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1、8B Unit 5 Good manners单元重点知识点总览1. Youre old enough to learn about manners now. 你年龄够大了可以了解礼貌了。Enough 作副词用时,意为“充分地,足够”,修饰形容词,副词,enough要置于被修饰的词的后面。2. Youre never too old to learn.你应活到老学到老。Tooto意为 “太而不能” 。短语中too是副词,后接形容词或副词; to是动词不定式的符号,后接动词原形。3. Invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事;Invite sb. to邀请某人到(参加活动),其中

2、to为介词,后接名词或动名词。4. If youre in their way, they wont touch you or push past you.当你挡了他们的路,他们不会碰你或从你身边挤过去。含way的短语归纳:In ones way挡道;by the way顺便说;inway以.方式;on ones way在路上;5. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.在罗马的时候像罗马人那样做(入乡随俗)。As连词,意为“照着,如同”;如:We did as he told us and we won the first place in the League

3、 at last.我们按他所讲的那样去做,终于在联赛中获得第一名。拓展:as用法当时候;The teacher came in just as Li Lei was making a face.就在李雷做鬼脸时老师进来了。 因为,由于;As Miss Strong is absent, we have to put off the talk.由于斯特朗小姐缺席,我们只得将讲座延期举行。语法:1. enough to本结构的基本形式为“to be + 形容词/副词 + enough to + 动词原形”,意为“足够, 可以”用来形容一个人的性格特性及能力。You are old enough t

4、o learn about manners.你年龄足够大了,可以学习礼仪了。If you are in their way, British people will be polite enough to wait till you move.如果你挡了他们的路,英国人会足够礼帽一直等到你离开。2. too to本结构的基本形式为“to be + too + 形容词/副词 + to + 动词原形”,意为“太而不能”。该句型在形式上是肯定结构,但表达的却是否定意义。Im too busy to take care of my baby.我太忙了,没时间照顾我的小孩。Ive been workin

5、g too hard to notice my health problems.我一直很努力地工作,都没注意到自己的身体状况。【注意】在tooto 结构中,如果不定式中的动词为不及物动词时,则应在动词之后再追加上适当的介词。The room is too small for us to live in.单元重点短语归纳1. cut in (on sb. / sth.) 打断(谈话),插嘴2. in public 公开地,在别人面前3. in ones way 挡住某人的路4. as well (as) 也,还有5. keep sb. from sth. 保护,使免受6. above all 首

6、要的是7. shake sb.s hand 与某人握手8. push in 插队,加塞9. excuse me 劳驾10. by accident 偶然,意外地11. soon after 不久以后12. shake sbs hand 与某人握手13. as well 也,还有14. warn sb. not to do sth. 警告某人不要做某事15. keep in mind 将记在心中句型归纳1. Its ones turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事2. turn to sb. for help 求助于某人3. be busy doing sth 忙于(做)某事4. warn

7、 sb ( not) to do sth 警告某人(不)要做老婆5. risk doing sth 冒险做某事6. invite sb. to some place for sth. 为某事邀请某人去某处7. need doing sth. 某事需要被做8. happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事8B Unit 5单元测试(A)卷一、短语翻译(每题1分,共10分)1. 有礼貌_2. 打断别人_ 3. 摘花_4. 遵守交通规则_ 5. 按次序排队等候_6. 到处乱扔垃圾_ 7. 撞上;偶然碰到_8. 合适的方式_ 9. 避免做某事_10. 第一次_ 二、单项选择(每题1分,共15分)(

8、) 1. (2015 安徽中考)Would you like to play football after school ? _ . I have a lot of homework to do.A. Im afraid notB. Enjoy yourselfC. Take your timeD. It takes no time( ) 2. (2015 陕西中考)Before you go to Canada, you need to learn more _ it.A. fromB. inC. byD. about( ) 3. (2015 山东东营中考)It is a world of

9、flowers in spring in Dongying. You can see flowers_.A. hereB. thereC. somewhereD. everywhere( ) 4. (2015辽宁丹东中考)Oh, its too difficult for me_ the work in such a short time.Anything is possible if you put your heart into it.A. finishB. finishingC. finishedD. to finish( ) 5. (2015 四川眉山中考)What _ do you

10、have to do besides _ the room at home? I have to take out the trash.A. else;cleaningB. else;cleanC. other;cleaningD. other;clean( ) 6. (2015四川德阳中考)The old man was _ tired _ walk any farther.A. so;asB. too;toC. so;toD. very;to( ) 7. (2015江苏无锡中考) Is your sleeping problem getting better?No. And _. They

11、 gave me the wrong medicine this time. Can you believe that?A. a good miss is as good as a mileB. it never rains but it poursC. the early bird catches the wormD. every dog has its day( ) 8. (2015江苏淮安中考) All the people of Huaian need to work together to make our city more beautiful. _.A. Practice mak

12、es perfectB. Many hands make light workC. When in Rome, do as the Romans doD. A friend in need is a friend indeed( ) 9. (2015江苏盐城)Audrey Hepburn, one of the greatest actresses, was _ to take on challenges in her.A. enough braveB. brave enoughC. stupid enoughD. enough stupid( ) 10. (2015湖北黄冈) China i

13、s getting better and better at making high technology products. Thats right. People around the world can hardly avoid_ products made in China.A. not buyingB. not to buyC. to buyD. buying( ) 11. (2015江苏扬州) I cant believe you have finished the work. My friends helped me out. Just as the saying goes, “_”.A. Practice makes perfectB. Put all your eggs in one basketC. Burn the candle at both endsD. Many hands make light work( ) 12. (2015江苏泰州) Is it possible for David to win first prize in the running race? _. He needs to practice more.A. Bad luckB. I hope notC. Im afraid not


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