雅思考试模拟试题(含答案) .

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1、ITELS Test4 Completion Complete each sentence or statement. INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the sentences with one word for each blank. 1. A _ is a period of time which covers ten years, such as the 1930s or 1950s. 2. Teachers give lessons to pupils in schools, but at colleges students are given lectures and

2、 tutorials by college _. 3. _ went all over North America to seek and gather examples of popular folk music; they were looking for the true music of the people. 4. A _ is a single part of a collection or set of reference books in which poems, folk music or stories are brought together. 5. Written ma

3、terial such as stories, poems or songs which have been collected together but not printed in a book or made widely available to the public are known as _ collections. 6. Another three-word hyphenated phrase for state-of-the art is _-_-_. 7. Someone who gives advice to an organisation for no payment,

4、 or a very small token sum, is called an _ consultant. 8. The serious shortage of trained musicians caused a _ in the supply of violin players for the city orchestra, and only two could be found. 9. If someone doesnt want to make money out of their research or their interests and they give their ser

5、vices to an organisation for nothing, they can be said to have a no _ _ for their activities. 10. In the United Kingdom, the head of a prison is a governor, but in the USA, a _ is the highest figure of authority. 11. When I had chosen the books I wanted to borrow from the library, I gave them to the

6、 _ to check them out to me. 12. The rebels were described as _ because their ideas and activities were secret and they intended to damage or destroy the established system of government. 13. To survive in the wild, animals like lions have purely _ reactions, and it is inevitable that they will attac

7、k and kill weaker animals. 14. If people are treated badly by the government in power, they are likely to behave in a _ way, by disobeying laws, becoming angry and trying to illegally overthrow the established order. 15. Sometimes books like the Harry Potter stories _ equally to both children and gr

8、own-ups, and they are therefore difficult to classify as either childrens literature or adult fiction. 16. The female equivalent of the word hero is _. 17. One of the tasks an _ is responsible for, is checking a writers work for errors before it is sent to a publisher. 18. Many childrens books deal

9、with the _ for treasure, where the characters set out to discover valuable items such as diamonds or money. 19. The publishers printed too many books and they had to sell the _ production at reduced prices. 20. The _ is the chief character in a play or story, around whom the action takes place. 21.

10、_ is the branch of knowledge dealing with scientific and industrial methods and their practical use in industry. 22. Our _ are the people who lived in past times and passed on their ideas and culture to our modern civilisations. 23. A _, for example a donkey, is a living thing produced from the pare

11、nts of different breeds. 24. In electronic circuits, the various components such as resistors, transistors or capacitors are not drawn exactly as they are, but are represented by _. 25. A _ is a set of beliefs, which could be religious or scientific, which people are expected to accept without chall

12、enging it. 26. The results of the experiment were uncertain and it is now _ whether we shall receive further funding from the university to continue our research. 27. An _ is produced by artists when they use knives or chisels to cut their designs into a metal or wooden surface which is later inked

13、and printed onto paper. 28. Many travelling families who previously lived their lives in mobile caravans, moving from place to place, are now building _ camp sites to find a more settled way of life. 29. The _ is the bone structure which surrounds and protects our brains. 30. _ is the term used for

14、trees which are taken from forests to provide wood for use in the construction of buildings. Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. INSTRUCTIONS: Read the sentence and decide which answer: a, b, or c, best matches the meaning of the underlined words. Write your answer: a, b, or c, in the space provided. _ 31. Someone who is thought


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