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1、重难点精讲,专题十四 复合句,考点一 宾语从句 考点二 定语从句 考点三 状语从句,考点1 宾语从句(2012年29题,2010年30题,2009年28题),重难点精讲,返回目录,重难点精讲,返回目录,重难点精讲,返回目录,重难点精讲,返回目录,重难点精讲,返回目录,宾语从句的口诀 宾语从句三注意,时态、语序、引导词。 从句时态主句定, 陈述语序要牢记。 主句一般现在时,从句时态随句义。 主句若是过去时,主从时态要一致。 宾从表达是真理,客观真理仍现在。 引导词也不难,陈述句that可省略。 碰到特殊疑问句, 疑问词来担此任。,重难点精讲,返回目录,【现学现用】 1. (12衡阳29题)-Ca

2、n you guess _ yesterday? -Sorry, Ive no idea about it. A. when did he come back B. when he came back C. how long he came back,B,重难点精讲,返回目录,2. (10衡阳30题)-Sally, whats wrong with your computer? -I dont know . Maybe I need to get someone to check it. A. whats wrong B. what was wrong C. what wrong is 3.(

3、09衡阳30题)Could you tell me ? A. when will the work be finished B. why did you make so many mistakes C. how you solved the problem,C,重难点精讲,返回目录,A,4. Yesterday my physics teacher told us that . A. light travels faster than sound B. light travelled faster than sound C. light would travel faster than sou

4、nd 5. Who can tell me when ? A. the telephone is invented B. the telephone was invented C. is the telephone invented,A,B,重难点精讲,返回目录,6. Do you know _yesterday? Yes, he went to the airport to meet his friend. A. where does he go B. where he goes C. where he went 7. After the exam, well have a long vac

5、ation. Yes, but I havent planned . A. what I will do B. what will I do C. when I will do it 8. There is no difference between the two sweaters, so I really dont know . A. which choose one B. which to choose one C. which one to choose,C,C,A,重难点精讲,返回目录,9. Can you tell me _to travel to Dalian? About tw

6、o hours by plane. A. how much it costs B. what I should take C. how long it takes 10. Could you tell me ? By searching the Internet. A. how you got the information B. why you got the information C. how did you get the information 11. I dont know_ Apple iPhone 4s. A. what is she so crazy about B. why

7、 she is so crazy about C. how she is so crazy about,C,A,B,重难点精讲,返回目录,考点二 定语从句(2013年29题,2012年35题,2010年26题,2009年27题) 在复合句中作定语,修饰主句中某一名词或代词的从句,叫作定语从句。被定语从句所修饰的词叫先行词,通常位于定语从句之前。引导定语从句的是关系代词that, which, who, whom, whose和关系副词when, where, why。关系代词或关系副词位于先行词和定语从句之间,它既起连接作用,又充当从句中的一个成分。,重难点精讲,返回目录,重难点精讲,返回目录

8、,重难点精讲,返回目录,重难点精讲,返回目录,定语从句的口诀 主句型、从句型,两种句子要完整。 从句紧跟先行词,系词引导要弄清。 定人用who或whom,定物which当先用。 关系代词that能,定人定物有本领。 定时间要用when,定地点where能行。 关系代/副词作成分,唯有宾语可以省。,重难点精讲,返回目录,【现学现用】 12. (13衡阳29题)I love the school _ I have studied in for three years. A. where B. when C. that 13. (12衡阳35题)John is the boy _legs were

9、badly injured in the accident. A. whose B. that C. who 14. (10衡阳26题)Barack Obama is the U. S. president _speeches are really exciting. A. whose B. who C. his,A,A,A,重难点精讲,返回目录,15.(09衡阳27题)The magician_played magic tricks in last years CCTV Spring Festival Gala is Liu Qian. He is popular in China now.

10、 A. whose B. who C. which 16. I can never forget the stories_ my grandma told me. A. what B. that C. them 17. The girl _catches the flowers on a wedding will be the next to get married. A. whom B. which C. who 18. Home is the place _ you can get love. A. where B. which C. that,B,B,C,A,重难点精讲,返回目录,19.

11、 Tony, tell me the result of the discussion_ you had with your dad yesterday. A. what B. which C. who 20. The treatment will continue until little John reaches the point _he can walk correctly and safely. A. when B. where C. which 21. There are several research centers in China _a certain disease ca

12、lled Bird Flu is being studied. A. which B. where C. when,B,B,B,重难点精讲,返回目录,考点三 状语从句 衡阳中考对状语从句的考查多和从属连词结合在一起,以考查状语从句中的从属连词为主。此处只对常见的几种状语从句进行简单讲解,具体详见从属连词的讲解。,重难点精讲,返回目录,重难点精讲,返回目录,重难点精讲,返回目录,重难点精讲,返回目录,注意:英语中有些时间和条件状语从句必须遵循“主将从现”原则,即主句为一般将来时态时,它所引导的状语从句使用一般现在时表达将来的意味,这时主句和从句所表达的时态在意义上仍然保持一致。 常见的应使用“主

13、将从现”原则的连词有:表示时间的when, while, after, before, until, till, whenever, as soon as, as long as, once 等;表示条件的if, unless, so long as, in case等。,重难点精讲,返回目录,【现学现用】 22. , they were very happy. A. Though they have no money B. Though they had got fine clothes C. Although they were very poor 23. I want to know w

14、hen Mr. Brown will arrive. When he , I will tell you. A. will arrive B. arrived C. arrives,C,C,重难点精讲,返回目录,【易混点1】宾语从句用法 We want to know _to help them. A. what can we do B. what we can do C. how can we do 【点拨】B 考查宾语从句用法。宾语从句用陈述句语序,据此排除A、C项。在“what we can do”结构中,what作宾语。若用“how we can do”结构,则此结构中do缺宾语。故选

15、B。,重难点精讲,返回目录,【易混点2】定语从句用法 The policeman caught the thief _has stolen Mr. Lis computer. A. which B. whose C. who 【点拨】C 考查定语从句用法。先行词the thief指人,不能用which。本句先行词在宾语从句中作主语,而whose在宾语从句中作定语,只有who可在定语从句中作主语。故选C。,重难点精讲,返回目录,【易混点3】状语从句用法 You will achieve nothing _you work hard. A. if B. unless C. when 【点拨】B 考查状语从句用法。句意为:如果你不努力,你就会一事无成。if如果;unless除非(如果不);when当时。故选B。,重难点精讲,返回目录,


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