, smoking affects a persons health.影响辨析比较affect, effectaffect用作动词,指“产生的影响之大足以引起反应”,着重“影响”的动作,有时含有“对产生不利影响”的意思effect用作名词,指“效果,作用”;作动词,指“按照某人的愿望产生,引起”The development of

12、China has affected the life of Chinese, which also has a great effect on the world.3(教材P49)Some athletes, whose achievements were great, died very young because they took this kind of pill.有些运动员成绩突出,却因为服用这种药而英年早逝。achievement nC成就;成绩achieve vt.完成,实现achieve success 取得成功;获得成功achieve ones goal/aim 实现某人的

13、目标Every great achievement is a dream before it becomes a reality.每一项重大成就在成为现实之前都是梦想。They were proud of their childrens achievements (achieve)他们为孩子们的成绩感到自豪。I know I can achieve_success if I keep on trying.我知道,如果我不断尝试,我会获得成功的。In order to achieve_our_aim/goal,_we must learn from other countries.为了实现我们的

14、目标,我们必须向别的国家学习。4(教材P52)Two branches in the city one downtown and one by the freeway!本市有两个分馆一个在市中心,另一个靠近高速公路!branch nC分支,支流,支线;分部,分店;树枝形象记忆写出下列句中branch的含义He that loves the tree loves the branch.树枝The river has three main branches.支流The KFC has branches all over the country.分店5(教材P52)We have some of the best equipment of any gym in the world, and 35 classes every week, including tennis and swimming.我们拥有一些世界上最好的健身设备,每周35节课,包括网球和游泳。equipment nU器材;设备equip vt.装备,配备;使有能力,使有所准备equip . with . 用装备be equipped with . 具有,配备equip . f



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