高中英语 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions Section Ⅱ Learning about LanguageUsing LanguageSumming Up &ampamp; Learning Tip巩固提升 新人教版选修8

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1、Section Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up & Learning Tip 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1Our refrigerator is out of (order) again.Wed better buy a new one instead of repairing it.答案order2I didnt get through just now but soon he (ring) back.答案rang3Jack (dive) into the river from the bridge.答案dived4As I

2、 searched the name of this fellow,it became evident that there were two people (bear) the same name who looked completely different!答案bearing5The teacher (tap) the little boy on the shoulder and smiled at him.答案tapped二、同义句转换1The murderer was brought in,and his hands were tied behind his back.答案The m

3、urderer was brought in,with his hands tied behind his back.2Because fallen leaves are buried in the earth every year,the soil becomes richer and richer.答案With fallen leaves buried in the earth every year,the soil becomes richer and richer.3I have read plenty of books and they are written by Ba Jin.答

4、案I have read plenty of books written by Ba Jin.4When he was holding up the Olympic torch in his hand,he stood there excited.答案Holding up the Olympic torch in his hand,he stood there excited.5She asked if there was anything that had been planned for the weekend.答案She asked if there was anything plann

5、ed for the weekend.三、句子翻译1他们已经着手调查那件事情了。答案They have set out to look into that matter.2他受不了朋友们嘲笑他。答案He could not bear his friends laughing at him.3他潜心研究英国文学史。答案He has been diving into the history of English literature.4我通常在星期天洗衣服,但不是我自己洗。答案I usually have my clothes washed on Sundays but I dont wash t

6、hem myself.5实际上,有60多个人在这次事故中死亡。答案There were more than sixty people killed in the accident in truth.四、完形填空In 1 nineteenth century,the invention of the telegraph made2 possible to send noises,signals,and even music over wires from one place to another.However,the human voice3this way.Many inventors tr

7、ied to find a(n)4 to send a voice over wires,and in 1876 some of their efforts were crowned with success.5 American inventors,Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray,6at almost the same time.The United States Supreme Court finally had to decide which of the two 7 the first inventor of the telephone.Th

8、e Court decided8 Bells favour.Born in Edinburgh,Scotland,Bell grew up in a family9 was very interested in teaching people to speak.His grandfather had been an actor who left10 to teach elocution(演说艺术);his father was a teacher11 deaf-mutes learn how to speak.However,probably none of the12 inventions

9、gave Bell the same feeling of triumph13 he had on the day when he spilled some acid from his batteries.It was after he had worked for months to find ways to send something more14 metallic twangs over the wires.Thinking Watson,15,was in the next room,Bell called,“Mr.Watson,16.I want you.” Watson was

10、not in the next room.He was down in his laboratory,17to the receiver.18 Watsons surprise,he heard the19 perfectly.He ran to tell Bell the news:the wires had carried Bells voice20.1A.a B.anC.theD./答案C解析in the nineteenth century “在19世纪”,在序数词前用the。2A.thatB.thisC.whatD.it答案D解析it在此处做形式宾语,代替后面的不定式。that,th

11、is和what均不能作形式宾语。3A.had never travelledB.never had travelledC.was never travelledD.never was travelled答案A解析在发明电话之前的动作,用过去完成时态;never应位于助动词had之后。4A.answerB.keyC.wayD.mean答案C解析找到一个办法用电线发送声音。means表示“方法”,但mean没有此意。answer “答案”;key “钥匙,答案”。5A.TwoB.The twoC.The two ofD.Of two答案A解析American inventors,Alexander

12、 Graham Bell and Elisha Gray是两个人。6A.was succeededB.have succeededC.succeededD.was succeeding答案C解析成功地发明电话是过去的事,应填 succeeded。7A.wasB.to beC.beingD.having been答案A解析在which of the two中,which 是主语,代表单数意义,后接谓语动词,故选A项。8A.atB.onC.toD.in答案D解析in ones favour “支持某人”。9A.thatB.whereC.in whichD.who答案A解析that引导一个定语从句,

13、在从句中做主语。先行词是a family,不能用who引导。10A.a theatreB.theatreC.theatresD.the theatre答案D解析the theatre指戏剧这一行业。11A.which was helpedB.that was helpedC.who helpedD.who has helped答案C解析who helped.是一个定语从句,help有宾语deaf-mutes,要用主动语态。12A.laterB.latterC.latelyD.afterwards答案A解析此处要填later,表示“后来的人和事物”。the latter指两者中的后者;latel

14、y “近来,最近”,是副词,用做状语;afterwards “然后,后来地”。13A.likeB.toC.whichD.as答案D解析此处构成the same.as.结构。14A.ofB./C.asD.than答案D解析more than构成比较级。15A.being his helperB.was his helperC.his helperD.to be his helper答案C解析his helper 做Watson的同位语。16A.come hereB.come upC.go awayD.go down答案A解析此处招呼沃森过来,应用come here。come up的含义是“走上前

15、,被提出”。17A.besidesB.besideC.nextD.by答案C解析next to.“靠近”;besides表示“此外”;beside表示“在的旁边”;by表示“被,由”。18A.ToB.InC.OverD.On答案A解析to ones surprise.“使某人感到惊讶的是”。19A.wordB.wordsC.lettersD.article答案B解析words 是可数名词word的复数形式,表示某人说的话。letter “信件,字母”;article “文章”。20A.perfectlyB.perfectC.veryD.friendly答案A解析perfectly “完美地”,修饰carried一词。perfect和friendly都是形容词,不能修饰动词。very不能直接修饰动词。



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