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1、2017 年 6 月大学英语四级 CET4 卷一真题试题(完整版)第 102 页 共 120 页 2017 年年 6 月大学英语四级真题试月大学英语四级真题试卷三详细参考答案卷三详细参考答案 Part IWriting(30 minutes) (请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an advertisement on your campus website to sell some of the course books you used at c

2、ollege. Your advertisement may include a brief description of their content,their condition ,their price and your contact information. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 【解析】【解析】写作题考察了同学们的写作能力,要求在 25 分钟内完成,时间有限,因此在备战英语四 级的时候,平时应积累一些模版,多背一些精彩的句子,在平时的练习中,应该在 20 分钟内完成 一篇不少于

3、 120 词的作文,下面给出以下几点建议: 一,写作中,字体要工整,改卷老师在批改四级作文的时候,由于任务量大,再加上批改时视觉疲 劳,不可能对每一篇作文都看得那么仔细,有时候就凭卷面的第一印象打分,因此字体美观大方能 提高作文的分数; 二,注意段落结构,写作时,应带有题目,一般分三段进行,第一段总体概述,引出正文,第二段 详细阐述文档内容,要分条理进行,比如,firstly,secondly,等,正文一般 4-6 句话阐述完毕,第 三段总结正文部分,回归主题。 三,写作要注重语法结构,不要出现明显的语法错误,否则扣分较多,影响总体成绩。 四,遇到不会写的词,要用其他相关的词语表达。 【参考作

4、文】【参考作文】 Advertisement Im Li Hua, a senior student who is about to graduate and leave the campus, so I have three used course books about English learning to sell at a fairly low price! These books could be beneficial to anyone who decides to buy them. First, the books provide many practical skills

5、on the following three aspects of English learning: how to improve listening, speaking and writing. Second, the books are still well-maintained with seemingly brand new covers. Third, each book contains a delicate bookmark with the writers signature as a souvenir! If you are interested in my book, p

6、lease feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. I 2017 年 6 月大学英语四级 CET4 卷一真题试题(完整版)第 103 页 共 120 页 can be reached at phone 87654321. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Part IIListening Comprehension(25 minutes) 说明说明:2017 年年 6 月大学英语四级考试全国共考了两套听力月大学英语四级考试全国共考了两套听力.本套的听力内容与

7、第本套的听力内容与第二二套套 相同相同,因此因此本套听力部分不再重复给出。本套听力部分不再重复给出。 Part Reading Comprehension(40 minutes) SectionA Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage t

8、hrough carefully before making your choices, Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Questions 26 to 35 are based on the

9、 following passage. As if you needed another reason to hate the gym, it now turns out that exercise can exhaust not only your muscles, but also your eyes. Fear not, however, for coffee can stimulate them again. During (26)_ exercise, our muscles tire as they run out of fuel and build up waste produc

10、ts. Muscle performance can also be affected by a (27)_ called central fatigue,” in which an imbalance in the bodys chemical messengers prevents the central nervous system from directing muscle movements (28)_. It was not known, however, whether central fatigue might also affect motor systems not dir

11、ectly (29) _ in the exercise itself, such as those that move the eyes. To find out, researchers gave 11 volunteer cyclists a carbohydrate (碳水化合物的)(30)_ either with a moderate dose of caffeine (咖啡因),which is known to stimulate the central nervous system, or as a placebo (安慰剂) without, during 3 hours

12、of (31)_ . After exercising, the scientists tested the cyclists with eye-tracking cameras to see how well their brains could still (32)_ their visual system. The team found that exercise reduced the speed of rapid eye movements by about 8%, (33)_ their ability to 2017 年 6 月大学英语四级 CET4 卷一真题试题(完整版)第 1

13、04 页 共 120 页 capture new visual information. The caffeine, the equivalent of two strong cups of coffee, was (34)_ to reverse this effect, with some cyclists even displaying (35)_ eye movement speeds. So it might be a good idea to get someone else to drive you home after that marathon. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡答

14、题卡 2 上作答。 解析: 做选词填空题 第一步:将所选词进行动词,名词,形容词,副词分类 第二步:通读全文,了解大意,并根据空缺确定词性,从相应的词中寻找,不确定的空可以先不填 第三步:完成第二步后将剩余的空填完 第四步:检测,快速通读全文,检查错误 【杀掉拦路虎】【杀掉拦路虎】 1. dose dus n. 剂量,药量;(药的)一服,一剂;(处罚等)一回, 一次,一番;(酒中的)配料,增味剂; vi. 服药; vt. 给药;给服药;把(药等)配分剂量;在(酒)中加 料 2. capture kpt vt. 俘获;夺取;夺得;引起(注意、想像、兴趣); n. 捕获;占领;捕获物;计算机捕捉

15、3. equivalent ikwivlnt adj. 相等的,相当的,等效的;等价的,等积的;化学 当量的; n. 对等物;化学当量 4. reverse riv:s vt.(使)颠倒;掉换,交换;法撤消, 推翻; vi. 倒退;桥牌逆叫; adj. 反面的;颠倒的;倒开的;生倒卷的; n. 倒转,反向;机回动;倒退;失败 5. display displei n. 展览,陈列;陈列品,展览品;显示器;炫耀; vt. 显示;陈列;展开,伸展;夸示,炫耀; vi. (计算机屏幕上)显示 6. marathon mrn n.体 马拉松赛跑;长距离比赛;需要长时间努力或耐 力的事件或活动 adj.

16、需要极大持久力的 vi.参加马拉松比赛 B)cautiously adv. 谨慎地,小心地 B) commit v.犯错, 承诺 C) control v.控制D) cycling n.骑自 行车 E) effectively adv. 有效地 F)increased adj.增 加的 G) involved v.涉 及,参与 H) limited v.限制 I) phenomenon n. 现象 J) preventing v.阻 止 K) sensitive adj.敏 感的 L) slowing v.减慢 2017 年 6 月大学英语四级 CET4 卷一真题试题(完整版)第 105 页 共 120 页 M) solution n.解决 方法,溶液 N) sufficient adj. 足够多的,足以 O) vigorous adj.强 有力的 26.【答案】O) vigorous adj.强有力的 【解析】 During (26)_ exe



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