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1、防范疫情的高中英语作文大全防范疫情的高中英语作文2008年的非典想必大家都知道了,一场恐怖的瘟疫,为此许多鲜活的生命离开了这个美好的世界。而今年又迎来了新型冠状病毒,中国人民又面临着一次巨大的危机,我希望它尽快被消灭。让笼罩在中华大地上的阴霾尽快散开,让春风吹遍大地,人们重回美好生活。SARS in 2008 must have been known to all, a terrible plague, for which many fresh lives have left this beautiful world. Novel coronavirus has been introduced

2、 this year, and the Chinese people are facing a huge crisis. I hope it will be eliminated as soon as possible. Let the haze over the land of China disperse as soon as possible, let the spring breeze blow all over the land, and people return to a better life.这次疫情刚开始,是从电视新闻网络上看到,武汉出现了几例病毒感染者,我并没有太在意,还

3、以为武汉离我们这么远,这病毒也过不来,因此我们照常生活,上学,一切都风平浪静。At the beginning of the epidemic, it was seen from the TV news network that there were several cases of virus infected people in Wuhan. I didnt care much. I thought that Wuhan was so far away from us, and the virus couldnt live, so we lived and went to school a

4、s usual, and everything was calm.可是我错了,它开始肆虐起来,从原来的几例,上升到几十例几百例、几千例,而且武汉的很多人因为新年团聚而返回自己的家乡,病毒便被携带着开始扩散,其它地方也开始出现,形势十分危急,我们开始感到十分焦急,每天不停地看新闻,刷微信,不知如何是好。很快,病毒感染者从最初的几例,变成了一万四千多例,而且还有两万例的疑似病例,这是一个多么庞大又惊人的数字呀!真是吓死人了!But I was wrong. It began to rage, from the original cases to dozens, hundreds and thous

5、ands. Many people in Wuhan returned to their hometown because of the reunion in the new year. The virus began to spread, and other places began to appear. The situation was very urgent. We began to feel very anxious. We kept reading the news and brushing wechat everyday. We didnt know what it was OK

6、. Soon, the number of people infected with the virus has changed from the first few to more than 14000, and there are 20000 suspected cases. What a huge and amazing number! What a terror! 春节期间,我们在刷抖音时,看到很多医生和护士,为了不让家人担心,以出差为借口,奋不顾身地奔向抗击病毒的最前线,很多国家也伸出援手向中国捐献了口罩和生化服,特别是巴基斯坦向中国捐献了三十万个口罩,八百套生化服,感谢他们,为了人

7、民,前仆后继,奋勇逆行!China tiktok, regardless of personal danger, was a great force in China. During the Spring Festival, we saw many doctors and nurses in the Spring Festival. In order not to worry about their families, they rushed to the forefront of fighting against viruses on the basis of business travel

8、. Many countries also helped to hand over masks and biochemical clothes to China. Especially Pakistan donated three hundred thousand masks and eight hundred biochemical suits to China. Next, go retrograde!网络上,令人感动的抗击病毒的事迹太多太多,常常让我眼含热泪。一则报道说,有很多护士姐姐,为了更好的照顾病人,剪去了她们心爱的长发。还有许多照片上,医护人员卸下防护口罩后,脸上被勒出了深深的痕

9、迹,一位医生阿姨的鼻梁上都有了淤血,真是令人心疼啊!还有一位医生背着家人奔赴抗击新冠病毒最前线,他坚定而勇敢地写下:“不计报酬!不论生死!”的豪言壮语,铮铮铁骨,令人肃然起敬!On the Internet, there are so many touching anti-virus stories that often make my eyes full of tears. One report said that there were many nurses and sisters who cut their beloved long hair in order to take bette

10、r care of the patients. There are many photos, after the medical staff took off the protective mask, the face was left with deep traces, a doctors aunt had congestion on the bridge of the nose, which is really distressing! Another doctor, carrying his family to the forefront of the fight against the

11、 new coronavirus, wrote firmly and bravely: no pay! Life or death! The heroic words, clank, people respect!最近这几天,我和家人一直呆在家里,不出门,不乱跑,不给祖国母亲添乱,因为不添乱就是对控制疫情最大的帮助,所以我在家里宅着。虽然无聊到快要长草了,但是我们一想到那些抗战一线的医护人员,就会觉得我们是多么幸福。真心希望疫情早点过去。虽然疫苗还没有研究出来,但是国家已经公布了多种防护方法,而且医生们已经开始分离病毒,进入疫苗研究阶段,希望她们早日成功,来帮助染病的人,尽快扫除疫情。In r

12、ecent days, my family and I have been staying at home, not going out, not running around, not adding chaos to our mother country, because not adding chaos is the biggest help to control the epidemic, so I stay at home. Although bored to grow grass, but we think of those medical staff in the front li

13、ne of the Anti Japanese War, we will feel how happy we are. I sincerely hope the epidemic will pass soon. Although the vaccine has not yet been developed, the country has published a variety of protective methods, and doctors have begun to isolate the virus and enter the vaccine research stage, hopi

14、ng that they can succeed as soon as possible to help people infected with the disease and eliminate the epidemic as soon as possible.这次疫情,举国上下,众志成城,我坚信,只要武汉加油!中国加油!我们一定会取得最终的胜利!This epidemic situation, the whole country, United, I firmly believe that as long as Wuhan refueling! Go China! We are sure

15、 to win in the end!防范疫情的高中英语作文2019年底,我国湖北省武汉市突然爆发了一种不明原因导致的肺炎,并逐渐蔓延至全省、全国甚至国外。不久,科学家们证明这是一种由新型冠状病毒感染引起的肺炎,因其传染性很强,感染人数也越来越多,形势非常严峻!At the end of 2019, a kind of pneumonia caused by unknown causes suddenly broke out in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, and gradually spread to the whole province, the whole

16、country and even abroad. Soon, scientists proved novel coronavirus infection caused by pneumonia, because it is highly contagious, and the number of infected people is increasing. The situation is very serious.一场没有硝烟的战争在中华大地上打响了,而武汉成为疫情最严重的地方!武汉感染的人数占全国总感染人数的近40%。武汉告急!在这个最危难的时刻,全国许多医护工作者,第一时间挺身而出,支援武汉。那里最危险,但他们不顾自已的生命安全,逆向前行!他们把人民群众的生命安全和健康当成第一位,救死扶伤,是他们最大的.承诺和担当。他们是白衣战士,是打倒病毒的勇士,是守护我们健康的钢铁长城,是人世间最可爱的人!


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