北京市201X年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第05课时 课件

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1、第 5 课时,PART ONE,第一篇 教材梳理篇,基础自主梳理,cut,cute,daily,dance,danger,dangerous,dark,date,daughter,day,基础自主梳理,dead,deaf,deal,dear,decide,decision,deep,degree,delicious,deliver,基础自主梳理,depend,描述,设计,desk,destroy,发展,发展,dialogue (美dialog),diary,dictionary,基础自主梳理,die,difference,different,difficult,difficulty,dig,d


3、t,educate,education,影响,基础自主梳理,congratulateon,connect with,cut down,cut off,day and night,deal with,depend on (upon),die out,different from,divideinto,基础自主梳理,do ones best,do some cleaning (shopping),each other,earn ones living,eitheror,enjoy oneself,核心考点突破, decidev. 决定;选定,【题1】 选择正确的选项 Do you have any

4、 places for the coming vacation? Sure.We decide Seacha in July. A.visit B.visiting C.visited D.to visit,【题2】 用decide的适当形式填空 (1)Aron tells us of the importance of making a good , and of being in control of ones life. (2)He hasnt when to leave for Shanghai for the important meeting.,【归纳拓展】,D,decision,

5、decided,核心考点突破, dependv. 依靠;依赖;取决于,视而定,【题3】 用depend的适当形式填空 (1)As a teenager, we should learn to be . (2)The future of space research on how much money we have. (3)You should find a job and end your on your parents.,【归纳拓展】 depend的相关词性及短语拓展: (1)dependent adj. 依靠的;依赖的; independent adj. 独立的; dependence

6、n. 依靠;依赖 (2)depend on 依靠;依赖 (3)it/that depends 要视情况而定,【题4】 根据汉语意思完成句子 在日常生活中,我们做很多事都离不开能源。 We energy to do many things in our daily lives.,independent,depends,dependence,depend on,核心考点突破, direct adj.直接的;直达的;直截了当的 v.指挥;指导;监督;管理;指挥(演奏);导演(电影),【题5】 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)你得慢慢习惯他这种直接的方式。 You have to get used to

7、. (2)您能给我指引一下去汽车站的路怎么走吗? Could you me the way to the bus stop? (3)他想放弃表演,转而开始导演。 He wanted to give up acting and start .,【归纳拓展】 direct的相关词性拓展: (1)adj.直接的;直率的 (2)adv.径直地;直接地;直率地 (3)v.给指路 (4)v.管理;指导;导演,his direct manner,direct,directing,核心考点突破, developv.发展;冲洗(照片),【题6】 用develop的适当形式填空 (1)Sports can hel

8、p people their will and determination. (2)The photos were quickly . (3)With the of the living standard, more and more people feel very happy. (4)China is a country, while the US is a country.,【归纳拓展】 develop的相关词性拓展: (1)developed adj. 发达的 (2)developing adj. 发展中的 (3)development n. 发展;进展,develop,develop

9、ed,development,developing,developed,核心考点突破, doubtv.怀疑,【题7】 选择正确的选项 (1)I dont doubt shes telling the truth. A.if B.whether C.that D.why (2)I doubt he can arrive at school on time or not. A.if B.whether C.that D.how,【归纳拓展】,【题8】 根据中文提示写短语并作同义句转化 The girl will get the prize (毫无疑问), because she is the mo

10、st diligent student of our class. that the girl will get the prize, because she is the most diligent student of our class.,C,B,without doubt,There is no doubt,核心考点突破, downadv. 向下 prep. 沿着,【题9】 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)今天利率下调了。 Interest rates today. (2)他正沿海边走。 He is the seaside. (3)他情绪低落,因为每个人都看不起他。 He was so b

11、ecause everyone_ _ _him.,【归纳拓展】 1.down的相关词性拓展: (1)adv. 向下,在下面;减退下去,平息下去;往下方 (2)prep. 沿着,沿着 往下 (3)adj. 沮丧的,情绪低落的,came down,walking down,down,looked down,upon,核心考点突破,2.down的相关短语: cut down 砍倒; fall down 倒下; sit down 坐下; break down 发生故障; come down (价格,温度,比率等)下降;降低; calm down 保持冷静; put down 记下; 放下; letdo

12、wn 使失望或沮丧; turn down 把调小,关小; write down 写下,记下; look down upon 鄙视;看不起,核心考点突破, earn ones living谋生,【题10】 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)这个男人为谋生努力工作。 The man works hard to . (2)他在一所语言学校教书以维持生计。 He by teaching at a language school.,earn his living,earns his living,核心考点突破, do/try ones best尽某人的最大努力,【题11】 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)我们必须

13、尽最大的努力,使我们在功课上取得进步。 We must to make progress in our lessons. (2)尽管我们最后可能会失败,但是我们必须尽最大的努力去做这些事。 Although we may fail in the end, we must _ these things.,【归纳拓展】 该短语后接不定式,即do/try ones best to do sth。,do/try our best,our best to do,do/try,核心考点突破, congratulationson祝贺,【题12】 根据汉语意思完成句子 祝贺法国足球队获得了2018年俄罗斯世界

14、杯。 the French national football team winning the World Cup in 2018 in Russia.,【归纳拓展】 congratulation用法小结: (1)congratulations to sb on sth意为“为某事向某人祝贺”。 (2)congratulate是congratulation的动词形式。,Congratulations to,on,一词多义积累,(1)He can draw a horse in ten seconds. (2)At the end of the class I drew a conclusio

15、n. (3)Christmas is drawing near. (4)I drew 50 pounds in the bank last Sunday. (5)I drew my chair up to the table.,1.draw v. 绘画 B.向(某方向)移动,行进 C.拉(动),拖(动) D.获取,得出(知识、经验等) E.提取(金钱),根据语境,判断单词在句中的意思(写出该词所属义项的英文大写字母即可),A,D,B,E,C,一词多义积累,(1)He almost drives me crazy. (2)He can drive very well and he drives

16、to work every day. (3)He took her out for a drive.,2.drive A.v.驾驶,开车 B.v.迫使(某人生气、发疯或做出极端事情) C.n.驱车旅行,驾车路程,B,A,C,一词多义积累,(1)Can you develop this film for us? (2)Her son developed a serious illness when he was two. (3)The company develops and markets new software(软件). (4)Now you have an opportunity to develop a greater understanding of each other. (5)She developed the t


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