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1、Module 8 Unit 22 Environmental Protection 基础落实 高频单词思忆 1. n.生态 2. n.原则,道德准则 3. adj.贪污的 4. adj.相关的,有关的 5. vi.反弹 6. n.巧合,ecology,principle,corrupt,relevant,bounce,coincidence,7. vt.it was not a coincidence at all. 这两个谋杀案如此相似,绝不是巧合。,What a coincidence!We have the same name and live in the same room. 真巧,

2、我们俩同名且又住在同一个房间。 What a coincidence!真巧! 归纳拓展 by coincidence碰巧,巧合的是 coincide v.巧合 coincide with.与同时发生,一致,用coincidence的适当形式填空 (1)I hadnt seen him for years when a remarkable brought us together again. (2)My views do not with theirs.,coincidence,coincide,6.sacrifice vt.连词or, otherwise,它们引导的句子在英语中称为含蓄条 件

3、句。 (2)句中leave意思为“使得某人或某物处于某 种状态”。leave+n./pron.后常跟以下结构: n.,adj.,adv.,doing,to do,done,介词短语,Without/But for your help,I couldnt have passed the exam. 要不是你帮忙,我就不会通过考试了。 Without electrity,we would still live in the dark. 若没有电,我们还会生活在黑暗中。 Its cold.Dont leave the door open. 天冷,别开着门。 The manager died,leav

4、ing a lot of work undone. 经理去世了,留下了许多工作未完成。,用所给词的适当形式填空 (1)Her narrow escape left her (shake) with terror. (2)Without you (smell) the burnt smell,I would still leave the fire (burn).,shaking,smelling,burning,20.Given this data,it seems that the link between human activities and rising global tempera

5、tures is not merely a coincidence.如果考虑到这些数 据,人类的活动与全球升温似乎不仅仅是一 种巧合。,句式分析 given prep.to be short(简单地);to begin with(首先);to be sure(自然,当然,果然);to be honest/frank(坦白讲);to make things worse(更糟地是)等。这些插入语表示说话 人的态度,在句子中作独立成分。 完成句子 (在多大程度上) was he involved in the crimes?,To what degree,22.,Titanic,was on its

6、 maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City,when it struck an iceberg and sank about 153 km south of Newfoundland.泰坦尼 克号在作首次航海,从南安普敦开往纽约 城,突然间撞上冰山,在纽芬兰岛南153公 里的地方沉船。,句式分析 when it struck an iceberg and.在此为时间 状语从句,when“这时,就在这时突然 间”,不可用while代替。 I was thinking of this when I heard my name called. 我

7、正想着这件事时,突然听到有人叫我的名字。 He was on the point of leaving when someone knocked at the door. 他刚要走就有人敲门。 We had hardly fallen asleep when the bell rang. 我们刚刚入睡,铃声就响了起来。,归纳拓展 be about to do.when be going to do.when be on the point of doing.when be doing.when正在做某事突然间 had just done.when刚做完某事,这时 had hardly/scar

8、cely.when刚做完某事,这 时 完成句子 I had just gone out (这时风就把门关上了).,正要做某事, 就在这时,when the wind shut the,door,品味构词 1.利用派生法,品句填词 The child has in the eyes so he has to see anything,that is,he is to read anything but it doesnt him in other aspects.(able),disability,inability,unable,disable,串联扩展,使丧失能力,不诚实的,讨厌的,难相处的

9、,disloyal,混乱,动乱,误用,滥用,不奏效,不发火,顽皮,恶意,没有知识,没能力的,不习惯,未受影响的,独立,自主,不充分的,不足的,无能,无力,2.利用派生法,品句填词 The Commercial Publishing House will an EnglishChinese dictionary of the year of 1965.This dictionary will become to date. A.dateB.dated C.upD.update,D,C,串联扩展 (1)up-(=higher)+n./v.=vt.,使颠倒,连根拔起,提高,改善,(2)v.+up与u

10、p+v.(=动词),uphold,uplift,(3)v.+up与up+v.(=名词),upkeep,upstart,吸收,好转,改善,3.利用合成法,品句选词 Have you read the news of todays China Daily?As far as I know,the former two of the first page simply introduce the news that of IBM company has arrived in Beijing. A.lineB.lines C.headD.headline,D,B,C,串联扩展,headache,头灯,

11、前灯,岬角,首词,进展,耳机,受话器,首领,酋长,考题回扣 【例1】What is the price of petrol these days? Oh,it sharply since last month. (江西高考) A.is raisedB.has risen C.has arisenD.is increased 解析 由since last month可知应该用现在完 成时,首先排除A、D。再根据句意可知应该选B。 rise是不及物动词,意为“上升”,符合题意。 arise意为“站立,出现”,不符合语境。,B,课文原文 The amount of carbon dioxide in

12、 the atmosphere has risen by more than 30% in the last 250 years.,【例2】Excuse me,Marcia,a reporter from Vanity Fair all day.Could you speak to her now? (辽宁高考) A.phones B.has phoned C.has been phoning D.phoned 解析 句意为:对不起,玛西娅,一位来自 Vanity Fair的记者一整天都在打电话,你现在 能和她通话吗?表示过去开始的动作一直持续 进行到现在用现在完成进行时。题干中all day

13、 表示一段时间。,C,课文原文 They claim that in the last 50 years,gases pumped into the Earths atmosphere by the factories and vehicles have been speeding up the process of global warming and affecting our climate.,【例3】Why are you so anxious? It isnt your problem . (浙江高考) A.on purposeB.in all C.on timeD.after al

14、l 解析 A项为“故意地”;B项为“总共”;C项 为“按时”;D项为“毕竟”。句意为:你为什 么如此地焦急?毕竟不是你的问题。 课文原文 After all,there is no substitute for our Earth.,D,【例4】I travel to the Binhai New Area by light railway every day, do many businessmen who live in downtown Tianjin. (天津高考) A.asB.which C.whenD.though 解析 as引导比较或方式状语从句时,一般采 用正常语序,但在正式语

15、体里,as从句有时也 采用倒装语序,即as I do或as do I。句意 为:,像住在天津市区的许多商人一样。,A,课文原文 .human beings are causing changes in the Earths climatesomething previously seen as beyond our control.,写作技能 高考应试技巧 1.认真审题,选择表达方式 高考阅卷抽查表明,由于审题不充分、遗漏 要点而失分的学生达到35%到40%。审题就要弄清 题目的大意与要求。高考英语书面表达不能像汉 语作文那样自由发挥,而要根据题目要求、按所 给提示来组织文章,一边审读题目的要

16、求,一边 思考相应的英语表达方式。切忌用汉语打草稿, 然后将汉语草稿翻译成英语。这种做法容易导致 高考英语书面表达严重失分。学生的思维已经达,到成人水平,而英语表达水平相对滞后许多。用 汉语打成草稿,而没有能力将其翻译成英语,勉 强为之必将会错误百出。因此,学生必须用英语 思考和审题。,2.展提纲,连接句子成文 从高考英语书面表达评分细则中可以看出, 要考查的是学生运用复杂语法结构的能力。许多 学生由于一味追求复杂结构而导致语法错误。解 决这一问题的主要办法就是打草稿,第一次列提 纲时写出句子的主干,然后在此基础上增补定语 从句、状语从句、名词性从句,添加由形容词充 当的定语、由副词充当的状语,尤其是非谓语动 词短语充当的定语和状语。这样写出的复杂句子 一般不会出现错误,这是由于英语句子为树状结 构,一个带



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