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1、Saving the earth,Deforestation,Desertification,Starvation,Deforestation,Dunhuang Gebi,A great city,Why?,Mainly two causes:,A desert,(China),Trees are cut down.,Nothing can hold.,Soil is blown away.,Soil is washed away.,Too many sheep and cattle.,All the grass is eaten.,Grass never grows again ; The

2、land becomes desert.,Chemicals in the smoke also cause a lot of damage. One happened in Germany.,travel ; fall to the ground in the rain,Trees are destroyed.,Fish are killed.,Our earth is injured and she is being sent to hospital .,We have only one earth. Lets take action to save it.,only one, Earth

3、 Day The topic of 2004 is WHO stands for The largest desert in the world World Environment Day is,April . 22nd,Sahara,June.5th,海洋兴亡,匹夫有责,世界卫生组织,Quiz show,Welcome to the Earth Summit,Unit 9 Reading,the highest point; top of a mountain,Summit,meeting between the heads of two or more countries,a summit

4、 talk a summit meeting,Summit,最高级会谈,最高级会议,Earth Summit,地球峰会,Introduction:,The Earth Summit is the informal and best-known name for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). The Earth Summit was first held in Stockholm, capital of Sweden, to exchange ideas on how to protec

5、t the earth. Since 1972 to 2002, the Earth Summit has altogether been held 21 times, each with a theme.,For example,the theme of the first Earth Summit was on the Human Environment, the theme of the 14th Earth Summit in Beijing in 1995 was on Action for Equality, Development and Peace, and the theme

6、 of the 21st Earth Summit in Johannesburg in 2002 was on Sustainable Development.,This Summit makes sustainable development a reality. United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan said , This Summit will put us on a path that reduces poverty while protecting the environment, a path that works for all

7、 peoples, rich and poor, today and tomorrow.,联合国秘书长安南,Secretary-General Kofi Annan,earth summit,Introduction Body Conclusion,Sample outline,Introduce the Earth Summit to the readers.,What we can do,Fast reading : 1.Where was the Earth Summit held in 1972/2002? 2.What did most speakers talk about ?Wh

8、at do they refer to?,In 1972, the United Nations held a meeting in Stockholm, Sweden to share ideas about ways to take better care of the earth.,Stockholm,In 2002, the Earth Summit was held in Johannesburg in South Africa.,.,Johannesburg,Johannesburg,True or false,30% of the people on earth do not h

9、ave access to clean drinking water. Water pollution alone causes almost 3 million deaths. All too often, global development means that rich people get richer and the poor get richer too. Premier Zhu Rongji stressed the need for equality and fairness in the world at the summit. If every one of us mak

10、e a big change, we could make a big difference.,20%,Air,while,poorer,small,P1 P2 P3 P4&5 P6 P7,Meetings like the summit can tell us what we can do to help.,Many speakers also spoke about poverty, war and violence.,Most of the speakers talked about the “big three”.,The Earth Summit is also a place to

11、 find solutions for the future.,The background knowledge of the Earth Summit and one of the main themes.,The Earth Summit helps people understand the serious problems and encourage people to take action.,Match the main ideas,Para.1 The big three and the results caused by them Para.2 A brief introduc

12、tion to 1972, 2002 Earth Summits. Para.3 How to save the earth Para.4 The responsibilities of the richer countries Para.5 Small changes make a big difference Para.6 One of the solutions to the problems is education Para.7 Ss better understanding of the environment and their willingness to act are im

13、portant.,D.The content of the Earth Summit,B. How the summit helped people find the solutions for the future,How the summit helps people understand the serious problems facing the earth,Para. 23,Para.46,Para. 1,Para. 7,C.The origin of the Earth Summit and the purpose of holding it,C,D,A,B,True or fa

14、lse,In 1972, the United Nations held a meeting in Stockholm, Sweden to share ideas about ways to take care of the earth.( ),3. The “big three” cause almost three million deaths.,2.As a result of several Earth Summits, much progress has been made to save the earth. ( ),T,T,F,True or false,5. In the w

15、orld, developing countries can prosper on their own. 6. We can save the earth by changing the way we live every day.,4 .Only 80% of the people on earth have access to clean drinking water. ( ),F,T,T,7.Only students are learning more about “earth issues”. ( ),F,1.Sustainable development came up _. A.

16、 at the Stockholm Summit B. at the Johannesburg Earth Summit C. by the World Health Organization D. by Chinas former Premier Zhu Rongji,choose the best answer,2. Which of the following is the main cause of millions of deaths in rural areas ? A Lack of drinking water B. Poor sanitation C. Air pollution D. Freezing cold,3.The first paragraph mai


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