八年级英语上册 Module 11 Way of life Unit 2 In England you usually drink tea with milk导学案 (新版)外研版

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1、课题 Module11 Unit2 In England you usually drink tea with milk. 课型Reading and writing【学习目标】(1)理解课文,并通过课文了解一些英国的传统习俗;(2)在具体语境中能够正确使用“must, mustnt, can, cant, need”表述某地或者某场合的风俗习惯和规章制度;【学习重点和难点】在具体语境中能够正确使用“must, mustnt, can, cant, need”表述某地或者某场合的风俗习惯和规章制度。【学习方法】小组合作、交流讨论【Learning process】Preview 1.我出彩:根

2、据音标写出单词。(相信自己,我能行。)phonogramwordChinesephonogramwordChinese/steI/nt/smwn/dentlmn/sndwId/ld/tIp/ksprns/2.翻译官:预习课文,从文中找到下列词组。(有难度,记得要交流!)(1)我在英国的经历 (2)注意到有趣的东西 (3)英国的生活方式 (4) 第一次 (5) 一顿便餐 (6) 推挤着上车 (7)排队 (8)等着轮到你 (9) 碰某人的肩膀 Cooperative learning【Pre-reading】Step1 Choose the correct answers.mustmustntDr

3、ive on the left of the road in Britain.Stop at the red light.Drop litter in the street.Ride your bicycle on the pavement (人行道).Point at people.Make noise in the library.Step2 List something different between China and western countries.【While-reading】Step1 Listen and answer the questions: 1.When did

4、 Wang Hui have his experiences in English? 2. How many English ways of life are mentioned? Which one are you interested in?Step2 Fast reading: Read the text, then match the paragraphs with their main idea.Paragraph 1 at the bus stopParagraph 2 afternoon teaParagraph 3 my experiences in EnglandParagr

5、aph 4 greetingsParagraph 5 traditional food【Post-reading】Careful reading: Please write down some English customs (风俗) / English ways of life. Para.2 (_)_Para.3 (_)_Para.4 (_)_Para.5 (_)_【Summary】I study, and I summarize.用can/ cant/ must/ mustnt 填空。1. You _ listen to your teacher carefully in class.2

6、. We _ cross the road if the traffic is busy.3. - Where_ my brother be? - He _be in the classroom, because I saw him in the library just now.4. Students _ copy others homework.5. - She _ speak English. - So _ I .【Classroom consolidation】翻译下面句子。1) 我在英国逗留的这段时间过得很开心,并且注意到了一些英国人生活方式的有趣事情。I _ _ _ ,and I

7、_ _ _ with the English way of life .2)比如,初次与人见面时,你必须称呼先生或女士。_ _ ,you _ _ Mr. or Mrs. when you meet someone for the first time.3)下午茶不仅仅是喝茶,而且是下午4点左右的一顿便餐。Afternoon tea _ _ _ a drink _ a light meal _ _ 4 pm .4)你可以在大街上的炸鱼加炸土豆条店购买并食用它.You _ _ it and _ it in special fish and chip shops on the _ _ .5)你要排队

8、等候。You need to _ _ _ _ and _ _ _.【Homework】.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1. The young man put the box on his s_ and went to his office quickly.2. Here comes the bus. Lets stand in a l_, Jane.3. My English teacher is a good teacher with a lot of e_.4. I dont understand. Can you give me another_(例子)?5.This mornin

9、g Mary had some_(三明治)and milk for breakfast.用所给词的适当形式填空1. You must_(finish)your homework and hand it in as soon as the class is over.2. Can you give me some advice about_(tradition)life in Britain?3. Lucy tried her best_(pass)the math exam, but she still failed at last.4. Its dark now. I have to_(go

10、)home.5.Did you enjoy_(you)at the concert?Yes, I enjoyed_(listen)to music all the time.单项选择1. The English teacher said that we_ hand in our homework before Tuesday.A. canB. needC. must D. may2. Ms Liu is _ a teacher_ a very good friend of ours.A. but; andB. just; butC. not just; butD. either; or3. H

11、urry up! Someone is _ you at the school gate.A.wait for B.waiting forC.wait at D.waiting at4.Where is Tom?I_ him_ the room just now.A. notice; enteredB. notice; enteringC. noticed; enterD. noticed; entered5._the black bag and bring me the orange one.A. Take awayB. Take inC. Take out ofD. Get out of 家长签字教师评价批改日期【课后反思】_答案:【Classroom consolidation】翻译下面句子。en


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