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1、必修2 Unit 2The Olympic Games 一轮复习,诸城繁华中学 崔俊娣,1.There are two main sets of Games- the Winter and the Summer Olympics, and both are held every four years on a regular basis. 2.Its kind of like having a dentist actually watch your brushing on a day- to- day basis.,3.Peter drove to Anns house to pick up

2、his dog, and saw Thomas and Tack crying in the window . (2014山东卷 A 篇) 4.As a long-distance swimmer, she would compete against herself and the obstacles presented by distance, danger, cold, and exhaustion.(2012天津阅读表达) 5.What position wilderness should enjoy in the preservation of the world obviously

3、deserves much more serious thinking.(2012北京阅读D),Learning aims: Learn and use,pete competition competitive competitor 2.magic magician 3.volunteer voluntary 4.base,basis,5.athlete athletic 6.host hostess 7.responsibility responsible 8.advertise advertisement advertiser,Game Time!,1,2,3,4,5,6,奥运旗帜上的五环

4、代表什么?,What do the five rings on the Olympic flag stand for?,我会娶亚特兰大 或者去死!,I will marry Atlanta- or die!,Theres as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals.,国与国之间争取奥运举办权的竞争,就跟争夺奥运奖牌一样激烈。,Liu Qian is a famous _.In the 2013 Spring Festival Party, he and DongQing, t

5、he CCTV _,performed a _, which impressed many people.,magician,hostess,magic,Our country will send you to _ in the basketball game. We are sure you will be more_ than the other _. (compete),compete,competitive,competitors,_should be honest with the . If you _your goods in a dishonest way, you will b

6、e fined much money.(advertise),Advertisers,advertisement,advertise,charge sb. with (doing) sth. 控告,控诉 charge sb. money for (doing) sth.收费,索价 charge a battery 给电池充电 free of charge 免费,be in charge of be in the charge of ,We live in what we call “the Information Age”,Was it in 1786 that the modern Olym

7、pics started?,She did not return that night,nor did she make a phone call. _,1.you can not be admitted to university/ 2.admission letter 3.which deserves a visit /visiting 4.admission tickets 5.had replaced 6. what it was 7.replace our motherland/take the place of my motherland,admitn./doing(having

8、done)/thatclause 承认某事/(已经)做了某事 admit sb./sth. to be 承认某人/某物是 admit sb. to/into.准许某人进入(或加入) n.admission,课本回想: Book7 Unit5 We will follow Xie Leis progress in later editions of this newspaper but for now, we wish Xie Lei all the best in her new enterprise. She deserves to succeed.,replace vt. 取代;替换;把放

9、回原处 replace sth. with/by sth. 用替换 take ones placetake the place of 代替,The Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world, which include two kinds, the _ and the _ Olympics. Both of them are _ every _ _. All countries can take part if their athletes reached the _ to the games.,Summary of t

10、he interview,Summer,Winter,held,four years,standard,Women are not only _ to join in but playing a very important role. A _ _ is built for the competitors to live in, a _ for competitions, a large swimming pool, a _ as well as seats for those who watch the games. Its a great _ to host the Olympic Gam

11、es. The Olive wreath has been _ by medals.,allowed,special village,stadium,gymnasium,honor,replaced,But its still about being able to run _, jump _ and throw _.,swifter,higher,further,The modern Olympics can date back to Ancient Greece . At that time, women are not allowed to take part in ,nor could

12、 the Olive Wreath, which stood for peace ,be sent to athletes. Nowadays, any athlete who has reached the standard can be admitted as competitor.,Its a great honor as well as a responsibility to host the Olympics, thats why many countries advertise on the poster. Though different from each other, the

13、 motto of Olympic Games is still about “Swifter, Higher and Stronger”.,Thats the motto of the Olympics, you know- Swifter, Higher and Stronger.,For each Olympics, a special village is built for them to live in, a main reception building, several stadium for competition and a gymnasium as well.,希望所有的高三学子:,Never will you give up, never will you give in , and never say never! 绝不,绝不,绝不放弃!,


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