高三英语一轮复习 Unit 3 A healthy life课件 新人教选修8

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1、.重点单词聚焦 1That sentence is too difficult;it is beyond my_(理解)Could you explain it to me? 答案:comprehension 2He_(滥用) his power as the manager by giving his son a job in the company,which made us angry. 答案:abused 3The medicine that he is taking is of no_(影响);he hasnt recovered from his illness yet. 答案:e

2、ffect,4The boy felt_(失望的) because he didnt get a ticket to the basketball match. 答案:disappointed 5He didnt feel_(绝望的),even though he faced many difficulties. 答案:desperate 6He smokes ten_(香烟) a day,which is harmful to his lungs. 答案:cigarettes,7Mary had a_(偏见) against students from the countryside. 答案

3、:prejudice 8Mistakes in_(判断) usually lead to great losses. 答案:judgement 9You shouldnt ask her private questions that will make her feel _(尴尬的) 答案:embarrassed 10Recently,he has become_(入谜) to computer games. 答案:addicted,.重点短语扫描 1 to由于 2be to习惯于 3feel (doing)想要(做) 4 risks/a risk冒险 5 risk处境危险;遭受危险 6be

4、to对有瘾 7 on对作出决定 8in of不顾;不管,due,accustomed,like,take,at,addicted,decide,spite,9get 陷入;染上(坏习惯) 10 is也就是说 11reach for接触;够着 12go a diet节食,into,that,out,on,.课文原句突破 1在我这个年纪,身体仍然很健康,可以在一下午骑自行车走20公里,这看起来是令人吃惊的。 _ _ amazing _at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon. 答案:It seems

5、;that 2我认识到是我要戒烟的时候了。 I knew _ _ _ _quit smoking. 答案:it was time to,3我的确希望你把它戒掉,因为我希望你能像我这样活得健康长寿。 I do hope so because I want you to live _long and healthy a life _I have. 答案:as;as 4每次你想吸烟的时候,要提醒自己你是一个不吸烟的人。 _ _ you feel like smoking a cigarette,remind yourself that you are a nonsmoker. 答案:Every ti

6、me,5覆水难收。 _ _ _ _ crying over spilt milk. 答案:It is no use 6只有当这种病毒发展成艾滋病时,人才会显出病态。 _ _only when the disease has progressed to AIDS_a person begins to look sick. 答案:It is;that,stress n重压,逼迫,压力;重音;重点;vt.加压力于;使紧张;重读,When I listen to music,I forget any feelings of anger or stress. 一听音乐,我就忘记了所有的怒气和压力。 Wh

7、en I was a child,Mother laid great stress on my proper behavior.在我小的时候,妈妈特别强调我要行为端正。 The president has repeatedly stressed the importance of economic development.总统反复强调经济发展的重要性。 He was feeling very stressed and tired. 他感到心力交瘁。,1.用stress的适当形式填空: After a_week of work,all the employees were extremely _

8、and tired.They complained that few could work efficiently under_. 答案:stressful;stressed;stress,quit vt.停止(做某事);离开 教材原句P18:I was addicted in all three ways,so it was very difficult to quit.我之所以上瘾是有着这三个方面的原因的,因此,要戒烟就很难。,However,he didnt quit,and he became a great pianist. 然而,他没有放弃,最终成为了伟大的钢琴家。 My fath

9、er has quit smoking at last. 我父亲终于戒了烟。 I got my present job when I quit the army. 我退伍后得到了现在这份工作。 He was glad to be quit of the troublesome job. 他很高兴能摆脱掉那份麻烦的工作。,2.完成句子 (1)Because of having no money,the poor boy had to_ _(退学) (2)他并没有戒烟,但是已减到每天只抽三支烟了。 _,but is holding down to three cigarettes a day. 答

10、案:(1)quit school(2)He has not quit smoking,effect n结果;效力 教材原句P18:When I was young,I didnt know much about the harmful effects of smoking. 在我年轻的时候,关于吸烟的危害性我知道得并不多。,have an effect on/upon对有效,对产生影响 come/go into effect生效 bring/carry/put.into effect实行;实施 take effect生效;奏效 of no effect没有效果的;没有影响的 side effe

11、ct副作用,This had a great effect upon the future of his life. 这对他的将来影响很大。 Many teachers worry about the effects of television on young people.许多教师担心电视对年轻人的影响。 However,they have side effects,which will damage your health. 然而它们有副作用,对你的健康有害。 The new law will come into effect next month. 这项新法律下个月生效。 The me

12、dicine was of no effect on the patient. 这种药对病人无效。,3.完成句子 (1)Believe it or not,scolding sometimes_ (对孩子产生相反的效果) (2)It will be a few minutes before the drugs start to_ _ (起作用) 答案:(1)has an opposite effect on children(2)take effect,risk n危险;风险 教材原句P20:He felt he had to decide on every step instead of t

13、aking risks. 他觉得他必须每一步都要认真作决定而不能冒险。,Whatever you do,dont take unnecessary risks. 无论你做什么,都不要冒不必要的风险。 He saved my life at the risk of losing his own. 他冒着生命危险救了我。 When children start smoking,they dont realize that theyre risking their health. 小孩开始抽烟时,并没有意识到是在拿自己的健康去冒险。,The brave man risked his life to

14、save the boy. 这位勇士冒着生命危险去救这个孩子。 If you live abroad for some time you risk losing old friends in your homeland. 如果你在国外住很长时间你就会有失去国内朋友的危险。,4.He got wellprepared for the job interview,for he couldnt risk_the good opportunity. Ato loseBlosing Cto be lostDbeing lost 解析:risk后接动词ing作宾语;主语he和lose之间是主动关系。 答案

15、:B,due to由于,因为 教材原句P18:I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live. 我想我之所以长寿而且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康生活。 Some of the diseases spread is due to global warming. 一些疾病的传播是由于全球变暖引起的。 The old mans good health is mainly due to proper diet and regular exercise. 这位老人身体好的主要原因是饮食得当以及经常运动。,She is due to complete her study and graduate late this year. 她预计今年下半年完成学业。 It is reported that the accident was due to careless driving,so a lot of money was due to be paid by the driver. 据报道,这


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