pep四年级下册Unit 6 Part B第三课时课件

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1、Unit 6 Shopping,Part B Read and write Lets check Lets sing,Lets sing 视频, Lets sing, Read and write, Lets check,Lets check 视频,Warm-up/Revision,How much is that doggie in the window? How much is that doggie in the window? The one with the waggity tail. With his tail so short and his ears so long, I do

2、 hope that doggies for sale.,Presentation,Today all sunglasses and gloves are five yuan!They are very cheap. We have many nice scarves, too red, yellow, brown and more! Umbrellas are cheap, too. We have many pretty colours for you. Come and see us today!,Read and write,1. How much is the red scarf?

3、Its _yuan. 2. How much are the brown gloves? Theyre _yuan. 3. Is the umbrella too expensive? _ 4. Are the sunglasses cheap? _,five,five,No, it isnt.,Yes, they are.,Look and write.,Draw your shoes and write a sentence.,They are very expensive.,They are too small.,Lets check,点击“Lets check”,跟我一起做练习吧!,视

4、 频,Lets check,Listen and tick() or cross().,How much is that doggie in the window? How much is that doggie in the window? The one with the waggity tail. With his tail so short and his ears so long, I do hope that doggies for sale.,Lets sing,Lets sing,橱窗里的那条狗多少钱? 橱窗里的那条狗多少钱? 那条摇尾巴的狗。 它的尾巴很短,耳朵很长。 我真希

5、望这条狗打折出售。,更多的,/m(r)/,【例句】 We need more desks. 我们需要更多的桌子。,我们,/s;s/,【例句】Let us clean the classroom. 让我们打扫教室吧。,【主格】 we 我们,狗狗(儿语),【例句】 He loves his doggie very much. 他非常喜爱他的狗。,doggie,【注意】 doggie 是doggy的另一种拼法。,特价销售;大减价,/seIl/,【例句】 The new car is for sale. 这辆新汽车正在出售。,【短语】 for sale 出售,Is the umbrella too e

6、xpensive? 这把雨伞太贵了吗?,【句型结构】Is + 名词的单数形式(+ too) + 形容词?,【肯定回答】Yes, it is. 【否定回答】No, it isnt.,【拓展】 该句型的复数形式为“Are+名词的复数形式(+too)+ 形容词?”。,【例句】 Are these shoes too big?这双鞋子太大了吗? Yes, they are. 是的。,Lets sing,点击“Lets sing”,跟我一起唱吧!,视 频,Test,一、根据汉语提示写单词。,1. This dress is_(漂亮的),but its too_(大的). 2. This skirt is

7、 _(便宜的),but its too_(小的). 3. This umbrella is not_(昂贵的). 4. _(多少钱)is the shirt? Its 50 yuan.,pretty,big,cheap,small,expensive,How much,二、单项选择。,( )1. We_many pretty colours for you. A. has B. having C. have ( )2. How much_the red gloves? A. is B. am C. are ( )3. _the sunglasses cheap? A. Are B. Am C. Is ( )4. How much is that doggie_the window? A. on B. at C. in ( )5. I do hope that doggie is_sale. A. to B. for C. of,B,C,A,C,C,重点词汇,more 更多的,doggie 狗狗(儿语),sale 特价销售;大减价,Sum-up,us 我们,重点句型,1.把今天学习的歌曲唱给你的家人听 2.复习本单元重点单词和句型。,Homework,Thank you!,


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