第二章 法律英语基本特点.doc

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1、第二章 法律英语特点本章教学目的:了解法律英语基本特点。课堂讲练:引言:1、 什么叫“法律英语”?广义:法律界通用的书面语言,比如法规、协定、判决、诉状等在立法、执法、司法活动中使用的英语。狭义:律师在执业过程中通常使用的语言。法律英语在用语、句式结构上都有别于普通英语,甚至“自立门派“,形成一种具备庄重、刻板、甚至神秘特点的特殊文体。2、“法律英语”怎样用英语表述?范例:(1)、legal English;(2)、legal language;(3)、language of jurisprudence;(4)、the English of the law分析:对于(1),“legal”的词义

2、过于广泛,可以表示“allowed by law”: His business dealing is legal.也可以表示”relating to the law”: the legal system。对于(3),”jurisprudence”太过正式,表示”the science or study of the law”.小结:一般采取(4)的翻译。具体说来,法律英语基本特点可归纳如下:(一)用词特点一、 经常使用常用词汇很少使用的含义。例1、1)、(1)、The identity card was issued by the Reception Office. (2)、The parti

3、es could not agree on this issue. (3)、The testator died without issue.思考上述三句话中“issue”的用法。2)、(1)、He has alienated many friends with his selfishness(略,要求翻译)。 (2)、Party A shall be obliged to alienate(change the ownership of land or property, etc.)property provided for in this contract to party B.甲方有义务向

4、乙方转让合同项下的财产。由此可知,许多普通词汇对法律职业者和普通读者具有不同含义。这些普通词汇一旦进入特定语境,写入特定法律文本,就具备了特定的法律意义。比如:词汇 普通含义 法律意义consideration careful thought and attention the cause for a contractaction sth that you do lawsuitavoid make effort not to do sth or cancelto stop sth from happening said mentioned有关例句:(1). About “avoid “: In

5、 case of Party A failure to repay each loan due under this Agreement, Party B shall have the right to charge Party B the default interest on the undue amount of this loan and reserve the right to avoid this Agreement. (2) About “consideration”: In consideration of the Goods delivered by Party A to P

6、arty B in accordance with provisions hereof, Party B shall make payments for the Goods and other costs incurred by Party A for delivery of the Goods.小结:对于这些词汇的辨析并非易事,需要通过语境分析,逻辑推理,进行具体分析。二、 常使用古旧词汇。1、有关“heretherewhere-“词汇例2、1)、Please find the check enclosed herewith.请查收随函所附的支票。2)、Parties to this con

7、tract shall comply with all terms and conditions herein contained合同方应该遵守本合同规定的条件和条款。3) Party B hereby irrevocably agrees that the countersigned Delivery Note shall serve immediately as the evidence that Party B has taken the delivery of the Goods specified hereunder and such a batch of Goods is in c

8、ompliance with all requirements as set out in the commodity inspection standards.乙方在此不可撤消地同意,交货单一会签,即可作为乙方已接收本合同约定的货物且该批货物符合商检标准要求的证明。4)、As hereinbefore defined如前所规定-Here words: hereafter(in the future, after this time,今后,此后), hereby(by means of, 特此,在此), herein(in this,在此中,于此中), hereinafter(later in

9、 this document在下文), hereinbefore(in a preceding part of this document, 在上文), hereof(of this document, 在此中,本文件中), hereto(to this, 对此), herewith(with this, 同此一起), hereunder(under this, 在此下面,在此之下) etc.例3、If Party A fails to repay the amount of the loan on the day appointed for the repayment thereof.如甲方

10、未能按规定还款日期偿还任何贷款-。There words: thereafter(from that time on,此后 ), thereby(by that means,由此), therein(in that, 在那一点上,在那里), thereon(thereupon, 随后), therefrom(from that, 从那里), etc.例4、1)、Whereas the Licensee desires to design, manufacture, sell and export by using Licensors know-how鉴于受让方愿意使用许可方的专有技术设计、生产

11、、销售以及出口-。2)、IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties have executed this Contract in 6 copies by their officially authorized representatives on _ (the date).作为所协议事项的证据,各方正式授权代表在-(日期)签署合同一式6份(或译:本合同由各方正式授权代表在-(日期)签署一式6份以资证明)Where words: whereas(鉴于,considering that), whereof(of what/which, 关于那事), whereby(through

12、 what/which ,凭那个), whereat (as a result of what/which由此)etc.“heretherewhere-“结构分析:可以将这些词汇都看成代词”which“再将跟在其后的介词放在其之前,即:parties hereto, parties to which, parties to this contract.同理,例3当中的”thereof“: payment of which, payment of that call”。同理,在例4中的“whereas“也可如此分析:as which, as the fact that-.对该类词汇的翻译:“he

13、re”,相当于“this”,一般可以翻译成“本“、”这“、”该“、”此“,其经常代指”本“法律文本。也可以不译。“there” 相当于“that”,可以翻译成“那”,但一般不翻译,其经常代指法律文本中出现过的事项。“where”一般不翻译,其经常代指已经知道或描述过的整个句子或事实。2、其他例5、1)、Parties hereto shall comply with the aforesaid conditions.合同各方应该遵守前述本合同规定的条件。2)、Party A shall furnish forthwith Party B with shipping instrument .甲方

14、应该向乙方发出装船通知。小结:这些词汇保留在法律英语中,给理解带来困难,在草拟法律文本时,应该少使用这些词汇。三、 经常使用拉丁词例6、1)、“affidavit”, means “ a written statement of facts made voluntarily and confirmed by the affirmation of the party making it.” 2)、”ad hoc”, means “for this purpose”.The parties made a formal negotiation and entered into an agreemen

15、t ad hoc.3)、”bona fide”, “真诚地”、“善意地”。”bona fide claim”;”bona fide holder”;”bona fide purchaser”。4)、”stare decisis”, means “precedents must be followed”.小结:与英语联系最为紧密的有拉丁语、法语等,现今法律英语中保留大量拉丁词汇也就不足为奇。四、 经常使用古法语或法语法律词汇例7 法语词汇 含义相当的英语词汇action lawsuit (多指民诉)remise give up save except说明:”save”指“除了-以外“,后面跟名词、从句或者介词短语等,比如:Save as is provided in th


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