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1、学 海 无 涯 目的 Objective 促进公司内各职能和层次间的信息交流,从而增进理解和提高质量管理体系的有效性。 Promote the information communication among departments and levels to understand and improve the quality system effectiveness. 适用范围 Applicable Scopes 适用于各部门之间、上下级之间、同事之间的内部沟通活动。 Be applied to the internal communication among departments, le

2、ader and employees, and colleagues. 职责 Responsibilities 最高管理者负责督促各部门各层次以及同事间积极进行内部沟通,并实施必要的鼓励措施; The top management will promote the internal communication among departments, colleagues, and different levels, and give necessary encouragement. 各部门负责人必须督促所属人员积极进行内部沟通,并协调工作中的纠纷; The department chief wi

3、ll promote the internal communication among the departments, and assort with the related troubles. 管理者代表或人事行政部负责受理与内部沟通有关的纠纷,及对当事双方进行调解。 The management representative and administration department shall assort with the related troubles among the departments and two sides. 程序内容 Procedure Contents 为了使

4、公司的质量管理体系能有效地运行,全体人员合理、有效的方式积极进行沟通,不能以 “他们不配合或没时间”等语言作为不按时完成工作的理由,内部沟通可按下列方式进行: In order to keep the quality management system operation effectively, all the employees in the company shall communicate each other with reasonable and effective ways to solve the troubles, and cannot use any reasons. Th

5、e internal communication shall be implemented as the followed ways, 开会 meeting 公司领导至少每年召开一次主管级以上人员参加的质量管理会议,听取他们在进行质量管理 时所遇到的困难和对质量管理的改进意见,并进行处理。 The company top management shall organize the chief meeting every year for the quality management, and solve the troubles and opinions in the quality mana

6、gement system. 总经理及管理者代表主持每周召开一次主管会议:the general manager and management representative shall organize the chief meeting every week, 讨论本周发生的一些质量、管理问题; discuss the quality and management trouble this week.,1,学 海 无 涯 下周生产、销售内部协调;传达公司对质量管理的意见要求和改进;next week production and sales arrangement, the quality

7、opinions, requirements and improvement. 听取主管们在进行质量管理时所遇到的困难和对质量管理的改进意见,并进行处理; listen and solve the troubles in the quality system operation, and improvement opinions for the quality system. 采取多方论证、积极参与的模式充分进行内部交流,畅通渠道,解决问题。Solve the problems and clean the channel using the multidisciplinary approach

8、es, and take part in the communication completely and HUAWEIively. 如果临时无法召开会议,则应由总经理或管理者代表通知各部门部长或主管。The department chief will organize the meeting designated by general manager or management representative. 上周跟踪事项 follow the meeting HUAWEIions in the last week 各部门主管至少每月召开一次本部门人员会议,传达公司对质量管理的意见、要求和改

9、进方 针,听取他们在进行质量管理时所遇到的困难和对质量管理的改进意见,并进行处理。 The department chief shall organize one department meeting every month to public the company opinions/requirements/improvement policy in the quality management, and get and solve the troubles in the quality management operation and improvement opinions. 各生产线

10、/组每个工作日都要开早会,由拉/组长主持,传达公司对质量管理体系的意见要求, 并讲述上一天出现的问题及其纠正方法和预防措施,以及当天的生产应注意的地方,生产部 的部长/主管要轮流参加各班组的早会。 The production lines/teams will organize the morning meeting by the line leader every working day, to public the quality requirements and opinions from company, and complete the corrective and preventi

11、ve HUAWEIions to solve the last days problem, the contents shall be paid more attention today. The chiefs and leaders in the production department shall take part in the production line morning meeting in turns. 必要时,每天针对前天生产过程中的质量问题,由生产部部长主持研发、工程、品质、外协 厂开品质检讨会议,持续提高产品质量。 If necessary, the production

12、 department chief shall organize the quality meeting to solve the quality problem happened last day to improve the quality, including the R&D, engineering, quality and outsourced supplier. 当质量管理会议已成为一项固定的工作内容时(如每周举行一次例会并讨论一个具体的质量 问题的会议),则会议的主持人可由与会人轮流担任,这样更能有效地改善和解决问题,促 进各层次和职能之间的适当沟通。 The meeting q

13、uestion-master shall be in turn to solve and improve the questions more,2,学 海 无 涯 effectively, and promote the communication each other. 4.1.7.每次开会需作好“会议记录”,以便追踪或备忘,并妥善保存相关记录。The meeting memo shall be recorded to be traced and filed. 口头和书面沟通 oral and written communication 生产线员工在生产过程中发现本工序及前面的工序出现质量问

14、题时,应立即通知拉/组长或 主管或附近的巡视人员,要求安排工序改善。 If the quality problems are happened in the production line in the position or fore-position, the employee shall notice the production line leader/chief/IPQC inspector to request to be improved. 巡视人员发现员工的操作方法不对及其它质量问题时,应立即通知拉/组长或主管处理。必 要时,生产部主管应召集品质工程部等相关部门协助改善。 If

15、 the IPQC inspectors find the quality problems or the wrong operation methods, the production line leader/chief shall be noticed to handle. If necessary, the production department chief shall organize the quality and engineering to provide support to improve. 公司员工在工作过程中,发现任何可能影响产品质量和质量管理体系有失效或下降趋势时,

16、 都必须书面或口头向直接相关的负责人提出,并跟进这些不合格的改善情况。必要时,需向 上级反映这些情况;当收到口头反映问题时,有关负责人必须作好记录,以便跟踪。 The employee shall report to the related person-in-charge if any HUAWEIions will cause product quality down or let the quality system invalidate or decline. The improvement HUAWEIions shall be followed. If necessary, shall report to the superior. The related person-in-charge shall record and follow after receives the oral reports. 在生产过程中,任何质量纠纷都需当事人双方互相协商解决,若协商解决不了时,可依照汇 报层级报告本部门主管品质部主管管理者代表或总


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