八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you rcise单元综合检测 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、2017-2018学年八年级英语人教(上)Unit 2单元检测一、单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。D1.He gets up early but late.A. always; sometimesB. always; often C. often; always D.usually; sometimesD2. Peter, you got to school by taxi? Oh, I take a taxi to school, but my bike needs repairing today.A. usuallyB. sometim

2、esC. neverD. seldomC3Here comes the train.Lets _ .A. to get it on B. to get on it C.get it on D. get on itD4What a_ lesson! I really get_ with itA. bored; bored B. boring; boring C. bored; bored D. boring; boredC5.Do you use _ Internet to study? Yes, I use it once _ week.Athe; the Bthe; / Cthe; a Da

3、; aD6.I help my mother _ the housework.Aon Bin Cby DwithB7.What does Nancy usually do after school?_.AShe has piano lessons on MondayBShe usually goes runningCHer favorite sport is running DShe runs fastB8. How often does your brother use the Internet? .A. Last weekB. Twice a weekC. About a weekD. O

4、ne weekD9. do you have PE lessons? Three times a week.A. How longB. How soonC. How manyD. How oftenC10.One thing that is inexpensive in Paris, , is the wine.A. thoughB. whateverC. howeverD. butC11.I think the best way _ is playing basketball with friends.A.relax B.to relaxing C.to relax D.relaxingA1

5、2.Only ten percent of the students _ their mother with the housework after school.Ahelp Bhelps Chelping Dto helpC13.Does your brother often do exercise?_.So he is very strong and healthy.AYes,he is BNo,he isntCYes,he does DNo,he doesntB14.Watching TV too much _ our study.Ais good for Bis bad for Cis

6、 good at Dis good toB15.You cant _, or you will feel tired.Aget up early Bstay up late Cplay sports Ddo exercise二、完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。Mr. White is a very rich man. He 16 delicious food. He had a 17 cook, Mr. Black. The man could cook all kinds of food.

7、His wife asked him to 18 her last month. Now she thinks shes good at cooking and doesnt want Mr. Black to 19 for them any longer(不再). Now Mrs. White begins to cook for her 20 . But Mr. White does not like her food at all. He says he wont 21 any food at home if she doesnt stop cooking. The woman says

8、 shell 22 another cook. The man has to wait. This morning Mr. White broke a window in a shop. They took him to the 23 . The policeman said, “Im sorry to tell you, Mr. White. Or Ill fine (罚款)you ten dollars, or youll stay in prison(监狱). 24 do you want? “Ill stay in prison.” Answered the rich man. “ 2

9、5 ?” “Because my wife will find a new cook in ten days!”( )16. A. knows B. likes C. hears D. sees( )17. A. young B. strong C. good D. bad( )18. A. teach B. show C. study D. fry( )19. A. sing B. play C. write D. work( )20. A. farm B. class C. family D. shop( )21. A. read B. buy C. sell D. eat( )22. A

10、. look for B. listen to C. ask D. call( )23. A. bus stationB. police station C. post office D. middle school( )24. A. When B. Which C. What D. Who( )25. A. How B. Which C. Where D. Why三、阅读理解(10小题,每小题2分,共20分)AEveryone knows exercise is important.We all need to exercise.Doctors say its good for us.It

11、keeps our body strong.When the daytime comes, we must get up.This is the time for exercise.Exercise means (意味着) doing things with the body.Therere many ways to exercise.You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games.Make sure you exercise in the following ways: You have to like the sport.Exercis

12、e enoughbut not too much.Its good to exercise twice a week.Thirty minutes each time is enough.Try all kinds of things until you find one, two or three sports that are right for you.Exercising can be fun.Friends can exercise together at a fitness_center,_or they can play sports together.26.In the pas

13、sage the writer tells us we all need to _.Adrink Bsleep Cexercise Dwork27.What does exercise mean?A.Doing things with the body. B.Studying.C.Having classes. D.Playing.28.Which of the following sports cant we find in the passage?A.Fishing. BRunning.C.Swimming. DWalking.29.What can exercise do for us?

14、A.It can make the body weak. B.It can make the body healthy.C.It can make us ill. D.It can make us sleep more.30.The underlined (加下划线的) words “fitness center” mean _.A.商务中心 B健身中心 C.购物中心 D医疗中心B Little Peter is a boy of nine. He began to go to school the year before last and now hes in Grade Three. He lives not far from the school but hes often late for class. He likes watching TV in the evening and goes to bed late,


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