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1、 北大星学校 28481698剑桥少儿英语二级下册期中测试卷姓名:_ 分数:_一、听录音选择你所听到句子中所含的单词(10 分)1.( ) A.jungle B.island C.mountain D.village2.( ) A.cough B.headache C.earache D.temperature3.( ) A.seventh B.sixteenth C.ninth D.twentieth4.( ) A.library B.zoo C.hurt D.hear5.( ) A.windy B.rainy C.snowy D.cloudy6.( ) A.inside B.outside

2、 C.island D.interesting7.( ) A.exciting B.soup C.live D.taste8.( ) A.smell B.sand C.sweet D.snowy9.( ) A.weather B.doctor C.tooth D.river10.( ) A.forest B.flower C.field D.juice二、听录音选择正确的答语。 (10 分)1. ( )Where did you go on the holidays? A.I went to many places. B. I go to the Hainan island 2. ( )Wha

3、ts the matter with you? A.I have a bad tooth. B.Im running a temperature.3.( )What can you see in the picture? A.I can smell the flowers with my nose. B.I can see some flowers with my eyes.4. ( ) There are girls in our class. 北大星学校 28481698A .nineteen B. nineteenth 5. ( )What did you do yesterday?A.

4、 I went swimming yesterday. B I went shopping yesterday.三.按要求填空.(20 分)一杯茶 一瓶果汁 jungle_ snowy_ waterfall_岛屿_ headache_ 晴天_ 一的基数词_ 十的序数词_四、单项选择(30 分)1.( ) What is she _? She is reading a book.A.do B.doing C.does2.( ) Whats the matter?A.Im a boy B.Ive got a new bag C. Ive got a stomachache3. ( ) Whats

5、the weather like today? _.A.Its a sunny day. B.It was snowy. C.I dont like cloudy days.4.( ) Can I help you?A. I cant help it. B yes, you need help C. Oh yes, please5.( )_ windows are there in your classroom? There are five windows in my classroom .A.What is B.How many C. How much6.( ) Where can I g

6、et the water?A. In a small shop. B.You can eat this. C. Dont worry.7.( ) Would you like a bowl of soup? 北大星学校 28481698A. Id like a bag of popcorn. B. Yes, I would. C: No, I would. 8.( ) What books do you like _?A.read B.reads C.reading9.( ) Where is Tom going? A. Hes watching TV. B.He can do it. C.

7、Hes going to his school10.( ) Which floor do you live on? I live on the_ floor. A.ninth B.ten C.twenty11.( ) Whats your favourite food? _A. Dog B. My mother C. chichen12.( ) Would you like a glass of juice? _A.Yes,please B.I dont want water. C.I see13.( ) Where do you like living? _A.I can breathe c

8、lean air B.I can see a film. C.I like living in the country.14.( ) Where are you going? _ the zoo.A. Im going to B. Id like to go to C.I want to go to15. ( ) Would you like to go? _A.Sorry, I dont want to go. B.I have never been there. C.Yes, it is.五、填入动词的适当形式(10 分)1.Whats the weather like today? It

9、s_(rain)?2.Whats the matter with this doll? Shes _(get) an earache.3.Where do you like _(live)?4.Ive _(get) to go and see.5.What can you _(do) in the city. 北大星学校 28481698六、在横线上填入正确的单词(10 分)1.This animal has got five arms. _2.It is very colourful. _3.This animal uses its arms and legs to climb trees.

10、 _4.This animal moves without any arms or legs. _5.Its a place where you can see many, many trees. _七、阅读理解(10 分)Mr Li is our English teacher. His home is near the school. Sometimes we go to his home. He has two sons. They are only five years old. They look like their father. They often wear the same

11、 clothes. We love to see them and play with them. Mr Li calls them Da Bao and Xiao Bao. ( )1Mr Li is the father of_. Athe two girls Bthe twins Cus and the two boys ( )2Mr Lis home is_. . Ain the school Bnear the school Cfar away from the school. ( )3The twins are_. . Aten Bfour Cfive ( )4The twins ofton wear_. . Athe same clothes Bthe blue shirts Cthe same shirts ( )5The twins often play with_. ATheir students Btheir sister CMr Lis studentsdolphin star-fish snake flower forest



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