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1、关于薪酬的常用句子据 360教育集团介绍:招聘面试谈论薪水常用的句子:Could you give me some idea of the pay? 您能说明一下薪水吗?What is your salary now? 你现在薪水多少?What salary do you get in your present position? 你现在的薪水是多少?The salary at the previous position? 以前的薪水是多少?Whats your monthly salary? 你的月薪是多少?What were they paying you, if you dont min

2、d my asking? 他们付给你多少薪水,如果你不介意我问这个问题?2,000 yuan per month. 每月 2000元人民币。At present I get 2,000 yuan per month. 目前我一个月拿 2000元。Im making two thousand yuan a month at my current job. 我现在每月挣 2,000元。My present pay is RMB 2,000 yuan each month. 我现在月薪人民币 2000元。Im paid RMB 1,800 plus some allowance and bonus

3、that comes to about RMB 2,200 per month. 我的月薪是 1800元人民币,之外加津贴和奖金,一共大概 2200元人民币。I worked by the hour. One hundred yuan per hour. 我按时计酬,每小时 100元。Hows 40 an hour to start? 开始每小时 40元怎么样?How much do you hope to get a month here? 在这你希望一个月拿多少钱?What is your expected salary? 你要求的薪水是多少?What salary do you thin

4、k you deserve? 你认为你应该拿多少工资?What kind of salary are you seeking? 你要什么样的工资?Hoe much money are you looking for in this job? 就这个工作而言你希望的薪水是多少?Miss Li, if we decide to employ you, how much do you expect to get a month? 李小姐,如果我们聘用你,你希望一个月挣多少钱?I dont suppose this job will give me lower salary.当然不希望比现在挣得少。S

5、ince this will be my first job and I dont have much experience, I feel hesitate to suggest salary. 由于这是我的第一份工作,又没有工作经验,所以不敢贸然提出待遇要求。What starting salary would you expect here? 你希望起薪是多少?4,000 yuan per month. 月薪 4000元人民币。Could you provide me with a monthly salary of four thousand yuan? 你们能一个月付给我4,000元

6、吗?Thats a little more than we had planned. 这比我们计划的多了一些。I dont think we can give you that much as the starting salary. 我想起薪不可能给你这么高。Based on my skills and experience, its not high nowadays you know. 你知道,根据我的技能和经验,这不算高。I think youll find Im worth it. 我想您会发现我值得拿这些钱的。Maybe, but we can supply you with an

7、 apartment apart for other fringe benefits. 但我们可以给你提供一套住房做为其他福利。Thats fair enough. Any way, I dont oen a house and have to rent one. 这就很公平了。不管怎样,我还没有自己的房子,只能租房。No problem, we pay 3,000 yuan per month. Plus a 20% commission on all, a company car and other benefits. 没问题,我们每月付你 3000元,另外 20%的佣金,一辆公司的汽车以

8、及其他的福利。We give bonuses semi-annually. 我们半年发一次奖金。That sounds reasonable. 听起来很合理。I think so. 我想也是。If you would get a salary of 3,000 yuan per month, is it acceptable to you? 如果给你月薪3000元,你能接受吗?Yes, it is. 能接受。Its our policy to hire on a trial basis. 我们雇佣员工有试用期的规定。If you work all right after three month

9、s you will be put on the permanent payroll and be give a raise. 三个月试用后,如一切顺利,将转为正式员工并且加薪。Raises are given afer three months probation period according to your performance. 三个月的试用期后将根据工作表现加薪。Thats fine. I will follow whatever rules you have here. 很好,我将照您这里的规矩。If we decide to hire you, wed pay you two

10、 thousand and five hundred yuan a month at the start. 如果我们决定雇用你,我们起薪每月付你 2500元。You can have Saturdays and Sundays off. Besides, you may have a paid month holiday every year. 你可以有周六和周日的假期,此外,你可以每年休一个月的带薪假。As for salary, I leave it to you. 关于薪水,请您定夺。As regards salary, I leave it to you to decide after

11、 learning some of my capacity. 至于薪水,留给您对我的能力有所了解之后再决定吧。With regard to salary, I leave the decision up to you to decide according to my performance. 关于薪水,请贵公司看我的工作表现而定。Well. Youll be hearing from us within the next few days. 好,几天内听我们的通知。主动要求加薪常用的句子:Could we possibly discuss my salary some time? 我们可不可

12、以找些时间谈谈我的工资问题?Boss, do you think we could talk about my current salary? 老板,我们能谈谈我现在的薪水吗?May I have a pay raise? 我能加薪吗?Could you give me a raise? 能不能给我加薪?I need a raise. 我需要加薪。I want to get a pay raise. 我要加薪。Give us a raise in salary! 给我们加薪!Id like to have a chance of a pay raise. 我希望能有加薪的机会。I think

13、I deserve the raise. 我觉得我该得到加薪。I hope youll seriously consider a pay increase. 请你认真考虑给我加薪。Do you think it would be possible to give me a pay raise? 您认为可以给我加薪吗?Id like to ask for a raise can you give me a ballpark figure? 我要求加薪,你能告诉我一个大约的数字吗?Ive been working here for nine months and I feel I deserve

14、a raise. 我在这里已经做了九个月,我觉得我应该加薪了。I deserve a raise and a promotion. 我理应获得加薪和晋升。I was shooting for a pay raise. 我打算加薪。I was wondering if perhaps you remember your promising to increase my salary? 我不知道是否您还记得答应给我加薪的事?What makes you think we should give you a raise? 你为什么认为我们应该给你加薪呢?Manager, my salary isnt

15、 enough to support me and my family. 经理,我的薪水都不够养活我和我的家人。I just helped get an important client. 我刚刚帮忙得到了一个很重要的客户。You promised to give me a pay raise after six-month probation. 您答应过我六个月试用期后给我加薪。His pay is two times as muchas mine. 他的薪水是我的 2倍。My pay is only two thirds of his. 我的薪水仅仅是他的三分之二。If I dont ge

16、t a pay rise Ill quit. 若不给加薪,我就不干了。When was the last time you got a raise? 你上一次加薪是什么时候?What salary would you expect to get? 你的薪水要求多少?I want to get a 10% pay raise. 我想要加薪 10%I could really use a 5% raise. 我想涨 5%的工资。But money is really a bit tight now. 但现在资金紧张。Im afraid we cant increase salary this year, money just too title. 我们今年恐怕不能加薪了,预算很紧。But we are not in the position yet to give you a raise. 但是,我们目前没有办法给你加薪。Now would be an injudicious m



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