高考短文改错知识点总结 .

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《高考短文改错知识点总结 .》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考短文改错知识点总结 .(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 短文改错考情分析:1. 词类用法:考查不同词类的不同用法, 与语法填空中的词性转换考点相同。2. 辨析:只考many与much, here与there, some与any, ago与before等十分常见的词之间的混用, 这些词是稍有语感、不讲自会的, 千万别走入过去凡遇近义词必辨的误区。3. 其他:指不便归于某一语法项目的考点。2014课标卷Isomewhere everywhere 2014课标卷IIThey There (there be句型写成they be)2014大纲卷should able to should be able to (漏掉be,因able是形容词, 不能作谓语,

2、 加be)2013课标卷Iremember much rememberwell /clearly (习惯修饰语,记得清楚,而非记得非常。)2013课标卷IIwas drank was drunk (过去分词拼写错误)2013大纲卷stand stand up (漏掉up)2012课标卷do wrong go wrong (可列到辨析类)2012大纲卷Icut off cut down (语境意义)2011大纲卷Ithink over think of(语境意义)2011大纲卷IIso +adj. + that写成so much +adj. +that (如此以致);more than happ

3、y写成了better than happy (非常高兴)命题特点 用来命题的短文内容与学生的学习生活非常贴近,好像就是学生的习作。 长度均在100词左右。 这些材料都是记叙文。 新课标卷的设题通常是:1处多1个词,1处少1个词,8处错1个词。5. 要求考生添加或删除的词通常是虚词。 少了一个词,要求添加的词有: 冠词:in countryside in the countryside(2015课标I) As result As a result(2014课标I) 介词:listening music listening to music(2014课标II) 连词:He had, he was

4、He had, and he was(2013课标I) 不定式符号:came see me came to see me(2007课标) 物主代词:Tom saw parents Tom saw his parents(2015课标II) 多了一个词,要求删除的词有:介词、冠词、连词、助动词、不定式符号to。 冠词:In a fact In fact(2013课标I) all kinds of the flowers all kinds of flowers(2014课标II) 介词:he lent to me lots of clothes he lent me lots of clothe

5、s(2011课标) 连词:AlthoughbutAlthough(2014课标I) 不定式符号:had better to stop had better stop(2009课标) 助动词:has brought brought(2010课标) Lots of studies have been shown Lots of studies have shown(2015课标I) 副词:so very much that so much that (2015课标II) 需要变形的词通常是名词、动词、形容词、副词。 所有考点都是最基本的语法知识、最常用的单词和短语的意义与用法,以及逻辑意义的连贯。

6、没有超出中学课本中讲的语法内容。即只要掌握课本中讲的语法就足以应对考试了。短文改错与语法填空的异同:相同:主要考点基本相同。 名词、代词、冠词、介词、连词。 时态一致、主谓一致、非谓语动词、词类用法、比较等级。以上两个方面分别对应语法填空的纯空格题和给词题。备考内容:主要从以下十个方面入手。考点1:名词的数与格 在several, few, many, one of, a couple of, three, one and a half, a large number of, scores of, dozens of等词语后,或虽没有这些词但语境提示我们,本应接复数可数名词的,但文中却用了单数

7、。如:For example, we can do reading for one and a half hour and(hour hours)2014课标II 像advice, fun, homework, information, news, progress, equipment, furniture, baggage, luggage, jewellery, clothing等绝对不可数名词是没有复数形式的,但在文中却用了复数。如:It felt very strange to travel without any luggages. (luggages luggage)2011课标

8、 本应用名词的所有格的,但文中没有用。如:When I finally arrived at my friend he lent me lots of clothes. (my friend my friends)2011课标考点2:指代一致 上下文的人称不一致。如:Thank you very much for showing them around your city and providing us with the wonderful meals. (them us) 2011大纲 上下文的单复数不一致。如:both of them have similar ideas Otherwi

9、se, it is impossible for him to help each other and to make their friendship last long. (him them)2014大纲 上下文的性别不一致。如:Before her leaving, I prepared a gift to show my best wishes to him. She said (him her) 2010大纲 人称代词格的误用。如:Li Mings parents invited I to spend two wonderful weeks in Qingdao with them

10、(I me)2007课标 人称代词、反身代词、疑问代词等的错用。如:He had a deep voice, which set himself apart from others (从句主语which是指the voice, 这种声音使“他”与别人分离, 故改himself为him)2013课标I考点3:冠词 基本用法:单数可数名词前,表示“一个/段/座/本”等时要用a或an;表示特指时用the。如:In other words, we would be separated for long time. (long time a long time)2010大纲Many countries

11、in the world find they dont have enough water. To deal with a problem, I think, we should (a the,特指上文提到缺少“这个”问题)2012大纲So when I have the problem, I will turn to her for help. (the a) 2013大纲 固定短语中多用或少用冠词。如:In a fact, he even scared my classmates away (In a fact In fact)2013课标IAs result, the plants ar

12、e growing everywhere. (As result As a result) 2014课标考点4:介词 常用介词的错用。如:Therefore, we have more time with after-school activities. (time for sth.做某事的时间) 2014课标II 固定词组中的介词误用。如:and with the help by our father, my sister and I planted some cherry tomatoes (with the help of在的帮助下) 2014课标I 固定词组中的介词漏用。如:(拓展)W

13、e can lie on the grass for a rest, or sit by the lake listening music. (listen to听) 2014课标II考点5:连词 although/though/while不与but连用;since /as/because不与so连用。如:Although we allow tomato plants to grow in the same place year after year, but we have never had any disease (去掉but或改为yet)2014课标I and与but用混。这是考得最多

14、的微考点。如:The more friends we have, the more we can learn from one another, but the more pleasure we can share together. ( but and,前后没有转折关系) 2014大纲 and与or。All I had to do was to write a story or present it. (or and)2010大纲Whats more, we can go to work by bike once and twice a week (and or)2012大纲 so与or。W

15、e were warned not to cheat again so she would need to see our parents. (so因此or否则) 2013四川 after与before。Before waiting for about half an hour, I was beginning to get impatient. (Before After逻辑)2013陕西 which与what。That is which other teachers say. (which what所的) 2013辽宁 多用或少用连词。如:With little sleep and hardly any break, so he works from morning till night. (去掉so)2013辽宁So if th



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