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1、按准时现身耐心等候,Punctuality is the first principle 准时是第一原则,During the waiting time, job seekers may obtain raw material locally, reference room wall sticking posters, operating tables, table profile and so on, these are important reference data. 在等待的时候,求职者不妨“就地取材”,参考会客室墙上所贴的宣传海报、营运图表、桌上放的简介等,这都是些重要的参考数据。,

2、应届生面试注意事项,细节虽小小看不得,In fact, a candidate from the company into the moment, we have begun to check. 其实从应聘者走入公司那一刻起,我们就已经开始了考核。,Your performance, and the interviewer for the interview process greeting, transfer file behavior these subtle movements, might inadvertently have you been employers look in th

3、e eyes. 等待面试过程中你的表现、与面试人员打招呼、接送文件的举止等这些细微的动作,也许就在你不经意间已经被用人单位看在眼里。,应届生面试注意事项,亲疏有度勿“套近乎”,In fact, you are thinking as it may be, the other side has been rejected 其实你在盘算的时候也许就已被对方否定掉了,A many involved in the civil service interview senior HR consultant said, who will give him leave a good impression in

4、 the interview process candidates may not be the excellent students, but must be able to have a good grasp of the atmosphere of students 一位多次参与公务员面试的资深人事顾问说,那些在面试过程中能给他留下良好印象的考生未必是条件很优秀的学生,但一定是能很好地把握现场气氛的学生。,应届生面试注意事项,吹嘘奉承不如“真心话”,No company may appoint a dishonest person 没有一家企业会任用不诚实的新人,During the i

5、nterview, honesty is the best strategy to deal with, the interview with empty words lies, even slip by, work in the future will also be tested. 在面试的过程中,诚实是最好的应对之策,面试时满嘴虚话假话,即使蒙混过关,日后工作也会被检验出来。,应届生面试注意事项,面试前的“面试”,应届生面试注意事项,Through the observation of the candidates on the first impression or to determ

6、ine whether the company employing standard, for example: some of the show let the interviewer performing deliberately set at the time of the interview, 通过观察以把握对应聘者的第一印象或判断是否与公司的用人标准一致,例如:在面试时故意设置一些“秀”让面试者“表演”,学校没名气自己更要争气,Everyone has his own advantages 尺有所短,寸有所长,Perhaps your school is lack of fame,

7、but you need to have confidence, those noisy brand college graduates are not necessarily better than you, yourself is more good 也许你的学校是缺少名气,但你要有自信,那些牌子响的高校毕业生不见得就比你强,自己要更争气才是。,应届生面试注意事项,抓住最初三分钟,Dont think I will have a good mood Can the static under heart to come and hear you chatter without stop ta

8、lking not yet. 别以为考官会有好心情能静下心来听你喋喋不休地讲个没完了,Career senior personage points out, from the fact that you walk in the door 3 minutes, the examiner determines whether to hire you, the remaining few minutes is completely comfort properties of perfunctory. 职场资深人士指出,实际上从你一踏入大门的3分钟内,主考官就决定了是否要录用你,余下的几分钟完全是安慰

9、性质的敷衍。,应届生面试注意事项,面试8不可做,应届生面试注意事项,1.In late the interview, but also to make excuses for being late 2.be careless about ones dress or improper dress. 3.say bad things about other similar companies. 4.not to ability and employer own demand link. 1.面试时迟到,而且给自己迟到找理由 2.不修边幅或者着装不当。 3.说其他同类型公司的坏话。 4.没有能将自己

10、的能力与雇主的需求联系起来。,影响面试成功的“五忌”,Self-distrust. You want some? Would you like a woman? 缺乏自信。“你们要几个?”“要不要女的?” 2.Ask the treatment. Your treatment? 急问待遇。“你们的待遇怎么样?” 3.With acquaintances. I know your unit * * * 报有熟人。“我认识你们单位的*”,应届生面试注意事项,4.Have the order reversed. - do you have what problem to the company? M

11、ultiple large scale? How the future five years the scale of development? 5.The improper question. - what salary do you expect? - can you give? 4.本末倒置。-请问你对公司有什么问题吗?-公司规模多大?未来五年发展规模如何? 5.不当反问。-你想要多少工资?-你们能给多少?,名企面试最看中的七点关键能力,1.Loyalty 忠诚度 2.Practical ability 实践能力 3.The team cooperation spirit 团队协作精神

12、4.The spirit of innovation 创新精神,应届生面试注意事项,5.Recognition of the extent of the enterpriseculture 6.Interpersonal skills and good communication skills 7.The new knowledge and ability of learning attitude and learning ability 5. 对企业文化的认可程度 6.人际交往能力和良好的沟通能力 7 对新知识新能力的求知态度和学习能力,求职打电话“四忌”,Avoid the wrong person. 忌张冠李戴。 2.Avoid improper language. 忌用语不当 3.Avoid not to understand to master time. 忌不懂掌握时间 4.Bogey to hang up the phone. 忌先挂断电话,应届生面试注意事项,小组成员:24曹志昊 30祁加成,Thankyou,



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