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1、Unit 12 Whats the best radio station? Self check,1. What did you _ in school today? 2. We _what movies students like watching. 3. It was interesting to hear what the class _ action movies.,learn,did a survey of,thought about,Fill in blanks,dance learn do a survey of go think about,4. Boys love actio

2、n movies but girls dont often _ to see them. 5. Can you _? We need some more actors for the talent show.,go,dance,6. Screen City is _ _(good) of all the theaters in town. 7. Screen City has _ _(big) screens and _ _ _ (comfortable) seats. 8. Town Cinema is _(cheap) than the other cinemas.,the best,th

3、e biggest,the most comfortable,cheaper,9.Town Cinema has _ (friendly) service than the others. 10. Jasons is _ _ _ (popular) of all the clothing stores. 11. Jasons has _ _ and _ _ (good cheap) quality clothes of all.,friendlier,the most popular,the best,the cheapest,Read the information and discuss:

4、 Which is the best city to visit for a winter ?Why?,Sanya,Beijing,Harbin,Sanya,Province: 省,southern: 南方的,15 c =fifteen degrees Celsius,Sanya is in Hainan Province in southern China. Its still (仍然)warm in winter. Its about 15C in the afternoon. Sanya has beautiful beaches. The price (价格)of a hotel ro

5、om is about 320 yuan a night.,三亚在中国南部的海南省.冬天仍很暖和.下午约15度.三亚有美丽的沙滩,酒店房价约320元/晚。,-10c minus ten degrees Celsius,Snow:下雪,enough: 足够的,Beijing is not very cold in winter. Its about -10C. It doesnt often rain or snow. Hotels usually cut their prices(减价) in winter. About 200 yuan a night is enough.,北京冬天不冷,大

6、约-10度,不经常下雨或雪,酒店通常在冬季减价,一晚约200元足够了。,Ice and Snow Festival 冰雪节,Harbin is in the north of China. Its cold in winter,sometimes -30C. Tourists need to wear warm clothes. There is an Ice and Snow Festival(冰雪节)in winter. A hotel room is about 230 yuan a night.,哈尔滨在中国北部,冬天很冷,有时 -30度,游客需穿暖和的衣服.冬天那儿有冰灯节,酒店房价

7、每晚约230元。,Read the text again and do these question: T or F,( ) There are lovely beaches in Sanya. ( ) In Beijing, it is about 30 C in winter. 3.( ) The price of a hotel room is about 200yuan a night in winter in Beijing.,T,F,T,4. ( ) It is warm in winter in Hainan. 5. ( ) It doesnt often snow or rai

8、n in winter in Harbin.,T,F,Read the text and complete the chart:,Sanya,Beijing,Beijing,Harbin,Sanya,Harbin,Explanation,1. Sanya is in Hainan Province. 三亚在海南省。 海南省要大写, 介词用in而且不加the。如: 河北省 in He Bei Province.,2. The price of a hotel room is about 320 yuan a night. 旅馆一个房间一晚上的价格大约在320元左右。 3. Harbin is i

9、n the north of China . 哈尔滨在中国的北部。 表示方位的有二个介词。 一个是in; 一个是to。,in the north 在北方 south 为南方,east为东方, west 为西方。 in the north of China . 表示哈尔滨在中国境内 它属于中国。此时用介词in。,如果一个地方不在一个地方内,如日本和中国的方位怎么说呢。日本在中国的东部。因为日本不在中国境内,因此我们不能用介词 “in”,而用介词 “to”。 Japan is to the east of China.,4. Tourists need to wear warm clothes .

10、 游客需要穿暖和的衣服。 5. There is an Ice and Snow Festival in winter. 在冬天有一个冰雪节。,6. Hotels usually cut their prices in winter. 旅馆通常在冬天里减价。 cut their prices. 降价、减价 7. About 200 yuan a night is enough. 一晚上大约200元足够了。,enough 可以修饰名词也可以修饰形容词。当它修饰名词时可放在名词的前边,也可放在后边。如:足够的水,enough water; 当它修饰形容词或副词时,则放在它的后边。,如: 足够大bi

11、g enough . 不能说成enough big . There is enough water (名) here. 这里有足够的水。 Your classroom is big (形) enough. 你的教室足够大。,本单元重点词汇词组,comfortable 舒适的 uncomfortable 不舒适的 cheap 便宜的 trendy 时髦的 unfashionable 不时髦的 fashionable 时尚的,时髦的 service 服务 good quality 好质量,positive 积极的 negative 消极的 dull 乏味、单调的 terrific 非常的、极好的

12、in the daytime 在白天 Ice and Snow Festival 冰雪节 seldom 很少、不常 enough 充足的、充分的,popular流行的 creative有创造性的; 富有想像力的 big screen 大屏幕 close to home 离家近 Circle Theatre弧形剧场 radio station 广播台,电台 Bargain Barn 廉价品倾销店,反意疑问句浅析 反意疑问句原则上遵循“前否定后肯定,前肯定后否定”的十二字口诀;但随着现代语言的发展,有时也不遵循这样的规则,发生了变化,变得更加口语化,这就需要我们对具体问题作具体分析。,1. Mr

13、Green went to Shenzhen on business last week, _? A. isnt he B. doesnt he C. didnt he D. hasnt he,C,解析:反意疑问句的后半部分(附加疑问句)必须在人称、数和时态上与前面的陈述部分保持一致;当前一部分的主语部分为名词时,后一部分的主语用相应的人称代词形式。本题中前一部分的谓语动词为一般过去时的行为动词的肯定形式,后一部分的助动词只能是didnt。,2. You often have bread for breakfast, _ you? A. dont B. havent C. arent D. w

14、ill,A,解析:have不当“有”讲时,用作行为动词。have当“有”讲进行句型转换时,可以添加助动词,也可以不加助动词,如: He has few friends in the new school, does / has he?,3. Alice has to finish her work now, _? A. has she B. hasnt she C. does she D. doesnt she 解析:have to虽与must同义,但它变反意疑问句时要像行为动词一样去变。,D,4. The poor man needs our help, _ he? A. need B. n

15、eednt C. does D. doesnt,D,解析:need 既可作行为动词,又可作情态动词。本题中need用了第三人称单数形式,显然是行为动词,变反意疑问句时,附加疑问句中只能选用适当的助动词。,5. Lets go and fly kites, _? Wonderful! A. will you B. shall we C. dont you D. do you,B,解析:祈使句变反意疑问句,前一部分为肯定形式时,后一部分用will you,would you, can you, cant you及could you;而前一部分为否定形式时,后一部分只能用will you。 以lets开头的祈使句,附加疑问句常用shall we。,注意:lets与let us是有区别的,let us像一般的祈使句一样,附加疑问句应为will you。,6. There is little milk in the bottle, _? A. isnt there B. is there C. isnt it D. is it,B,解析: 陈述部分是there be结构,附加疑问句用be (not) + there的形式。含有little, few, hardly, never, seldom, nothing等否定意



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