chapter 9 学校简介的汉英翻译课件

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1、English-Chinese Translation,Lecturer:Seo,学校简介的汉英翻译,小学 中学/中专 学院 职业学院 大学 综合性大学 研究生院 科学院 职业学校,Primary school, elementary school Secondary school College, institute Vocational college University Comprehensive university Graduate school the academy of sciences vocational school,材料工程系 Department of Materi

2、als Engineering 地理系 Department of Geography 地质系 Department of Geology 电机工程系 Department of Electrical Engineering 会计系 Department of Accounting 化学系 Department of Chemistry 东方语言学系 Department of Oriental Languages & Literature,法律系 Department of Law 法语系 French Language Department 纺织工程系 Department of Text

3、ile Engineering 工业设计系 Department of Industrial Design 国际关系系 Department of International Relations 国际贸易系 Department of International Trade 环境工程学系 Department of Environmental Engineering,北京大学创办于1898年,初名京师大学堂,是中国第一所国立综合性大学,也是当时中国最高教育行政机关。辛亥革命后,于1912年改为现名。 Founded in 1898, Peking University was original

4、ly known as the Imperial University of Peking. It was the first national university covering comprehensive disciplines in China, and also served as the highest administration for education.In 1912, the university adopted its present name after the Revolution of 1911. 辛亥革命:the Chinese bourgeois democ

5、ratic revolution led by Dr, Sun Yat-sen which overthrew the Qing Dynasty.,北大,北大未名湖 北大图书馆 ,古月堂 古月堂建于清道光,与工字厅西院一巷之隔,总建筑面积约670平方米。初建时是园主的专用书房。梁启超、朱自清等都曾在这里居住。现在是学校各总务机关所在地。,清华大学大礼堂 大礼堂坐落于校园西区的中心地带,庄严雄伟,一直被清华师生视为自己坚定、朴实、不屈不挠性格的象征。大礼堂始建于1917年9月,与图书馆、科学馆和体育馆合称“四大建筑”,建筑面积约1840平方米,座位1200个。,东门 东门位于主楼的正南方,整个校

6、园的东南部。东门外的黄金区位是有名的清华科技园。,清华大学的前身是清华学堂,成立于1911年。1912 年更名为清华学校,1925 年设立大学部,1928年更名为“国立清华大学” 。 Tsinghua University was established in 1911, originally under the name “Tsinghua Xuetang”. The school was renamed Tsinghua School in 1912. The university section was founded in 1925. The name “National Tsingh

7、ua University” was adopted in 1928.,清华人秉承“自强不息、厚德载物”的校训、“行胜于言”的校风以及“严谨、勤奋、求实、创新”的学风,为使清华大学跻身世界一流大学行列,为中华民族的伟大复兴而努力奋斗。 With the motto of “Self-Discipline and Social Commitment” and the spirit of “Actions Speak Louder than Words”, Tsinghua University is dedicated to the well-being of Chinese society a

8、nd to world development.,浙江越秀外国语学院是经国家教育部批准建立的全日制普通本科外国语学院,开设有英语、日语、韩语、法语、德语、俄语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语、意大利语等九个外语语种30余个外语及相关涉外专业,是浙江省开设外语语种最多、外语人才培养规模最大的外语类院校。 Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages is a full-time institute of tertiary education established under the consent of the National Ministry of E

9、ducation. It is unique in Zhejiang Province for its dedication to and specialty in foreign languages teaching. Currently eight foreign languages are taught in the university: English, Japanese, Korean, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Arabic and Italian. The university has over 30 majors related to

10、 foreign languages. It has the largest number of foreign language majors and is the largest university specializing in training foreign language talents in Zhejiang.,人才培养目标定位:培养拥护党的基本路线,具有扎实的中外语言文化基础知识与专业知识,具有本科层次外语人才应有的外语应用能力、专业实践能力和综合职业能力,适应外经、外贸、外企、外事服务需要的德、智、体、美等方面全面发展的成功的应用型外语人才。 Our Aim of Tal

11、ent Training The university trains talents who support the CPC, well equipped with a solid knowledge of language and culture, excel at their professions, and are capable of the language skills required of a Bachelor of Foreign Languages. They are also capable of well practicing their majors and atta

12、ining their comprehensive vocational competence.,Wuhan University,Campus queen,Campus belle,Campus beau,oriental cherry,The campus of Wuhan University is wooded and green, and has fragrant flowers everywhere.For the above reasons, Wuhan University is widely known as one of the most beautiful univers

13、ities in China.,武汉大学校园内绿树成荫,鲜花香飘四溢,被誉为“ 中国最美丽的大学 ”。,武汉大学名师荟萃,英才云集。学校现有专任教师5000余人,其中正副教授3000余人,有5位中国科学院院士、8位中国工程院院士、2位欧亚科学院院士. The university now has 5,000-odd teachers, including 3,000-odd professors and associate professors, 5 academicians of chinese Academy of sciences,8 academicians of the Chines

14、e Academy of Engineering, 2 academicians of the international Eurasian Academy of Sciences.,上外校训:“格高志远,学贯中外” Integrity, Vision, and Academic Excellence,1963年,学校被确定为全国重点高校,直属教育部领导。1994年,学校升格为上海外国语大学,1996年,学校被列为国家教委“211工程”建设高校。 It became a national key university approved by the State Council in 1963.

15、 Approved by the Ministry of Education in 1994, it was officially renamed as “Shanghai International Studies University”. In 1996, it passed the evaluation process of Project 211 directed by the Ministry of Education, and became one of the nations “100 key universities for the 21st Century.”,Yale vi

16、deo Pay attention to the caption and take down notes while watching to answer questions,ASSIGNMENTS,Welcome “As Yale enters its fourth century, our goal is to become a truly global universityeducating leaders and advancing the frontiers of knowledge not simply for the United States, but for the entire world. “The globalization of the University is in part an evolutionary development. Yale has drawn students from outside the United States for nearly two centuries, and interna


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