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1、读书的好处英语作文汇总12篇 Things in life than the books。 It can let us know the heaven and earth, know life。 It makes our temperament, not pleased by external gains, not to sorrow。 Books are our spiritual lair, the source of life。 Achievements of ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, to has close relationsh

2、ip with books, and is good at absorbing nutrition from the book。 Get into the habit of hobby is reading books from the reading, to experience the fun of reading, learning and mastering some reading method, this is not the first great thing in life? Now, I will share with you to read all kinds of fun

3、! A great pleasure in reading than when you when you are racking their brains for a problem, mystery, or on a particular question seems to smell, open the book, you will find that has been done to the full, in SAO itch you。 The steady feeling you so fortable, so fortable。 Reading for fun, different

4、people have different for engaged in manual Labour, a leisure reading; For people engaged in mental Labour, the book can be a panacea, boredom, reading can be permitted; When sorrow, reading can lotus; Reading can be smoothly when excited。 Reading gives a person is calm, quiet, fortable happy, is fa

5、me, money can not be replaced, the spirit of the book, like the human nutrition agent, without it, life will be defect。 Let us not leave a regret, picked up the book! Sure you can understand the true meaning of life from the book! 人生快事,莫如读书。它能让我们知天地、晓人生。它能让我们陶冶性情,不以物喜,不以物悲。书是我们精神的巢穴,生命的源泉。古今中外有成就的人,

6、到与书结下了不解之缘,并善于从书中汲取营养。从阅读中养成爱好读书的习惯,体会读书的乐趣,学习和掌握一些读书的方法,这不是人生的第一大快事吗?下头,我就和大家分享读书的各种乐趣吧! 读书的一大乐趣莫过于当你当你正为一个问题绞尽脑汁,百思不得其解的时候,或对某一个问题似有所闻的时候,打开书一看,你就会发现早已有人对这个问题做了充分的论述,正好骚到了你的痒处。这种“柳暗花明又一村”的感觉你那么舒服,那么的自在。 读书对于不一样的人有不一样的乐趣,对于从事体力劳动来说,读书一种休闲;对于从事脑力劳动的人来说,书可能是一种灵丹妙药,烦闷时,读书能够解闷;愁苦时,读书能够忘忧;兴奋时,读书能够畅流 读书给

7、人恬淡、宁静、心安理得的欢乐,是名利、金钱不可代替的,书就像人类的精神营养剂,缺了它,生活必缺陷。让我们别留下遗憾,拿起书吧!相信你必须也能从书中懂得人生的真谛! I am a love reading girl, since I was young, I very love books, and book the indissoluble bond。 I put the book as an indispensable nourishment, he saw a book like the hungry to see bread, fondle admiringly。 Because the

8、 book is the source of human wisdom, is the ladder of human progress。 Book give me knowledge and wisdom, and also gave me strength and courage。 In my room, there is a large bookcase, there are all books, every birthday, mom and dad asked me to want what gift, I will blurt out: a book, I as long as t

9、he book。 When reading, I often forget all about eating and sleeping, as if into another world。 Reading, can make us grow many knowledge, solve the problem。 On one oasion, grandmother domesticated some hares, hares to depilate, grandma see hares like bite lice, gradually to open mouth, the neck fur w

10、ith red meat, and then use the tongue to the sides, and behind them in a hurry to say to me: you see how this rabbit。 Red meat are exposed, it doing? 。 I to grandma said with a smile: it is the hair removal, then fluff will regrow of glistening。 My grandma listened to, smiled and said to me: how do

11、you know? I proudly said: from the book to see。 It seems that these reading useless really big ah。 Colorful in the book, read the lei feng diary let me know how people live to be more of others, read how the steel was tempered which I understand the difficulties cannot be back, have the perseverance

12、 and strong will to overe difficulties。 The book is a kaleidoscope。 Books are the grand view garden, the book of life colourful, here the color rings。 Come on, let us into the ocean of the book。 我是个爱读书的女孩,我从小就十分喜爱书籍,和书结下了不解之缘。我把书当作不可缺少的营养品,看见书就像饥饿的人看到面包一样,爱不释手。因为书是人类智慧的源泉,书是人类提高的阶梯。书给我知识和智慧,也给了我力量和勇

13、气。在我的房间里,放着一个大书柜,那里全都是书,每逢生日,爸爸、妈妈问我要什么礼物,我都会脱口而出:“书,我只要书。”读书的时候,我常常废寝忘食,仿佛进入了另一个世界。 读书,能使我们增长许多知识,解决问题。有一次,姥姥家养了些长毛兔,长毛兔要脱毛了,姥姥看到长毛兔像咬虱子似的,渐渐把脖子上的皮毛咬裂开口,露出红肉,然后又用舌头向身后舐着,着急地对我说:“你看这兔子是怎样了。红肉都露出来了,它在干什么呀?”。我笑着对姥姥说:“它是在脱毛呢,然后会重新长出白花花的绒毛。”姥姥听了,笑了,对我说:“你是怎样明白的呀?”我得意地说:“是从书上看到的。”看来这读书用处真不小呀。 书里的资料丰富多彩,读

14、了雷锋日记让我懂得人活着要更多地为别人着想,读了钢铁是怎样炼成的使我懂得了遇到困难不能退缩,要有毅力和坚强的意志去战胜困难。 书是万花筒。书是大观园,书里的生活五彩缤纷,那里世界色彩斑澜。来吧,让我们起步入书的海洋。 后面还有多篇读书的好处英语作文! Mr Gorky said: books are the ladder of human progress。 With a lot of knowledge in the book, when in trouble, he will be in your hand and help you unconditionally。 Reading, ca

15、n let you increase knowledge, let you bee more talented, can people have inspired you in writing, not in the way the brain - dont know what to write something good; Can also understand a lot of life philosophy, to help straighten your life path of the steering wheel, make your life more colorful! In life we often encounter many difficulties, you can learn in books many tips, which may help us to solve these difficulties。 Through reading, we can not only make life rich and colorful, more fulfilling, but also can learn a lot of tips, it is kill two birds with one stone!



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